By: Gwilym Croucher (
The average Yautja Hunter ship is shaped like a huge mollusk, but
each ship is slightly different in appearance. While they make
excellent warships, the Yautja generally only use them as transports.
These are the basic stats for the Yautja starship. For a full
description of the vessel, see the Aliens vs. Preditor books
from Bantam or the Darkhorse comic series.
Yautja Hunter Starship
Class: Yautja Interstellar Hunter Transport
Crew: 3 command crew (or can be run by the ship's AI
computer), can comfortably carry up to 50 Yautja passengers, and has
8 cells which can hold up to 6 people each
M.D.C. by location:
- Central Mass Driver Gun - 500
Central Control Hub - 1000
*Main Sensor Array - 250
Thrusters (3) - 450
** Stabilization Thrusters (6) - 110 each
***Main Body - 20,000
* Destroying the Main Sensor Array will effectively blind the ship
and eliminate all of its sensor abilities
** These locations are hard to hit and require a called shot at -3
*** Destroying the main body of the ship will leave it a powerless,
airless floating wreck.
Driving on Ground: Not possible.
Atmospheric Flight: The Yautja space craft can reach up to
Mach 35 in earths atmosphere and has full VTOL.
Atmosphere Jump: From a single Atmosphere Jump the ship can
reach a speed of Mach 67 in less than a second, however this requires
a massive expenditure of energy.
Space Flight: The Yautja space craft can do .84 of light speed
in real space.
Space Fold: The ship can fold space to make jumps of huge
distances. This is an alien technology that is so complicated, their
are some gods who do not fully understand how it works. A jump can
theoretically be any distance in a negative amount of time.
Time Fold: The space fold can be enhanced to perform a time
jump, the technology and method of doing this is only understood by a
few elder Yautja.
Statistical Data:
Height: 12.0m
Width: 27.0m
Length: 50.0m
Weight: 40 tons
Cargo: the Yautja ship has one huge primary storage bay whose
dimensions are 100ft x 75ft x 15ft. The secondary bay (used mainly
for supplies) is half the size of the primary bay.
Power Plant: Has an alien power plant with an average life
span of 100,000 years. (yes I know it's very big, but it's bloody
Black Market Cost: Never available, could never be available
and never will be available (for those that just have to know, 450
billion at least).
Weapon Systems:
1. Mass Driver Cannon (1): This is a very powerful weapon which
produces an accelerated particle nuclear blast the size of a small
comet, it is overtly powerful and in the history of the Yautja, it
has very rarely needed to be used.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Secondary Purpose: Attack
Mega-Damage: Mini-blast: 5D6 x 10 M.D. or Full Powered Blast:
1D6 x 1000 M.D.
Rate of Fire: once every minute, four (4) melee rounds
Effective Range: 100,000km
Payload: effectively unlimited
Note: It is useless in an atmosphere, and does 1/100th the
Other Systems:
1. Space Fold (1): This is the special drive that allows the
Yautja ship to travel around the universe in such a short time. It
basically works by taking two separate points in space and for a
single second joins them together, so when they are separated the
ship will be in another place from where it started.
Range: can join any to places in space as long as they are
totally clear and not within 100, 000 Km of a planet or sun.
Chance of Precise Position: 65%
Note: To use the Space Fold first a roll against Space
Navigation must be made and if successful then a roll against Chance
must be made, if successful the correct destination will be reached,
otherwise you are somewhere else.
2. AI Central Computer (1): All Yautja ships have a huge
central computer, which has an artificial intelligence. The computer
has no Alignment but will carry out tasks that is instructed to do.
It is also programmed to only obey certain members of the crew but in
an emergency it will respond to anyone.
I.Q.: 30
- Pilot: Yautja Starship 98%
Space Navigation 90%
Identify Species 75%
Mathematics: Advanced 98%
Space Combat: Starship 75%
Note: these are abilities of the ship and are not skills
that can be learned
Memory: equal to 950 kiloquads. (it can hold a lot)
3. Main Sensor/Communication Array (1): The main sensor
array on the Yautja space craft has full optics and long range
scanners, it also has full communications equipment and targeting
Passive Sensors:
- Optical Sensors:
- Accuracy: 90%
Range: 10,000km
Penalties: -10% accuracy per each 1000km past 10,000km
- Heat, Ion, Radio, and Magnetic Scanners:
- Detection Accuracy: 80%
Identification: 40%
Range: 50,000km
- Long Range Scanners:
- Range: 1 light year
Accuracy: 20% chance of getting useful information
Active Sensors:
- Laser Scanners:
- Accuracy: 98%
Range: 100,000km
Chance of Detection: when in use, other ships within 100,000km
have a 50% chance of detecting the laser scanners in use
- Radar:
- Maximum Number of Targets: 900
Range: 1000km
Chance of Detection: 50%
5. Time Fold (1): This is the Yautja ships ability to make
small time jumps, it works in tandem with the Space Fold,
unfortunately only elder Yautja know how to use it, thus player
characters never will.
Chance of Success: 20% (takes one day after jump to build up
energy in reactor for another)
Maximum Time Distance: Ten (10) years either way
For additional Yautja information, see the Yautja
Hunter R.C.C. or the Yautja
These stats. are not necessarily correct and most of the ships
features I have developed from books, the original Predator story
line and my personal knowledge of sci-fi space craft, I hope you will
agree that this makes it reasonably powerful, but remember this is a
big starship.
I am striving to create ideas, equipment and characters that make
the Rifts gaming Megaverse more interesting and challenging for
everybody. I agree with the 'overtly powerful makes the game crapy'
philosophy and try to stick by it (most of the time). If you would
like to e-mail me and give me comments, suggestions, complaints and
ideas you are most welcome.
Gwilym Croucher (
Rifts is a trademark of Palladium Books, inc.
PREDATOR and ALIENS 1992 Twentieth Century Fox Film
ALIENS vs. PREDATOR is a trademark owned by Twentieth Century Fox
Film Corporation
1995, Gwilym Croucher.