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By: Stephen Dragoo (stephenpdragoo@hotmail.com)
For those who have Heroes Unlimited (Revised 2nd Edition), it clearly states on page 204 that robots are considered to have superhuman strength. That means we now have the following Physical Strength strata in the Megaverse:
The damage tables for categories 4 and 5 are listed in the combat sections of each of the core rule books (Heroes Unlimited 2, Nightbane, Beyond the Supernatural, Rifts, etc.) and category 1 is listed in the applicable core rule books (S.D.C. versions are in Nightbane and Heroes Unlimited 2, with a M.D.C. version in RIFTS Conversion Book (One) and select world books). This means that we do not have P.S. damage charts for either Superhuman P.S. or Extraordinary P.S. Obviously, this is an injustice that must be corrected. I have developed the following P.S. damage chart for Superhuman P.S., useful for those with the super power and for robot vehicles in S.D.C. environments. (The Extraordinary P.S. chart is available as well.)
* Note 1: add the usual P.S. attribute damage bonus to the damage
noted above (the damage bonus is option for restrained punches and
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