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By: The Kitsune (foxtrot_xray@hotmail.com)
Mystic Zanshin (Spell and Ritual)Range: Self or others by ritual (has a 60 ft [18.3
meter] radius) This spell is similar to the psionic ability of Sixth Sense. The spell creates a 60 foot (18.3 meter) radius field which will instantly alert the spell caster when any being tries to attack. Unlike the psychic ability, the spell lasts as long as its duration or until triggered, whichever comes first. The spell may be cast on someone else as a ritual in order to allow the spell caster to know if that individual is being attacked. Note that the spell is tailored for that person alone in those cases. Bonuses last only for first melee the spell is trigger on. Bonuses: +6 to Initiative, +2 to Parry, +3 to Dodge, and mage cannot be surprised from behind.
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