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By: Da Harlequin (
With all their constant trading with other civilizations, Tritonia
was bound to discover M.O.M. technology. They immediately took an
intense fascination with it, especially in Juicers. The most notable
scientist in the field was a Dr. Logan Schultz, whose creation, the
Mer-Juicer, is his most successful brainchild.
The Mer-Juicer is an amazing combination of the Juicer conversion
and the combining of special chemicals and amphibian genes to produce
an incredible underwater operative. The patients who underwent the
conversion could hold their breath for extended periods of time,
survive under water pressure twenty times greater than the average
human, and exhibited nearly superhuman strength, speed, and agility;
even more so underwater than on dry land.
The release of the Mer-Juicer was a big hit in Tritonia. Despite
the shortened lifetime, hundreds of young Tritonian soldiers
volunteered to undergo conversion. The Mer-Juicer is almost exclusive
to Tritonia, but a few coastal cities MAY have a doctor skilled in
the conversion (GM's discretion).
These Juicers are usually discernible as they tend to dress much
differently from other Juicers. The traditional mohawk of the
land-going Juicer has changed to a nearly bald head with a long
rattail of hair down the back (wild hair tends to block vision
underwater). They are also much stronger and faster underwater, and
their armor is usually tougher due to the lack of oxygen apparatus.
Physiologically, the have gills behind their ears and their fingers
and toes are webbed to help them better move around in their
"natural" environment: the sea.
Mer-Juicer O.C.C.
Attribute Requirements: None, just a willingness to undergo
the Mer-Juicer conversion. Loyalty to Tritonia is also a key
Alignment: Any
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
- Super Endurance: +4D6x10 to S.D.C., 5D6 to hit points,
and 1D6 to P.E. Fatigues at only 1/10 the normal rate and can go
up to four days without sleep; normally needs only three hours of
sleep a day.
- Super Strength: +2D4 to P.S.; minimum of 18 (if lower,
adjust up to 18). When underwater, add 10 to P.S. and it is
considered supernatural. Note that the character's body is not
supernatural and the character will need some kind of hand
covering when punching mega-damage creatures and objects (NOTE:
The standard Mer-Juicer armor does have metal coverings for the
hand, allowing them to use their supernatural strength to full
- Super Speed: +1D4 x 10 to speed when on dry land. When
underwater, add an additional 2D6x10 to the character's swimming
speed! Can leap 20' across and 10' up (half without a running
- Super Reflexes and Reaction Time: +4 initiative, +4
roll with punch, +2 strike, +2 parry, +2 dodge, +4 pull punch,
gets an automatic parry and dodge against all attacks, and gets
one additional attack per melee on land (two underwater). +2D6 to
P.P.; minimum of 22 (if lower, adjust up to 22).
- Maximum Depth Tolerance: Up to 1/2 mile (2640 feet) or
1 mile using the optional breathing apparatus.
- Holding Breath: Can hold breath for 5D6 x 3 minutes
plus the character's P.E. number without needing to resurface;
similar to dolphins and whales. Using an oxygen tank or other
similar breathing apparatus triples the current amount (so the
average 90 minute tank would be 270 minutes for Mer- Juicers;
about 4 and a half hours).
- Enhanced Healing and Saving Throw Bonuses: Same as
normal Juicers.
- Low Life Span: Will die after five years plus 4D6
months after conversion
O.C.C. Skills:
- Speaks native language at 98%
- Select one additional language of choice (+15%)
- Radio: Basic (+10%)
- Swimming (+30%)
- S.C.U.B.A. (+30%)
- Undersea and Sea Survival (+20%)
- Undersea Demolitions (+14%)
- Underwater Navigation (+10%)
- Read Sensory Equipment (+10%)
- General Athletics
- Intelligence (+12%)
- Pilot: Water craft (two of choice, usually fast; +15%)
- W.P. Energy Rifle
- W.P. Energy Pistol
- W.P. One of choice
- Hand to Hand Expert (can be changed to Martial Arts/Assassin
for one "other" skill)
O.C.C. Related Skills: Select seven other skills. Can
select one additional skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. All new
skills start at level one proficiency.
- Communications: Any
- Domestic: Any (+10% to fishing)
- Electrical: Basic only
- Espionage: Any (+10% to all except wilderness survival)
- Mechanical: Basic only
- Medical: Sea Holistic Medicine only (+10%; counts as two
- Military: Any (+5%)
- Physical: Any
- Pilot: Any (+10% to water craft; +5% to everything else)
- Pilot Related: Any
- Rogue: Any except computer hacking
- Science: Math only
- Technical: Any
- W.P.: Any
- Wilderness: Any underwater skills (+10%)
Secondary Skills: The character gets to pick four more
skills from the previous list. These are additional areas of
knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in
parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level.
Also, skill are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in
the list.
Standard Equipment: Gets a suit of T-81 Mer-Juicer body armor
(described below), an M-80 "Stormbringer" (their high strength makes
these easy to wield) with 1D4 extra E-clips and six mini-missiles,
BG-15 laser pistol with 1D4 extra E-clips, vibro-knife, survival
knife, waterproof backpack, 1D4+1 waterproof sacks, flashlight, two
other weapons of choice, and some personal items.
T-81 Mer-Juicer Body Armour
This is a green-and-black armor that provides good protection
and offers excellent mobility. It has attachments to hold a
three-hour air tank, allowing them to stay underwater for almost
nine hours (3x normal capacity)!
M.D.C.: 100
Excellent Mobility: -8% to prowl. Those with strengths
lower than 18 are -25% and speed is reduced by 10%. Those with
strengths of 12 or lower cannot even move while wearing
Weight: 26 pounds (but much lighter underwater)
Market Cost: Not available. Can be repaired as per
normal armor but costs 10% more (a little rarer than most).
Average Pay: 4000 credits/month; starts with one month's
Cost of Conversion: Not usually available, but when it is, it
costs the same as the Hyperion Juicer conversion but is only really
available at coastal areas and waterfronts.
Experience Table:
- 1. 0,000 - 2,250
- 2. 2,251 - 4,500
- 3. 4,501 - 9,000
- 4. 9,001 - 18,000
- 5. 18,001 - 26,500
- 6. 26,501 - 36,000
- 7. 36,001 - 52,000
- 8. 52,001 - 75,000
- 9. 75,001 - 100,000
- 10. 100,001 - 140,000
- 11. 140,001 - 200,000
- 12. 200,001 - 260,000
- 13. 260,001 - 320,000
- 14. 320,001 - 400,000
- 15. 400,001 - 500,000