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By: Dustin M. Ramsey (
Feeding on P.P.E., these giant insect-like hive creatures are the
natural predators of any magic wielding being. After finding a P.P.E.
laden victim using their formidable magical senses, the wasps swarm
over their target, extracting a tiny amount of P.P.E. (about one
point) with each bite. While this may seam rather insignificant, a
hunting swarm (2D4 x 10 P.P.E. Wasps) can render a mage powerless in
short order!
Draining their victims dry of P.P.E., the hunting swarm will
return to its hive where each of the wasps secrete a honey like fluid
that is rich in P.P.E. This mystic honey is then sealed into honey
combs where it is later used to nourish every member of the hive.
While the mystic honey contains a large amount of magic energy
(about 50 P.P.E. per ounce of the thick fluid), few creatures are
able to fight off an entire hive to harvest it (typically 2D4 x 100
P.P.E. Wasp
Alignments: Animal, typically considered anarchist.
Attributes: I.Q.: low animal; about 1D4, M.E.:
2D6, M.A.: 1D4, P.S.: 2D6, P.P.: 2D6+12,
P.E.: 2D6+10, P.B.: 1D6, Spd: 2D6 crawling, or
2D4 x 10 flying.
Hit Points: Considered to be an M.D.C. creature in a high
magic environment such as RIFTS Earth.
S.D.C.: See M.D.C.
M.D.C.: P.E. + 2D4
Natural Armor Rating: None
Horror Factor: A hunting swarm has a horror factor of 8. A
full hive swarm has a horror factor of 12.
P.P.E.: 1D4
I.S.P.: None.
Natural Abilities: Keen vision, and the equivalent of the
spells Sense Magic and Sense P.P.E. at a level 10 proficiency (no
P.P.E. cost). The P.P.E. Wasps bio-regenerate 1D6 M.D.C. per day.
Each time the wasp bites a supernatural being, creature of magic,
or mage, the wasp can syphon off one (1) point of the victim's
Combat: Two attacks per melee.
Damage: Bite: 1 point of damage (either S.D.C. or M.D.C.; the
Wasp can regulate the amount of damage it does) and can syphon P.P.E.
(see natural abilities), plus a powerful sting that can easily kill
an un-armoured human: 1D4 M.D.
Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +1 to strike and parry, +2 to
dodge, +6 to dodge in flight, and +2 to save vs. magic. (All bonuses
are in addition to attribute bonuses)
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: Fifteen months.
O.C.C's: None. Considered to be a supernatural predator
Skills of Note: Land Navigation and Sense Water (5 miles) at
Habitat: Prefer hot, wet climes such as jungles. The wasps'
hive is usually built in hollowed out trunk of giant trees.
Enemies: None per se; they view creatures of magic and mages
as potential food sources.
Allies: None per se.
Physical Appearance: Virtually identical to terrestrial wasps,
except for the fact that they are four to six inches in length.
Notes: If the magic honey could be safely removed from the
wasps' hive (the wasps themselves work quite hard to ensure that
their food supply is not pilfered), it could easily sell for 10,000
credits per ounce to mages on the black market.