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By: The Kitsune (foxtrot_xray@hotmail.com)
MachinebaneRange: 100 feet (30.5 m) This spell is similar to Time Warp: Age except it works on machines instead of living creatures. The spell warps time around the equipment and alters it to be at the end of its life span. This spell adversely effects all parts of the machine, and its power supply will be drained to almost nothing. As such, speed and rate of fire are reduced by half. Additionally any types of systems wear out or become brittle or have computer failures. In gaming terms, this means that piloting rolls are at -20%, M.D.C./S.D.C. is reduced by 20%, along with the penalties of -2 to strike, -2 to parry, -2 to dodge, and -2 to initiative. Sentient machines receive a saving throw against the spell, and vehicles larger than 50 tons will only have one system effected.
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