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Advanced Ranged Combat Rules

By: Dustin M. Ramsey (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)

With Contributions from (and special thanks to): Splynn (thoth@netside.com), Wayne Braden (wbrade01@mpg.gmpt.gmeds.com), Joe Delisle (jd@clark.net), Brett J. Exelby (Brett.Exelby@jcu.edu.au), Morpheus (morpheus@teleport.com) and all of the rest of the gang on the old Berkeley Palladium Listserve (palladium@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU).

Based on Concepts and Game Design by: Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books (http://www.palladiumbooks.com)


  • Base number to strike: 8.

Called Shot

  • To strike a specific target or area: -7 to hit.

Close Proximity

  • Close proximity strikes (50ft or less) are +1 to strike.
  • Strikes that are point blank (10ft or closer), automatically hit if the target is immobile (unconscious or tied up people, doors, etc.).


  • Distance Penalty without Sensor Systems (targeting by line-of-sight only): -1 to strike for every 250ft of distance.
  • Distance Penalty with Sensor Systems: -1 to strike for every 500ft of distance, up to maximum sensor system range (10 miles for most power armours, 30 miles for most robot vehicles).
  • Telescopic Scope Bonus: negates one point of to strike penalty for each power of magnification.
  • Target beyond maximum weapon range: -4 to strike for every 25ft beyond the maximum weapon range, plus there are no W.P. Skill Bonuses to hit.

Target Size

  • Size Bonus: +1 to strike for every 10ft of height or width of a target.
  • Size Penalty: -1 to strike targets between 5ft and 3ft of size, -4 to strike targets between 3ft and 1ft of size, and targets smaller than 1ft count as a Called Shot.


  • Target moving up to 40mph: -3 to strike.
  • Target moving 40mph+: -6 to strike.
  • Shooting from a moving object (car, hover vehicle, horse, or other moving platform); all shots are Wild. This does not include the firing of weapon systems built into power armour, robots, cyborgs, or mounted weapons or turrets built into combat vehicles.

Aimed Shots

  • All Aimed shots with a W.P. are at +3 to strike (+4 to hit with a Revolver).


  • All Bursts (whether short, long, rail gun, multi-pulse, etc.) with a W.P. are at +1 to hit.
  • All Bursts (whether short, long, rail gun, multi-pulse, etc.) without a W.P. are Wild and -6 to strike.

Wild Shots

  • All Wild shots (either un-aimed or sprayed into an area) with a W.P. receive neither a bonus nor a penalty to strike.
  • All Wild shots without a W.P. are -6 to strike.

Modern Weapon Proficiencies

  • Every third level advanced with a W.P. receives a +1 to hit (e.g.: a fourth level character with a W.P. would have +4 on an aimed shot, +2 on a burst, +1 on wild shots, a seventh level character with a W.P. would have +5 on an aimed shot, +3 on a burst, +2 on wild shots, etc.).


  • Virtually all rifles are designed as two-handed weapons for maximum accuracy, and are -1 to strike when fired with one hand (Triax FSE-Clip weapons are -2 to strike when fired one-handed).
  • All missiles are either self-guided (+3 to strike) or smart (+5 to strike, +4 to dodge) and do not enjoy the firer's bonuses to strike.
  • Mini-missiles are not self-guided and enjoy the firer's bonuses to strike. Bonuses may be derived from W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons where appropriate (remember that as many as two mini-missiles may be fired in an aimed shot).
  • Physical training and other strike bonuses do not apply to modern weapons.



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