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TW Fire Whip

By: Dustin M. Ramsey aka Kralizec! (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)

This powerful Techno-Wizardry weapon is extremely rare because its creation requires the combined efforts of a highly experienced Fire Warlock and a skilled Techno-Wizard. When not activated, the TW Fire Whip looks like a simple wood or metal whip handle. Once energized, a crackling red, orange, or yellow flame appears on the handle and can be used as a magic whip. This TW weapon is extremely popular with demons and supernatural beings of all sorts.

Creation Costs:
P.P.E. Cost: 30 + 5 P.P.E. for each 1ft (.3m) of the whip's range, +10 P.P.E. for each minute of the whip's duration.
Spells Needed: Energy Bolt and the sixth level Fire Elemental spell, Fire Whip
Physical Requirements: a ruby worth at least 1500 credits and 100 credits worth of silver wire, plus one smoky quartz worth at least 100 credits for every 1ft (.3m) of the whip's range, plus one clear quartz worth at least 100 credits for each minute the whip remains energized.
Level Requirements: None, however creation of this weapon requires the assistance of an experienced Fire Warlock who knows the Fire Whip spell. Unfortunately, working with a magic user who is not a Techno-Wizard is more difficult and reduces the odds for success: 20% + 6% per level of the Techno-Wizard. Additionally, for every level of experience of the Fire Warlock, the Techno-Wizard may (with the appropriate physical requirements) extend the fire whip's range by 1ft (.3m) and increase its duration by one minute.
Time: 1D4 hours per each crystal in the weapon

Usage of the Fire Whip:
Weight: only about 2lbs (.91kg).
Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D.
Range: 6ft (1.8m) + 1ft (.3m) per level of the Warlock, however, increasing the range requires additional P.P.E. and smoky quartz crystals from the Techno-Wizard at the time the weapon is created.
Duration: One minute per level of the Warlock, however, increasing the duration of the whip requires additional clear quartz crystals and P.P.E. from the Techno-Wizard at the time the weapon is created.
Mega-Damage Capacity: Unchanged
Weapon Proficiency: WP Whip
Bonus to Strike: +1
To Recharge: 15 P.P.E. for mages, 30 I.S.P. for psychics, 13 P.P.E. for Warlocks, or 12 P.P.E. for Techno-Wizards will fully energize the whip, regardless of its range or duration.
Cost: Roughly 12,000 credits per each crystal in the weapon.



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