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By: Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books
With tweaks by: Dustin M. Ramsey (
Weapon Name
Effective Range
Rate of Fire / Shots Used
Total Payload
Weapon M.D.C.
K-1 Sniper Laser Rifle and SPG Launcher
2000ft (610m)
28 shot Kittani e-clip
42 shot long Kittani e-clip
22 M.D.C.
Atlantis, pg. 137
Aimed Shot / 1
4D6 M.D.
SPG Launcher:
1000ft (305m)
SPG Launcher:
SPG Launcher:
SPG Launcher:
2 manually loaded grenades
Aimed Shot / 1
6D6 M.D.
K-4 Laser Pulse Rifle
3000ft (914m)
Aimed Shot / 1
3D6 + 6 M.D.
20 shot Kittani e-clip
30 shot long Kittani e-clip
18 M.D.C.
Atlantis, pg. 137
Multi-Pulse / 3
1D6 x 10 + 6 M.D.
K-30 Ion Pulse Rifle
1000ft (305m)
Aimed Shot / 1
3D6 + 6 M.D.
20 shot Kittani e-clip
30 shot long Kittani e-clip
20 M.D.C.
Atlantis, pg. 137
Multi-Pulse / 3
1D6 x 10 + 6 M.D.
K-E4 Plasma Ejector
2000ft (610m)
Aimed Shot / 1
6D6 M.D.
20 shot Kittani e-clip
30 shot long Kittani e-clip
30 M.D.C.
Atlantis, pg. 137
KEP-Special Energy Pump Pistol
200ft (61m)
Aimed Shot / 1
5D6 M.D.
10 shot Kittani pistol e-clip
15 shot long Kittani pistol e-clip
15 M.D.C.
Atlantis, pg. 137
Kittani Energy Lance
Long Range:
6000ft (1830m)
Long Range:
Long Range:
28 shot Kittani e-clip
42 shot long Kittani e-clip
90 M.D.C.
Atlantis, pp. 152 - 153
Aimed Shot / 1
3D6 M.D.
Short Range:
3000ft (914m)
Short Range:
Short Range:
Aimed Shot / 1
6D6 M.D.
Kittani Energy Trident
2000ft (610m)
Multi-Pulse / 3
6D6 M.D.
30 shot Kittani e-clip
45 shot long Kittani e-clip
40 M.D.C.
Underseas, pg. 174
Legal Notice: This information is provided only as a quick
reference for players and gamemasters alike. In order to stay within
the good faith of Palladium Books' Internet
Policy, we cannot provide the full weapon descriptions that are
available in the books. If you need additional information on a
weapon (the text description, weight, any special notes,
availability, cost, etc.), you must purchase the book that the weapon
appears in.