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Any weapons listed as having a Rate of Fire of Standard can only fire single shots; bursts or sprays are not possible. Rate of Fire: Aimed, Burst, Wild- this means that the weapon can fire single shots or bursts Rate of Fire: Standard- unless otherwise noted, these weapons may only fire single shots, however, generally figure that energy weapons can fire bursts unless it specifically says that particular weapon cannot. Pulse rifles (like the Wilks 457) can not fire bursts on the single shot setting (their burst is the multi-pulse). Particle Beams and Plasma Ejectors (such as the NG-12) are not usually burst weapons. Rate of Fire: Equal to Number of Hand-to-Hand Attacks- means that the character can fire an aimed shot or burst for each action that he would normally get. Thus, a character with 3 attacks per round may take 3 aimed shots or bursts.
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