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Cyber-Knight: Warrior Knight O.C.C.

By: Joseph Trinchillo (claw1000@hotmail.com)
With tweaks by: Dustin M. Ramsey (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)

The Warrior Knights are a variation of the Cyber-Knight O.C.C. that have concentrated so intensely on their hand-to-hand combat skills and the perfection of Psi-Waza that they have acquired mystic and psychic martial arts powers.

Alignment: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Attribute Requirements: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Special Bonuses: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Psionic Abilities: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Martial Arts Abilities: The character automatically starts out with all of the Psi-Waza special abilities, and can select one of the following two options:

  1. The Body Hardening Exercises (Japan, pp. 196 - 197) of Stone Ox, Kanshu, Chi Gung, Dam Sum Sing, and Chagi, plus receive one Zenjoriki Power (excluding Two Minds, Japan, pp. 197 - 199) at levels 6, 9, 12, and 15.
  2. Any four (4) Oni Ninja Techniques (Phase World Sourcebook, pp. 21 - 23)

O.C.C. Skills: Same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C., except the character gains the martial art Psi-Waza instead of the generic Hand to Hand: Martial Arts skill
O.C.C. Related Skills: Due to the amount of time spent honing their abilities, the character may only select six other skills from the same list as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C. One of the skills must be from Physical and another one must be from W.P.'s. Plus select one additional skill at level three, two additional W.P.'s at level five, and one other skill at levels six, nine, and twelve. All skills start at level one proficiency.
Secondary Skills: Due to the amount of time spent honing their abilities, the character may only select three secondary skills from the same list as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Standard Equipment: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Money: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Cybernetics: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Experience Table: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.




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