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Con Artist O.C.C.

By: Da Harlequin (devenyi@bellatlantic.net)

Confidence men, as they prefer to call themselves, are those who have an incredible way with words and language that use their talents to manipulate others into doing what they desire. They are masterful liars and can often talk their way out of any kind of trouble. They prefer trickery and deceit over most types of combat and most are actually successful buisnessmen and traders rather than combatants.

They pride themselves on their appearance and tend to be very slick dressers with an air of sophistication and the manners of high society. 20% are also minor or major psionics and often use their psychic abilities to aid themselves in "the con."

Con Artist O.C.C.

(a.k.a. "Flim-Flam Men", "Snake-oil Salesmen", and "Swindlers")

Attribute Requirements: An M.A. of 14 and a P.E. of 12 are required. A high I.Q. and P.B. are also extremely helpful but not necessary.
Alignment: Limited only to those of selfish or evil alignments. A scrupulous alignment may be allowed by the GM but is often considered very rare; these Con Artists will use their talents only against evil opponents and often to the benefit of others.
O.C.C. Bonus: + 1D4+2 to M.A., + 2D6+6 S.D.C., +2 initiative whenever palming or fast talking (+1 initiative normally), and add +2 to P.B. Can also drink twice as much as the normal Joe before getting drunk.
O.C.C. Skills:

Speaks native language at 98%
Languages: select two others (+10%)
LIteracy: select two of choice (+15%)
Performace (+30%; from "Juicer Uprising")
Forgery (+10%)
Imitate Voices/Impersonation (+20%)
Pilot: two of choice (+10%)
Concealment (+10%)
Palming (+15%)
Pick Pockets (+15%)
Streetwise (+16%)
Seduction (+20%)
Basic Math (+10%)
Fast Talk/Con (+20%; NEW skill)
Games of Chance (+20%; NEW skill)
W.P. Energy Pistol
Hand to Hand Basic (can be changed to Expert for the cost of
one "other" skill or Martial Arts/Assassin for two)

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select six other skills. Can also select an additional skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, and 15. All start at level one proficiency.

Communications: Any (+5%)
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Basic only
Espionage: Any (+10% to disguise only)
Mechanical: Basic and auto only
Medical: First aid and holistic medicine only
Military: Find contraband (+10%) and military etiquette only
Physical: Any except wrestling
Pilot: Any (+5%)
Pilot Related: None
Rogue: Any (+15%)
Science: Math and anthropology only
Technical: Any (+10%)
W.P.: Any
Wilderness: None

Secondary Skills: The character gets to pick six more skills from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skill are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list.
Standard Equipment: A wardrobe of fancy clothes (totals 1D6 x 1000 credits; tend to be extremely flashy), small wardrobe of common clothes, 1D4 fake I.D.s, one fake I.D. for a well-known city (i.e. Chi-Town), shells game (a classic), bottle of bourbon, bourbon bottle (complete with label) filled with iced tea, suit of light body armor, pair of loaded dice, set of marked cards (looks unopened), clipboard filled with (fake) important looking papers, fake badge, portable language translator, an automatic pistol with three clips, energy pistol of choice with three E-clips, walking cane, briefcase, and some personal items. They love jewelry (especially gemstones).
Money: 1D6 x 1000 credits, 1D4 x 1000 credits (forged; those with the Forgery skill can spot them at -15%), and 2D4 x 1000 credits in black market items.

Experience Table:

1. 0,000 - 2,110
2. 2,111 - 4,220
3. 4,221 - 8,440
4. 8,441 - 16,400
5. 16,401 - 23,200
6. 23,201 - 32,400
7. 32,401 - 48,200
8. 48,201 - 68,400
9. 68,401 - 92,200
10. 92,201 - 127,400
11. 127,401 - 178,200
12. 178,201 - 228,400
13. 228,401 - 278,200
14. 278,201 - 328,400
15. 328,401 - 388,200

 New Skills:

This skill allows a character to talk his way out of trouble and to convince others to do what he wishes. It is a useful skill for con-men, salesmen, and other characters who use others to get things done. The first percentage is used to "fast talk" another person, usually to get out of trouble or convince them to buy something. The second percentage is to con someone, or convince them with your charm and charisma that what you say is really true. Base Skill: 20%/10% + 5%/level of experience; every M.A. point above 15 adds an additional +1% and every P.B. point above 20 adds an additional +1%.
These are the classic street games, like shells and queens, that are specifically designed to be almost foolproof. A character using this skill successfully will almost never lose (unless they fail a skill roll) or get caught (rolls 00% for a skill check). These are tricky games that require sleight-of-hand tricks, and are usually possessed by street barkers, con artists, and other unscrupulous characters. Base Skill: 20% + 4%/level




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