RIFTS by D ustin M.  
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Beyond the Supernatural Errata

Beyond the Supernatural has been selling great and will be going into its second printing soon. Unfortunately, a number of errors slipped themselves into the first printing. Damn Gremlins!!! Here are the corrections:

PAGE 9: Physical Prowess (P.S.) should be Physical Prowess (P.P.)

PAGE 31: Metallurgy and Parapsychology are listed as available science skills, but there is no description. This is because I deleted them from the skills, but they were accidentally left on the skill list. There are no metallurgy or parapsychology skills for the typical character. Parapsychology is a special P.C.C. skill available only to the parapsychologist character class.

PAGE 45: A question about hand to hand combat. "Do characters get two attacks per melee automatically plus two attacks from Hand to Hand combat skills?" Well it depends. Randy and I saw the BTS characters as being more vulnerable, normalish, people. That means they would have two attacks per melee only if they took a hand to hand skill and ONE attack per melee if they had no combat training. Additional attacks per melee come with greater hand to hand skill experience.

However, if you want a more combat oriented game, or if you are combining BTS with Heroes Unlimited or Ninjas & Superspies, you should probably start the characters off with two attacks plus the two attacks gained from any hand to hand skills (total of 4 attacks at first level). This will make them more compatible with superhero types.

PAGE 60: The Nega-Psychic clarification: Range of disruptive nega-psychic energy is 10 ft (3m). The nega-force lasts as long as the nega-psychic is within the 10 ft range. The nega- psychic can NOT turn off his negative energy. Affects only group magic, Icy line powered magic, and group psychic powers (seance) by disrupting the flow of P.P.E.

PAGE 63: Special Equipment: These are items available only to the Parapsychologist, although a few similar items are available in the general equipment list.

PAGE 94: Drawing P.P.E. From Others! This is a major error. First, NO P.P.E. can be drawn from an unwilling subject. Only 2D6 P.P.E. can be drained from an unaware person (a person not aware that his P.P.E. is being syphoned off). Willing subjects can give up to 70% of their P.P.E. as stated and blood sacrifice is always two times (double) the victim's full P.P.E. at the moment of death. Second, drawing P.P.E. from animals: Animals are always considered to be unwilling victims. That means P.P.E. can only be gotten through a blood sacrifice of that animal.

PAGE 99: The number of spells known at levels 1-3 is 1D6. The example of 2D4 is wrong! Sorry.

NOTE: Magic can not be cast from the astral plane into the physical world. Thus, an astral traveler can not appear in a room and hurl a lightning bolt at some helpless human victim in our physical plane of existence. However, an astral traveler can cast magic on other beings in the astral plane while he is in astral form.



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