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Samurai: Giant
Modified Full Environmental Body Armour
By: Dustin M. Ramsey (
Based on Concepts and Game Design by: Kevin Siembieda and
Palladium Books (
This suit of plate armour is designed to follow the motif of the
ancient warriors of the Orient. Its construction from ultramodern
composite materials allows it to be well armoured, yet not overly
encumbering. It is often used by Cyclops, Rahu-Men, Borowitz, and
other giant-sized R.C.C.'s that prize both mobility and and a high
degree of protection.
The Samurai
Size: 13 to 16 feet.
Type: Giant Chain and Plate Full Environmental Body Armour
M.D.C.: 225
Weight Class: Heavy
Weight: 69lbs (31.3kg)
Prowl Penalty: Fair mobility, -35%
Black Market Cost: 190,000 credits
Other Features:
- Complete environmental battle armour suitable for use in most
hostile environments.
- Computer controlled life support system.
- Internal cooling and temperature control.
- Artificial air circulation systems, gas filtration, and
- Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge
system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated
air environments. Five hour oxygen supply.
- Insulated, high temperature shielding for up to 200 degrees
centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic
fires do full damage.
- Radiation shielded.
- Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted visor.
- Directional, short range radio built into the helmet. Range is
5mi (8km).
- Helmet face plate is removable.
- Wrist Mini-Comp: A multipurpose miniature computer and display
that will indicate system errors within the armour, damage levels,
and oxygen supply, as well as direction (compass), time, and