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Sounds Produced by Energy Weapons

By: Adam Chilson (achilson@titanwars.com)

This may differ from Palladium's official view, but after doing some research, here is a more realistic answer as to what sounds energy weapons make.

Energy Weapons: In general, with any weapon powerful enough to vaporize armor and flesh (M.D. in game terms), you end up vaporizing a path through the air as well. There will be a visible heat distortion around most energy projectiles, such as plasma and ion weapons. There will almost always be a loud crackling sound, and in many cases a localized sonic concussion as the air collapses on the vacuum created by the energy beam/path. Furthermore, the heat trail left behind would be visible to sensitive thermo-imaging optics, possibly giving away the source of the beam.

Lasers: Even a 50 watt laser, like the type used in large scale light shows, starts to vaporize particle in the air if the beam is left stationary for more than a second. Real life weapon grade lasers are actually quite loud. Since most are designed for short duration/pulse, there is a loud "crack" every time weapon is fired as the air is vaporized in a path to the target. In game terms, a laser capable of inflicting M.D. would be VERY loud.

Ion Weapons: Technically an ion weapon would have a fuel cell in addition to an E-clip, but we'll let that detail slide. What's important is that the weapons is firing an actual energy projectile made up of ionized gas, most likely hydrogen or helium. There would be a definite heat distortion and trail, very likely giving away the location of the shooter. An ion charge would make noise not only passing through and burning up particles in the air, but even more so on contact with matter.

Particle Beam Weapons: Here actual particles (mass) are accelerated, requiring some source of fuel in addition to an energy cell. Nobody would make an accelerated particle beam weapon without having a set of ionizing lasers. Both the ionizing lasers and particle beam would fire at the same time, but the lasers would first burn a "hole" in atmosphere so the accelerated particle stream could travel unimpeded. Of all the energy weapons, very powerful particle beam weapons have the most potential massive sonic report. The air collapsing on the vaporized path through the air would create a localized sonic concussion, very similar to the way a lightning strike initiates a thunder clap. In Rifts the details of particle beam weapons have been ignored, probably for the better. The actual effects of accelerated particle beams can result in massive x-ray radiation and other disastrous side effects. In game terms, particle weapons would be one of the loudest energy weapons.

Plasma: Again we drop some detail as a plasma weapon requires an actual source of fuel, not simply "energy." Most plasma weapons are in effect a type of ion weapon, firing a hyper excited, ionized gas/mass as an energy projectile. The projectile would give off an immense heat distortion and would probably have a localized blast radius on impact. In game terms, there would be a long sonic report and impact sound every time the weapon was fire.

Unfortunately I did most of my weapons research AFTER writing the Rifts novels. These are just a few very general types. Not all energy weapons are created equal, and there's an infinite number of variations. Use all or none of this if you want. It might add some realism to the game.



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