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TW Wind Bazooka

By: Dustin M. Ramsey aka Kralizec! (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)

Any type of conventional bazooka can be converted into this short range, but very powerful Techno-Wizardry weapon. Because the TW Wind Bazooka requires the collaborative efforts of a highly experienced Air Warlock as well as a Techno-Wizard, it is the rarest Techno-Wizardry weapon of all. This incredibly destructive Techno-Wizard weapon fires a titanic, but highly concentrated blast of wind with hurricane like force.

Creation Costs:
P.P.E. Cost: 50 + 6 P.P.E. for each 400ft (122m) of range added, +8 P.P.E. for each damage crystal required, +10 P.P.E. for each additional payload of 2 shots.
Spells Needed: Call Lightning and the eighth level Air Elemental spell, Wind Blast
Physical Requirements: one blue zirconia crystal worth at least 1500 credits for each damage crystal required (see chart below), plus one smoky quartz crystal worth at least 250 credits for each additional 400ft (122m) of range added to the bazooka, plus one diamond worth at least 1000 credits for each additional payload of 2 shots added to the weapon.
Level Requirements: None, however creation of this weapon requires the assistance of an Air Warlock who knows the Wind Blast spell. Unfortunately, working with a magic user who is not a Techno-Wizard is more difficult and reduces the odds for success: 20% + 6% per level of the Techno-Wizard. Additionally, for every level of experience of the Air Warlock, the Techno-Wizard may (with the appropriate physical requirements and additional P.P.E.) extend the wind bazooka's range by 400ft (122m). As the Techno-Wizard advances in experience, they may build the weapon with an additional payload-increasing diamond at levels 3, 5, 7, 10 and 13. Likewise, as the Techno-Wizard rises in experience, they are able to build more powerful versions of the weapon (see chart below).
Time: 3D4 hours per each crystal in the weapon

Usage of Wind Bazooka:
Weight: Unchanged, only the weight of the ammo has been removed.
Mega-Damage: Varies; the amount of damage inflicted by the weapon depends on the level of experience of the Techno-Wizard when the weapon was built:

Experience Level of Techno-Wizard When Weapon was Created
Amount of Damage Inflicted
Number of Damage Crystals Required
1D4 x 10
2, 3
1D4 x 10 + 10
4, 5
1D4 x 10 + 20
6, 7
2D4 x 10
8, 9, 10
2D4 x 10 + 10
11, 12, 13
2D4 x 10 + 20
14 or higher
2D4 x 10 + 30

Rate of Fire: Single shots only!
Maximum Effective Range: 1000ft (305m), plus 400ft (122m) per level of the Warlock, however, increasing the range requires additional P.P.E. and smoky quartz crystals from the Techno-Wizard at the time the weapon is created.
Payload: 2 blasts, plus 2 additional shots for each extra 1000 credit diamond added. If the Techno-Wizard is of sufficiently high level when the weapon is built, a maximum of 10 shots can be added (giving the weapon a total payload of 12 blasts).
Mega-Damage Capacity: Unchanged
Weapon Proficiency: Unchanged; WP Heavy (RIFTS Main Book, pg. 32)
Bonus to Strike: Unchanged
To Recharge: 25 P.P.E. for mages, 50 I.S.P. for psychics, 23 P.P.E for Warlocks, or 22 P.P.E. for Techno-Wizards will completely recharge the weapon, regardless of its payload size or the amount of damage it inflicts.
Cost: Original cost of weapon, plus 55,000 credits per each crystal in the weapon.



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