RIFTS by D ustin M.  
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Adages for RIFTS Players

By: Steven "Conan" Trustrum (strust@interlog.com)

Okay, if you are going to play RIFTS, remember the following: 

  1. So what if not all CS troops are evil, shoot them anyways
  2. Fusion blocks make great keys
  3. Always test your latest TW invention before going into a fight
  4. If the GM went through the trouble of making a full character sheet for the villain, you aren't going to kill him
  5. If you don't have at least one psychic or mage in the party, you are STUPID!
  6. Never attempt a death blow ... hello! waste of an attack!
  7. You always get a 20 when u are trying to roll with damage and a 1 when you are trying to strike...Murphy rides again...
  8. Never trust a vampire who says he is a rogue
  9. Carpet of Adhesion is GOOD!!!!!
  10. Trying to distract Dog Boys with milk bones is never a good idea
  11. Trying to distract them with a cat is worse
  12. Installing giant speakers in your robot vehicle, then playing Iron Man by Black Sabbath when going into battle tends to make u a target.(I did this with a character once for personality)
  13. Never tell the gm u slept with his sister right before a gaming session
  14. If the pay is low 'cause the mission is supposed to be simple, hold out for more pay
  15. If the GM laughs maniacally as you sit down to play, have your PC start sleeping with a laser pistol under his pillow
  16. Always kill the character of the player who passes notes to the GM before he gets u
  17. When you want to use a certain weapon, it is too heavy, when the villain NPC wants to use it, he can use one in each hand
  18. Never go near a rift just after your GM buys a new worldbook
  19. It only works properly until your character tries to use it
  20. When you make a new O.C.C. / R.C.C. it is stupid, when the GM makes a new O.C.C. / R.C.C., expect the next 20 villains you run into to be one
  21. If you don't have a character in the party with a robot vehicle with a missile payload of 30+ missiles, get one...
  22. Wildfire around corners is never wasted ammo
  23. Most GMs don't appreciate a player groups spontaneous "side-trips" if he spent the past 2 weeks working on the adventure
  24. When in Mexico, paint and sew crosses on EVERYTHING!!!! even your underwear (don't ask)
  25. Turn troublesome fellow players over to the CS as soon as possible, you will feel better and your fellow players will thank you
  26. Stuff the GM makes himself automatically has the following as a special ability: -Ignore laws of Nature, Physics and Reason Range: self Duration: permanent
  27. While speaking to the GM, never start a sentence off with the following: "Well in MY campaign it doesn't work like that...."
  28. There is no such thing as an easy way to destroy a Death's Head Transport
  29. If you're a mutant and you want to go to Chi Town, make sure you have the following powers: -Intangibility, -Invulnerability, and -Disregard Stupid Moves
  30. If a GM created item sounds to good to be true, it is munchkin
  31. Always fire one missile more than you think is needed
  32. A PC that takes the time to develope a battle cry is going to get the whole party killed
  33. A laser pistol with a +1 to strike is good
  34. A rail gun with lots of ammo is better
  35. A long range, reflex multi-warhead missile is best
  36. Never fire a mach 1 missile while travelling at mach 2
  37. Security locks on equipment the GM doesn't want the party to have aren't aren't all that secure
  38. Dragons make good allies
  39. Dragons make worse enemies
  40. Splugorth don't like to be called ugly freaks
  41. The GM will do anything to keep bookkeeping to a minimum, even if the PCs must suffer
  42. It is amazing how many months those 2 weeks of rations the player starts with can last
  43. 2 words: run away!!
  44. Principled PCs get the party into more trouble than evil PC's
  45. Your invulnerable character isn't
  46. Players who quote the rules word for word, line for line, are always the first to die
  47. Dog Boys don't like to be called "Fido"
  48. Telling a vampire to "Suck this" is never a good idea
  49. Orc characters are ugly no matter how high their Physical Beauty is
  50. Never underestimate the value of grovelling



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