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By: Jeff Jordan (
Edited by: Dustin M. Ramsey (
Soaker's were born of necessity. Bands of Bursters roamed the
southeast in the years following the coming of the rifts, and offered
their services as protectors. When towns refused, the bursters
retaliated and would raze the town. Fire brigades were powerless
against such power. It all began with one man. His friends called him
Soaky, because of his innate ability to control water. A small group
of Bursters had entered his town and demanded a protection payment
within three days or the town would be destroyed. When the day came
for the payment one man stood before the group of Bursters. When he
refused to pay the Bursters began to torch the town, only to have
each of their fires extinguished. The Bursters then turned their
flames at their opponent only to have their own flames extinguished.
The town cheered for their hydrokenetic, who disposed of the group of
bursters, and became the town protectorate. Later in his life Soaky
left the town to seek out others who shared his abilities, and he
founded the School of Water. The School of Water is located in old
North Carolina, in what was once the pre-rifts city of Winston-Salem,
North Carolina. It currently houses 70 student Soakers, Soaky's great
granddaughter being the School's headmaster. The School has a natural
rivalry with all bursters. Once Soakers learn to use their abilities
(between ages 13 and 20) they are sent out into the world to use them
for good. At the age of 30-35 a Soaker returns to the school to
Soaker P.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses
- Operate Underwater: Breath underwater, Swimming 98%, +2
strike and dodge when underwater. I.S.P.: None, natural
- Boil/Freeze Water: Power to lower the temperature of
water to freezing, or conversely to raise it to boiling. Range
100ft (30.4m) + 10ft (3m) per level of experience. Amount of water
that can be controlled is 1000 gallons (3785l) + 500 gallons
(1892l) per level of experience. Note that the change is not
gradual its almost immediate (1 melee action). Additionally, while
it is true that most being's bodies contain a large percentage of
water, a Soaker is taught not to use this lethal form of
retaliation. A fair fight is the only way, even when your opponent
does not fight fair. I.S.P.: 8 ISP
- Liquefy: The Soaker can cause his body and clothing
(not armor, equipment or weapons) to turn into water. A Soaker's
body has no definite shape in liquid form but he can control his
shape and stay in a human shape. In its liquid form the soaker
takes no damage from physical attacks or from projectile weapons,
and takes half damage from fire and energy. Electricity does no
damage to the Soaker, however it does double damage to anyone in
contact with the Soaker's liquid form. In liquid form the Soaker's
body adapts to absorb M.D. attacks, and gains a M.D.C. value
equivalent to that of his hit points. (i.e. if the Soaker had 31
hit points in it's liquid form it has 31 M.D.C.) Duration: 2
minutes per level of experience. I.S.P.: 6
- Water Spray: A strong gush of water can be shot or
hurled from the soaker's hand. It causes no damage but has an 80%
chance of knocking a man sized opponent off their feet and causing
them to loose their next action. Bonus to Strike: +4. I.S.P.:
- Water Spout: Causes a spout of water to pop up beneath
a person. The target is -9 to dodge the spout, and if struck is
thrown 20 feet into the air, takes 2D6 S.D.C. damage from the fall
back to earth, and is stunned for 1D4 melees. I.S.P.: 10
- Wall of Water: The Soaker can cause a wall of water to
spring up between himself and his opponent. All attacks are -4 to
strike through the wall. Size: 10ft (3m) high by 20ft (6.1m) long
by 2ft (.61m) thick per level of experience. I.S.P.: 15
- Control bodies of water: This ability is only useful in
large bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and the like.
- Create Whirlpool: sucks target and everything in a
15ft (4.6m) radius (+5ft (1.5m) per level of experience) under
water for one full melee. I.S.P.: 20
Crushing Wave: A large wave crashes down on the
opponent, and one additional target can be selected for every
three levels of experience gained. Damage 6D6 S.D.C and stunned
for 2D4 melees. I.S.P.: 25
- Create Water: Creates up to a gallon of water from thin
air. The water just appears wherever the soaker wishes, be it in a
bucket, flask, or another persons pants, however accuracy must be
learned: 26% +4% per level. ISP: 10. The created water is actually
drawn from moisture in the air. If the player is in a desert, the
I.S.P. cost is double. If in a rainstorm or within 1000ft (305m)
of a large body of water, the I.S.P. cost is halved.
- Sense Water: Soakers can sense water within 800ft
(244m) +100ft (30.5m) per level of experience, and can also tell
the state of the water (i.e. salt water or fresh water,
contaminated, clean etc..) I.S.P.: 2
- Purify Water: Can purify water of all contaminates, 10
gallons (38l) per level of experience. I.S.P.: 8
- Healing: Heals 10 M.D.C./S.D.C. per each minute spent
completely immersed in water. I.S.P.: 1 per minute of
- Additional Psionic Powers: Select three from the
following list: Death Trance, Mind Block, Impervious to
Toxins/Poisons, Telepathy, and Mask I.S.P. and Psionics.
Soaker P.C.C.
Attribute Requirements: None, but a high M.E. is
Alignment: Principled, and Scrupulous, with a very rare,
unprincipled. Characters with anarchist or evil alignments are not
allowed in the school.
P.P.E.: Most of the person's P.P.E. has been expended in the
development of psychic abilities. The remaining permanent P.P.E. is
I.S.P.: M.E. attribute plus 3D4 x 10, and gains 10 I.S.P. per
level of experience. Note that the character is considered to be a
master psionic.
Skills: same as the Burster P.C.C.
Standard Equipment: same as the Burster P.C.C.
Money: same as the Burster P.C.C.
Cybernetics: Starts with none. Tend to avoid implants in
favour of natural powers.
Experience Table: same as the Burster P.C.C.