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Cyber-Knight: Xarian Knight O.C.C.

By: Joseph Trinchillo (claw1000@hotmail.com)
With tweaks by: Dustin M. Ramsey (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)

"RUN!! RUN!!" Sam yelled to Kathy as they raced through the wilderness. The Brodkil were right on their trail and were relentless in their pursuit. They had chased Sam and Kathy off the rode about half and hour ago. The couple had managed to lose them three times, Kathy was thankful that Sam was such an experienced wilderness scout, but she wished he was carrying more that that Wilk's Pistol. His words rang in her memory. "Don't need anything bigger, I can smell trouble coming!" Jerk.

Kathy was running and maneuvering around the foliage that was getting thicker as they went deeper into the forest when she heard it. "NO!!! NNNNOOOO!!!! HHHEEELLLPPP!!!!" The Brodkil had caught up to them. Kathy turned to see them beating Sam to a bloody pulp. One of the three stayed to rummage through Sam's stuff. Kathy saw the other two come straight for her. Turning to resume her flight, she tripped over a tree root protruding from the ground. She was momentarily blinded by pain, and then the fear that came from realizing the Brodkil were standing over her fallen form.

One of the demons rolled her onto her back with his massive foot. She was terrified and her mind raced with possible ways to escape. All of their heads quickly snapped back to the direction of the third Brodkil, who was now lying on the ground in two cleanly cut pieces. Their was a glow in that direction that seemed to calm Kathy's fears. When she dared to raise her head and look in the direction of the glow she saw him standing there.

He was obviously a Cyber-Knight, holding his psi-sword in front of him. Kathy was familiar with Cyber-Knights as her bother Ron was a Knight. She had never seen one quite like this before, he wore a light armor, and his sword was very intricately designed. That was not so unusual, but the fact that the sword was surrounded in a nimbus of ghostly flames made her wonder.

The two Brodkil pulled their pistols and fired on the Knight. He leapt to one side avoiding one blast and with almost careless ease he blocked the ion blast from the second demon. She had seen Ron do this in the past, and many older more experienced Knights, but never with such ease.

The Knight then raised his hand and pointed at one of the demons, a bolt of fire shot from his fingers and struck the demon on Kathy's right. The fire bolt struck the demon in the face, he fell to the ground and didn't move again. The other demon charged the Knight while firing his ion pistol. The Knight struck the first blast aside, then leapt into the air and never came back down. The Brodkil stood their momentarily confused, then was struck on the top of the head as the Knight came gliding down from the tree tops. Before the demon could react the Knight struck the demon with his psi-sword. As it cleaved the demons head in two Kathy could see the markings on the sword that looked like Runes or glyphs.

The sword flashed out of existence and the Knight walked over to Kathy. She saw his sky blue eyes were filled with concern as he picked her up with ease. "Are you unhurt?"

Xarian Cyber-Knight O.C.C.

Alignment: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Attribute Requirements: M.E. of 11 or higher. The character must have begun training as a mage and have knowledge of the Principles of Magic.
Special Bonuses: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C., plus is able to use the Xarian Psi-Sword to parry energy blasts without penalty.
Special Abilities: all Xarian Cyber-Knights possess the following abilities:

  1. Sense Evil - works like the Sense Evil psionic, but can sense mortal (human) evil just as well as supernatural evil. This ability requires no I.S.P. and is always in effect.
  2. Enhanced Psi-Sword - the Xarian Cyber-Knight's psi-sword is more powerful than the traditional Cyber-Knight's. It is also different in appearance and is always very ornate and intricate in design, more resembling a rune weapon. Covered in a nimbus of ghostly flames, the colour of the blade is usually the favourite colour of the Knight. The colour of the flaming nimbus is indicative of the alignment of the Knight as follows: Good alignments: white or silver flames. Selfish alignment: blue or green flames. Evil alignment: red or black flames.
    Damage: 2D6 M.D., plus an additional 1D6 M.D. at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. Sword Length: standard. Duration: As long as the knight wishes it to exist (Unlimited). I.S.P. Cost: none.
  3. Additional Psionics - select three abilities from the following list: Empathy, Mind Block, Object Read, See the Invisible, Sixth Sense, Speed Reading, Summon Inner Strength, and Total Recall.

Psionic Abilities: limited to the previously described abilities only
I.S.P.: M.E. attribute plus 3D6 + 10, and gains 1D6 I.S.P. per level of experience. Note that the character is considered to be a major psionic.
Mystic Abilities: These powers are gained through a process of burning P.P.E. off permanently. It is a process by which the Xarian Cyber-Knight alters his body and mind and grants himself mystical or superhuman abilities. Note that some of the abilities require P.P.E. to activate as well as to acquire.

  1. Tongues - 6 P.P.E. to acquire, 1 P.P.E. to use. Functions exactly like the spell.
  2. Words of Truth - 7 P.P.E. to acquire, 7 P.P.E. to use. Functions exactly like the spell.
  3. Ignite Fire - 6 P.P.E. to acquire, 1 P.P.E. to use. Functions exactly like the spell.
  4. Fire Bolt - 7 P.P.E. to acquire, 3 P.P.E. to use. Functions exactly like the spell.
  5. Invisibility - 10 P.P.E. to acquire, 5 P.P.E. to use. Functions exactly like the spell Invisibility: Lesser.
  6. Leap - 10 P.P.E. to acquire, 0 P.P.E. to use. Leap 10 feet per level of experience.
  7. Supernatural Strength - 25 P.P.E. to acquire, 3 P.P.E. to use per melee round. Add 10 to P.S. attribute and make Supernatural, also add 1D4 x 10 S.D.C.
  8. Bio-Feedback - 20 P.P.E. to acquire, 0 P.P.E. to use. Several abilities are gained:
    1. A) Cleansing Meditation - 5 minutes of meditation can rid the body of normal, non-magical disease, poison, and toxins.
      B) Hardiness - ignores pain and fatigue for 4 hours per level of experience.
      C) Hold Breath - up to 20 minutes.
  9. Healing Touch - 10 P.P.E. to acquire, 2 P.P.E. to use. Restores 3D6 H.P., S.D.C., or M.D.C. per touch. Can be used twice per minute.

    The following abilities may only be selected by characters with a good alignment:
  10. Two Minor Super Powers - 25 P.P.E. to acquire, 1 P.P.E. to use. Receives the minor super powers of Extraordinary Physical Prowess (Heroes Unlimited 2nd Edition, pg. 232) and Flight: Glide (Heroes Unlimited 2nd Edition, pp. 232 - 233).
  11. Halo - 15 P.P.E. to acquire, 0 P.P.E. to use. Creates a glowing halo of light around the head of the character. This halo works the same as a Globe of Daylight spell, equal to the Cyber Knight's Level. When battling supernatural evil creatures, it gives the knight a Horror Factor of 8 + 1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
  12. Arrow of Light - 25 P.P.E. to acquire, 1 P.P.E. to use. The character can create an arrow of light, which hovers over their right shoulder. This arrow is then mentally launched against the target of the character's choice. Range: 1000ft (305m). Damage: 1D4 x 10 M.D., plus an additional 2D6 M.D. at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. Doubled damage against supernatural evil creatures and triple damage against creatures vulnerable to light such as vampires, shadow beasts, etc.

P.P.E.: P.E. attribute plus 9D6, and gains 2D4 P.P.E. per level of experience.
O.C.C. Skills: Same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C., except the character gains the martial art Psi-Waza instead of the generic Hand to Hand: Martial Arts skill
O.C.C. Related Skills: Due to the amount of time spent honing their impressive mystic and psychic abilities, the character may only select four other skills from the same list as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C. One of the skills must be from Physical and another one must be from W.P.'s. Plus select one additional skill at level three, two additional W.P.'s at level five, and one other skill at levels six, nine, and twelve. All skills start at level one proficiency.
Secondary Skills: Due to the amount of time spent honing their abilities, the character may only select two secondary skills from the same list as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Standard Equipment: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Money: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Cybernetics: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Experience Table: same as the basic Techno-Wizard O.C.C.




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