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By: Orion (greywolf@sandyvalley.net)
Maelstrom (Ritual)Range: One Mile (1.61 km) This spell was created by a lone genius mage in times long since forgotten; this much has been pieced together from legends and old recordings: the spell's creator was well known as a force for good, and was caught by a siege at her tower by some of the most powerful forces of evil for hundreds of miles. The Maelstrom was evidently her final effort, in an attempt to destroy those attacking her even as she, herself was destroyed by them. This legendary spell creates a powerful storm of raw mystic energy, so powerful it will tear through almost any defense it touches; buildings disintegrate, armor and those wearing it are consumed by the raging energies, and even most magical protections are destroyed. Only the most powerful circles of protection, designed specifically to hold back the raw fury of the magestorm, and protections created by the strongest gods can withstand the Maelstrom. The Maelstrom appears as a vast funnel of blue-green mist, whirling around the mile-wide edge at hundreds of miles an hour. On the inside of the 'funnel' is a momentary calm zone barely wide enough for a human to stand in, followed by another funnel of 'mist', and so on to the center, where the smallest funnel rises around the caster. Everywhere but the inside of that innermost funnel, occasional puffs of the 'mist' sweep through the gaps, tearing at anything which was lucky enough to not get caught in the concentric rings of the funnel. Effects:
The few mages who know this spell will not teach it to anyone they haven't trained themselves for at least twenty to thirty years. They know exactly how powerful the spell is, and don't want it used freely.
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