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Medical Examiner O.C.C.

By: Stephen Dragoo (stephenpdragoo@hotmail.com)

The Medical Examiner is a specially-trained individual who shares much of the training and experience of a medical doctor or Body Fixer. However, although they are trained professionals who can heal the sick and injured, examiners use their knowledge and additional training in forensic sciences on the dead. Their specialty is determining what caused an individual to die, whether the death was violent or not.

In many ways, the training to become a medical examiner is much more grueling and intensive than that of a standard doctor. Not only must they master the medical knowledge of a practicing doctor, they must also be well-versed in police procedures, forensics, handling of evidence, and the intricacies of criminal law. 20th century medical examiners are certified and licensed both as MD's and as lawyers. Although such licensing is not prevalent in Rifts society, the training is still very similar , and just as thorough.

Note: a lot of this O.C.C. comes from the various Medical Doctor O.C.C.'s already in the Palladium RPG's. I have modified it, though, based on the details found in Patricia Cornwell's Kay Scarpetta books (The Body Farm, Postmortem, Body of Evidence, All That Remains, Cruel and Unusual, From Potter's Field, and Unnatural Exposure).

Settings used in: any. For Robotech settings, this O.C.C. will only be available to military personnel, especially in the later wars. For Rifts settings, this O.C.C. will be limited to areas such as Tolkeen, the Coalition, Triax, Lazlo, and other areas with high technology and/or availability of technical training.

Medical Examiner O.C.C.

Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 10, M.E. 12. A high M.A. and/or P.P. can be useful, but are not required. Successful examiners tend to have high I.Q. and M.E. scores, due to their line of work.
Alignment: Any, but tend toward Unprincipled.
Hit Points: standard for race (P.E. +1D6/level for humans).
S.D.C.: base of 10, plus any racial or skill bonuses.
P.P.E.: standard for race (2D6 or 3D6 for humans).
I.S.P.: none, unless the character or race is psychic.
O.C.C. Skills:

Biology (+30%)
Chemistry (+20%)
Pathology (+30%)
Forensic Medicine (+30%)
Chemistry: Analytical (+20%)
Chemistry: Pharmaceutical (+10%)
Math: Basic (+15%)
Math: Advanced (+5%)
Medical Doctor (+30%)
Research (+20%)
Law: General (+20%)
Law: Civil (+20%)
Law: Criminal (+30%)
Law: Corporate (+10%)
Law: specialty of choice (+10%)
Hand to Hand: Basic can be chosen at the cost of 1 related skill, Hand to Hand: Expert costs 2 skills, and Hand to Hand: Martial Artist costs 4 skills.

O.C.C. Related Skills: choose 15 from the following categories. An additional 3 can be chosen at 3rd level, and 2 at 6th, 9th, and 12th level.

Communications: any (-5% except for Radio: Basic, Optic Systems, T.V./Video, and Surveillance Equipment).
Domestic: any (+5%).
Electrical: Basic or Computer Repair only.
Espionage: any, but all skills (except Wilderness Survival) cost double.
Mechanical: Aircraft, Automotive, Basic, or Locksmith only.
Medical: any (+15%).
Military: any, but all skills cost double.
Physical: any.
Pilot: Basic: any.
Pilot: Advanced: any, but all skills cost double.
Pilot Related: any.
Rogue: any.
Science: any (+10%).
Technical: any (+5%).
Wilderness: any.
Weapon Proficiencies: any.

Note for Robotech and Rifts characters:

  • RDF and REF characters will sacrifice 3 of their related skills for HTH: Basic and 2 Modern W.P.'s of choice (REF characters typically have Gallant H-90 as one of the W.P. choices). Starting rank and equipment will be as for the Field Scientist.
  • For Southern Cross characters, this replaces the Medical M.O.S. package, as well as all of the Other or Related skills for the appropriate O.C.C. Note that most Southern Cross medical examiners will be from the Tactical Corps, G.M.P., or Sea Squad (although they can be from any branch).
  • CS and NGR characters will also sacrifice 3 Related skills to purchase HTH: Basic and 2 W.P.'s of choice. CS examiners will use the starting equipment listed for the Body Fixer (civilian) or Technical Officer (military). NGR examiners will use the starting equipment listed for the Field Medic O.C.C.
  • In all cases, military medical examiners will start out with the rank of Captain (ground) or Lieutenant Commander (naval/space).

Notes for other settings:

Medical examiners tend to be based out of the larger cities, and will have ties to the local DA's office and police and/or sheriff's departments. Depending on their fame or skill, some examiners will also have contacts within national or international organizations, such as the FBI. Note that for most player characters, the character will either have to be retired or will have to spend a lot of game time actually working at the county morgue.




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