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Master O.C.C., P.C.C., R.C.C. & Race List

Compiled By: Warrior (excalibr@vii.com)
Updated By: William Fahrer (William1f@aol.com), Guarder (guarder1@theglobe.com) and Dustin M. Ramsey (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)

This list contains the Occupational Character Classes, Psychic Character Classes, Racial Character Classes, and Races available for player character selection. One of the attempts of this Master List has been to clarify some of the inconsistencies in Palladium’s definitions of O.C.C., P.C.C., R.C.C., and race. Many existing O.C.C./R.C.C.’s have been modified (see O.C.C./R.C.C. modifications section) and are signified by an asterisk (*). The availability of certain O.C.C./R.C.C.’s are limited to the discretion of the GM and to the nature of the current campaign.

The Master List covers all or part of the following books: Africa, Atlantis, Coalition War Campaign, Conversion Book (One), Conversion Book 2: Pantheons, England, Federation of Magic, Free Quebec, Japan, Juicer Uprising, Lone Star, Mercenaries, Mindwerks, New West, Phase World, Psyscape, Rifter #18, Rifter #21, Rifter # 5, Rifter #19, RIFTS,  South America, South America 2, Skrayper, Triax & the NGR, Underseas, Warlord of Russia, Wormwood, Vampire Kingdoms.

O.C.C. | P.C.C. | R.C.C. | Race | Notes


Occupational Character Classes (O.C.C.'s)
DescriptionSourcebookPage No.
African PriestAfrica85
African Rain MakerAfrica83
ArmorerRifter #569
Bandit (Peasant Thug)New West83
Bandit HighwaymanNew West85
BarnstormerRifter # 549
BersilatRifter #1830
BiomancerSouth America61
Bishamon Fighting MonkJapan55
Blood RiderSouth America 2 133
Body FixerRifts71
Bogatry/Hero-KnightWarlord of Russia58
Bounty HunterMercenaries19
New West87
CAF Fleet OfficerPhase World58
CAF ScientistPhase World60
CAF TrooperPhase World56
CAF TVIA InspectorPhase World59
City PoliceAustralia110
City RatRifts 73
City TraderAustralia67
Coalition Borg*Rifts47
Coalition Commando*Coalition War Campaign71
Coalition Cyborg Strike Trooper*Coalition War Campaign69
Coalition Elite Robot Pilot (SAMAS)*Rifts53
Coalition EOD Specialist*Coalition War Campaign73
Coalition Grunt*Rifts51
Coalition ISS Intel Specter*Coalition War Campaign184
Coalition ISS Peacekeeper*Coalition War Campaign180
Coalition ISS Specter*Coalition War Campaign182
Coalition Juicer*Juicer Uprising41
Coalition War Campaign76
Coalition Military Specialist*Rifts54
Coalition Nautical Specialist*Coalition War Campaign79
Coalition NTSET Protector*Coalition War Campaign188
Coalition Ranger/ Wilderness Scout*Coalition War Campaign80
Coalition RCSG Scientist*Coalition War Campaign82
Coalition RPA “Fly Boy” Ace*Coalition War Campaign84
Coalition Special Forces*Coalition War Campaign86
Coalition Technical Officer*Rifts55
ColonistPhase World42
ConjurerFederation of Magic82
CorruptFederation of Magic86
CowboyNew West110
Cosmo-KnightPhase World100
Cosmo-Knight, FallenPhase World102
Cossack ReaverWarlord of Russia61
Cyber Slinger CyborgNew West189
Demon Queller*Japan64
“Descended” Glitter Boy Pilot of QuebecFree Quebec36
DiabolistConversion Book 149
Dragon Juicer (aka. Blood Drinker)Juicer Uprising47
Druid, DryadEngland40
Druid, FilidhEngland39
Druid, ScathachEngland41
EctohunterWarlord of Russia64
Euro-JuicerTriax & the NGR175
ExplorerWarlord of Russia66
Familiar WrangleRifter #2138
Freedom FighterPhase World83
Galactic TracerPhase World39
GamblerJuicer Uprising58
GauchoSouth America 2128
Glitter BoyRifts64
Gitter Girl PilotFree Quebec38
GunfighterNew West90
GunslingerNew West92
Grey SeerFederation of Magic88
Gun BrotherPhase World Sourcebook25
Gypsy SeerTriax & the NGR182
Gypsy ThiefTriax & the NGR180
Gypsy Wizard ThiefTriax & the NGR181
Gypsy: The GiftedTriax & the NGR184
Headhunter: Assassin*Canada113
Headhunter: Anti-Robot Specialize*Canada116
Headhunter: Techno-hound*Canada120
Headhunter: Techno-Warrior*Canada110
Huntsman-TrapperWarlord of Russia67
Hyperion JuicerJuicer Uprising30
Imperial LegionairePhase World82
Imperial Security AgentPhase World82
Inca Sun PriestSouth America 224
Inca WarriorSouth America 223
Infantry GruntAustralia122-124
Invincible GuardsmanPhase World Sourcebook32
Juicer Assassin*Juicer Uprising56
Juicer Gladiator*Juicer Uprising55
Juicer Scout*Juicer Uprising57
Justice RangerNew West96
Knight of the HospitalWormwood73
Knight of RoyaltyEngland103
Knight of the TempleWormwood70
Larhold RenegadeSouth America 218
Quebec Deep (undercover) Intel AgentFree Quebec32
Ley Line Walker*Rifts83
Magi: Batttle MagusFederation of Magic71
Magi: Battle Magus ControllerFederation of Magic74
Magi: High MagusFederation of Magic79
Magi: Lord MagusFederation of Magic77
Master AssassinMercenaries23
Maxi-Killer (Bio-Wizard Juicer)Juicer Uprising53
Medicine ManAfrica79
Mega-JuicerJuicer Uprising36
Megaversal Legion Destroyer Borg*South America 2107
Megaversal Legion Trooper*South America 2104
Millenium DruidEngland44
Mindwerks Full Conversion Borg*Mindwerks35
Mining BorgNew West113
Momano HeadhunterCanada122
Mystic KnightFederation of Magic91
Mystic NinjaJapan51
Navy SailorAustralia125
Nazca Line MakerSouth America 226
New Navy MarineUnderseas112
New Navy SeamanUnderseas111
Nexus KnightEngland98
NGR Communications Officer*Triax & the NGR158
NGR Cyborg Soldier*Triax & the NGR161
NGR Field Mechanic*Triax & the NGR162
NGR Infantry Soldier*Triax & the NGR157
NGR Intelligence Commando*Triax & the NGR172
NGR Intelligence Officer*Triax & the NGR171
NGR Medic/Medical Officer*Triax & the NGR159
NGR PoliceTriax & the NGR173
NGR Power-Armor Commando*Triax & the NGR164
NGR Robot Combat Pilot*Triax & the NGR165
NGR Robot Soldier*Triax & the NGR166
Ninja Borg*Japan88
Ninja Crazy*Japan86
Ninja Jucier*Japan84
Ninja Techno-WizardJapan89
Null PsyborgMindwerks37
Ocean WizardUnderseas60
Operator: ExpandedRifter #564
Operator: WildernessRifter #567
Phaeton JuicerJuicer Uprising35
Phase MysticPhase World29
PirateSouth America47
Plains Borg*South America 2129
Police: TRGAustralia112
PreacherNew West115
Professional GamblerNew West117
PriestConversion Book 2: Pantheons12
Priest of LightWormwood52
Psynetic CrazyMindwerks40
Reaver Solider/ GruntWarlord of Russia77
Reaver Mechanized CavalrymanWarlord of Russia78
Reaver AssassinWarlord of Russia79
Reaver Military ScoutWarlord of Russia82
Reaver Bandit/ RaiderWarlord of Russia84
Reload TeamFree Quebec40
Republic Cyborg Soldier*Japan97
Republic Glitter Force Trooper*Japan93
Republic Infantryman*Japan92
Republic Police OfficerJapan94
Republic Robot Pilot*Japan92
Republic SAMAS Samurai Pilot*Japan91
Rogue Scholar*Rifts79
Rogue Scientist*Rifts78
Rune WarriorSouth America 228
RunnerPhase World41
Russian VillagerWarlord of Russia69
Saddle TrampNew West101
Saloon Bum/ StoolieNew West121
Saloon Girl/ BarmaidNew West123
SailorSouth America46
Salvage ExpertUnderseas133
Samurai, TraditionalJapan43
Sea DruidUnderseas61
Sea InquisitorUnderseas48
Sheriff/ LawmanNew West102
Sheriff DeputyNew West105
Side Kick RPAFree Quebec39
Sodati-Infantry SoldierWarlord of Russia85
Sodati DimiyeWarlord of Russia87
Sohei Warrior MonkJapan58
Sohei Warrior NunJapan60
SpacerPhase World38
Space PiratePhase World40
Special ForcesMercenaries26
Spy, FreelanceMercenaries22
Stick fighterRifter #1829
Stone MasterAtlantis99
SummonerConversion Book 150
Symbiotic WarriorWormwood64
Rifter #1854
Tattooed ManAtlantis94
Tattooed Man: Maxi-ManAtlantis95
Tattooed Man: T-Monster ManAtlantis95
Temporal WarriorEngland69
Temporal WizardEngland66
Thief, ProfessionalMercenaries28
Titan JuicerJuicer Uprising32
Totem WarriorSouth America146
Tribal ShamanSouth America145
Tritonian ScientistUnderseas97
Tritonian Sea WolfUnderseas96
Travelling Story TellerWarlord of Russia73
Tundra RangerCanada84
Tundra Ranger ScoutCanada85
Tundra Ranger CavalryCanada86
Turbo-JockeyPhase World Sourcebook41
Ultra-Crazy (TW Crazy)*South America 2131
Wannabe JuicerJuicer Uprising59
War-KnightWarlord of Russia89
Warlord Cyber-DocWarlord of Russia 93
WarlockConversion Book 159
Warlock Magic SpecialistPhase World Sourcebook39
Warlock MarinePhase World Sourcebook37
Whale SingerUnderseas56
Wilderness Scout*Rifts82
Wing rider RPA PilotWarlord of Russia94
Wired GunslingerNew West107
Yamabushi Mountain PriestJapan60

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Psychic Character Classes (P.C.C.'s)
Description:Sourcebook:Page No.:
BlasterRifter #1943-46
Blood RiderSouth America 2133
Blood Rider, MasterSouth America 2135
Coalition NTSET Protector (Psi-Stalker)*Coalition War Campaign188
Coalition Psi-Net Agent*Coalition War Campaign193
Coalition Psi-Net “Spotter”*Coalition War Campaign194
Coalition Psi-Net “Tracker”*Coalition War Campaign194
Coalition Psi-Stalker*Rifts105
Coalition Psycho-Stalker (Psi-Juicer)*Juicer Uprising45
Delphi JuicerJuicer Uprising39
FreezerRifter #1946
Mind BleederPsycape53
Mind Melter*Rifts112
Psi-SlingerNew West98
Psi-Stalker*Rifts/Lone Star104/159
Psi-Stalker, Wild*Rifts/Lone Star106/160
Psi-X AlienLone Star98
SoakerRifter #1950
Wanderer PsychicRifter #1964

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Racial Character Classes (R.C.C.'s)
Description:Sourcebook:Page No.:
Altara Warrior WomenAtlantis51
Amaki DuelistSouth America 2155
Amaki GizmoteerSouth America 2157
AmazonSouth America97
Anti-MonsterSouth America97
ArkhonSouth America 271
Arkhon ESP SpecialistSouth America 275
Arkhon Spectral HunterSouth America 273
Atlantean Monster HunterSouth America99
Atlantean NomadAtlantis17
Atlantean Undead SlayerAtlantis17
Azverkan Knight of the True VisionMindwerks44
Bandit/Pecos RaiderLone Star153
Blood LizardSouth America 2137
BrodkilLone Star164
Cactus PeopleNew West125
Capybara (mutant)South America 2142
Coalition Dog Boy (mutant)Rifts107
Coalition NTSET Psi-Hound (mutant)Coalition War Campaign187
Condoroid (mutant)South America 2146
CernunEngland 58
Chiang-Ku Tattoo MasterEngland46
CrocodilliansAfrica 67
DakiniConversion Book 2: Pantheons142
DemigodConversion Book 2: Pantheons17
Demon DragonmagePsycape120
Demon Hound RiderWormwood125
Dog Boy SoldierLone Star32
Dog Boy, FeraLone Star38
Dog Boy, K-9 SnifferLone Star41
Dog Boy, Kill HoundLone Star43
Dog Boy, Sea DogLone Star40
Dog Boy, WolfLone Star107
DraconidPhase World35
Dragon, Chiang-KuEngland46
Dragon, FireRifts100
Dragon, HornedRifts100
Dragon, IceRifts101
Dragon, Thunder-LizardRifts101
Earth ChildEngland51
EwaipanomasSouth America102
Falconoid (mutant)South America 2148
FallamSouth America 276
Fallam BattlemasterSouth America 277
Feline: Battle CatLone Star76
Feline: Kill CatLone Star79
Felinoid, Flame Panther (mutant)South America111
Felinoid, Flying Tiger (mutant)South America109
Felinoid, Hunter Cat (mutant)South America113
Felinoid, Oracle Cat (mutant)South America114
FennodNew West128
GargoyleConversion Book 1180
Triax & The NGR198
Giant, NorseConversion Book 2: Pantheons163
GodlingConversion Book 2: Pantheons16
Grimbor Ape-manSouth America138
GromekConversion Book 1135
GurgoyleConversion Book 1180
Triax & The NGR198
Hawrk-duhk AdventurerAtlantis74
Hawrk-ka HunterAtlantis75
Holy TerrorWormwood66
Horune PirateUnderseas164
Keepers of the DesertNew West130
Kinnie GerConversion Book 1141
Kittani Espionage AgentAtlantis53
Kittani Field Mechanic/ScientistAtlantis53
Kittani WarriorAtlantis52
Kreel-Lok Nomad/WarriorUnderseas152
Kremin CyborgCoalition War Campaign209
Kydian OverlordAtlantis47
Kydian PowerlordAtlantis48
Lanotaur HunterPsycape123
Larhold BarbarianSouth America 2185
Larhold ShamanSouth America 2186
Lost OnesMercenaries49
Lyn-Siral: Average CitizenNew West133
Lyn-Siral: CloudweaverNew West135
Lyn-Siral: KnightNew West134
Lyvorrk Lizard MenVampire Kingdoms145
Machine PeoplePhase World77
Mantaz SectlesEngland57
Men-Rall Tech MasterSouth America 2111
Mind BleederAfrica93
Monkey Boy: Mini-Monkey SpyLone Star81
Monkey Boy: SoldierLone Star83
Monkey Boy: TechLone Star85
Mountain GiantNew West136
Mutant BatLone Star88
Mutant BearLone Star72
Mutant RatLone Star85
NagasConversion Book 2: Pantheons141
Naruni Repo-botPhase World46
Naut’ Yll DevastatorUnderseas150
Naut’ Yll Koral ShaperUnderseas150
Naut’ Yll SoldierUnderseas149
Neo-human (mutant/psychic)*South America 2149
Noro Mystic WarriorPhase World64
Noro PsychicPhase World63
Ojahee Cyborg (Megaversal Legion)*South America 2109
Ojahee Trooper (Megaversal Legion)*South America 2106
Oni CyberaiPhase World Sourcebook16
Oni NinjaPhase World Sourcebook19
PhantasmNew West158
PhantomPhase World36
PhoenixiAfrica 60
PleasurerPhase World88
Pneuma-Biform, DolphinUnderseas51
Pneuma-Biform, Killer WhaleUnderseas53
Pneuma-Biform, WhaleUnderseas55
Pogtalian Dragon Slayer*South America135
Power LeechPsycape126
Promethean, 1st StagePhase World25
Promethean Phase AdeptPhase World27
Promethean Time MasterPhase World28
Psi-Taur/Equinoid (mutant)South America 2144
Pucara. the Red GiantsSouth America 254
Pucara Mind MageSouth America 255
Pygmy HunterAfrica114
Pygmy ShamanAfrica115
Quick-Flex RogueCoalition War Campaign205
Rurlel Eel PeopleUnderseas37
Sea TitanUnderseas113
SekhmetSouth America116
Serpentoid (mutant)South America 2141
Shaydor IntelAtlantis79
Shaydor SpherianAtlantis77
SilhouettePhase World80
Simvan Monster RiderMindwerks/Long Star54/162
SowkiConversion Book 1189
Spirit of LightConversion Book 1203
Srrynn CannibalMindwerks52
Star ChildEngland53
Sunaj AssassinAtlantis64
Termite EngineerPhase World66
TokaniiLone Star154
Trimadore MechanicCoalition War Campaign208
True Inca (demigod)South America 220
Ugakwa ExplorerMindwerks50
Ursa-WarriorLone Star72
Vaccum WaspPhase World92
ValkyriesConversion Book 2: Pantheons167
Vanguard Brawler ThugCoalition War Campaign207
Warriors of ValhallaConversion Book 2: Pantheons170
Wolfen QuatoriaPhase World66
Zaayr Crystal DragonPsycape135
Zenith Moon WarperPsycape138

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Description:Sourcebook:Page No.:
Aarden TekCanada130
Amaki Stone ManSouth America 2154
Amphib (mutant)Underseas98
BearmanConversion Book 184
CatyrPhase World68
CentaurConversion Book 1113
ChangelingConversion Book 189
Cihuacoalt/VernulianVampire Kingdoms171
CoyleConversion Book 186
Cyber-HorsemanConversion Book 1114
Cyclops, lesserConversion Book 194
Dwarf*Conversion Book 189
Dwarf, AsgardianConversion Book 2: Pantheons166
EandrothConversion Book 1129
Elf*Conversion Book 190
Elf, AsgardianConversion Book 2: Pantheons167
Elf, JungleSouth America57
EmerinConversion Book 1132
Feliniod (mutant) South America107
Giant, AlgorConversion Book 193
Giant, Conversion Book 198
GoblinConversion Book 191
Grackle ToothCanada133
Greot HunterCanada135
Human, Mega-damageWormwood 45
In’ Valian Robo-JockeyPhase World Sourcebook12
KankoranConversion Book 188
KreegorPhase World73
LarholdSouth America 2185
Lizard ManConversion Book 1142
Lizard Man (advanced)South America79
MinotaurConversion Book 1150
MonroPhase World Sourcebook34
Naut’ YllUnderseas148
N’mbyr Gorilla ManCoalition War Campaign202
NoroPhase World 60
OgreConversion Book 192
OniPhase World Sourcebook15
OrcConversion Book 191
Quick-Flex AlienCoalition War Campaign205
Rahu-ManConversion Book 1152
RatlingConversion Book 1154
Scorpion PeopleConversion Book 2: Pantheons57
SeljukPhase World69
Tirrvol Sword FistCoalition War Campaign203
TitanConversion Book 1 98
TrimadoreCoalition War Campaign208
T’ ZeePhase World Sourcebook24
Vampire, Secondary*Vampire Kingdoms14
Vampire, Wild*Vampire Kingdoms15
Vanguard BrawlerCoalition War Campaign206
Werebear*Conversion Book 1192
Werejaguar*Conversion Book 1193
Werepanther*Conversion Book 1195
Weretiger*Conversion Book 1193
WerewolfConversion Book 1191
WolfenConversion Book 186
Wolfen, SpacePhase World65

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Notes about classifications:

As is often the case with Palladium games, the books fail to clarify many aspects of the rules including (but not limited to) character selection. I have personally tried to deal with many questions on this subject such as... can dragons choose an O.C.C., or is a Psi-Stalker a separate and distinct race from human, etc. In order to answer these and many other similar questions, I have revised some of the categories that the various character classes fall into as well as moving some of the classes themselves around to better define their availability to specific races. Rifts tends to use the term “R.C.C.” interchangeably for psychic characters, races other than human, and racially exclusive O.C.C.s. I have broken this down into three separate classifications based on the original source material for each character class as well as some modifications from my own interpretations of what I believe works best.

O.C.C. (Occupational Character Class) - Basically, an “O.C.C.” represents an area of specific training. As a result, most O.C.C.s are open not only to humans, but to almost any race. In other words, there are few racial restrictions on choosing an O.C.C. (see below). Humans, however, have no restrictions as to what O.C.C. they may choose.

P.C.C. (Psychic Character Class) - In Rifts, psychic characters usually fall under the R.C.C. classification. However, this is often a source of questions or misinterpretation, so I have decided to add the P.C.C. classification that exists in most of Palladium’s other games. The primary reason for this is that the potential for psychic ability exists in many varied races. Like O.C.C.s above, a “P.C.C.” merely represents an area of highly specialized training that many beings can achieve.

R.C.C. (Racial Character Class) - An “R.C.C.” represents one of two things; a “race” that is limited to a certain selection of skills and abilities (such as a dragon or Amazon) or an O.C.C. that is available exclusively to members of a specific race (like the True Atlantean Undead Slayer or the Wolfen Quatoria). Technically, this definition would also include almost all Coalition O.C.C.s because they are only available to humans, but in my opinion, humans are the only exception to this rule. The main point here, however, is that any character that is an R.C.C. cannot also choose an O.C.C.

Race - A “race” is any class of being that has the option of choosing from among the various O.C.C.s to determine their areas of specialization. Many races, however, are limited as to what O.C.C.s are available to them. For example, many cannot receive Juicer or M.O.M. conversions because of their alien physiology. Others may or may not have the aptitude to use magic or, alternatively, technology, which will limit choices as well. Always be sure to consult specific racial descriptions before choosing any O.C.C.s and, as always, the GM has final say over what is or is not available in their campaign environment.



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