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By: Dustin M. Ramsey (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)
Through the course of wandering about the city for a few days, a selfish supernatural mage may have heard the following rumours and information...
There are over a dozen gangs in Ciudad Juarez, however, there are only a few, significant ones. One of the largest gangs is the Subs. The Subs. They are a 'D-Bees only' gang, allowing only the ugliest and most inhuman looking to join. They are little more than your typical tough-punk gang of bullies who use there physical might to get what they want. Another large gang is the Guard, a militant vigilante group. They
wander the streets, protecting the citizens of Juarez from criminals,
supernatural monsters, D-Bees, and humans who prey on innocent
people, particularly the citizens of Juarez, however, the justice of
the Guard is very brutal. The Ciudad Juarez Police force is a haphazard militia that is as corrupt and brutal as the criminals and gangs they allegedly protect the citizens from. Many will deal in bribery, pay offs, extortion, and the sale of information and services. This has its good points, as often the police will overlook minor things (drugs, prostitution, assault, murder) with a bit of financial incentive. Two powerful organizations (according to the word on the street) are the Blackmarket and the Guild of the Gifted (?). Rough and tough Saloons/Enertainment: The Duke's Card Parlour & Saloon, The Fighting Cock, The Feathered Serpent Tavern (called the "assassin's den" by locals), The Jaguar's Den, The Mid-North Arena (home of monster wrestling), Steve's Gags & Gifts, The South Wall Theatre and Freak Show, Mo's Tavern ("Where the elite meet to drink and eat."), Mind Games Shelter (place for those with exotic and decadent taste), The East Wall Pool Hall, The Hole in the Wall Pool Hall, The Stake & Mallet Tavern, Rickety Wall Dance Hall, and The Juarez Arena. Places of Psychic/Magic Services/Equipment: Maliki's Curio Shop (magic items and services), Punta's Magic Shop (TW weapons and magic items), The House of Healing (psychic healing for reasonable fees), The Third Eye - Fortune Teller (offers palm reading, tarot cards, and fortune telling), The Thaloc Shop (TW weapons and equipment/vehicles), The Supernatural Protection Agency (escort service and detective agency owned and run by supernatural beings), The Techno-Wizard Conversion House (TW conversion of vehicles, weapons, and equipment; also recharges P.P.E. devices), Mind Games Shelter (almost every possible psychic service available from eroticism to healing; place for those with exotic and decadent taste), and The Wizard's Hut (healing potions, amulets, the occasional scroll or TW item, and magical services). Popular stories/rumours/information on the street are: During the witching hour, one o'clock a.m., vampires are at there most powerful and are only vulnerable to water and the holy wood (dogwood). The big thing that crashed in the desert earlier this week was really a Coalition test spacecraft. They swarmed over the crash site for days! Sunlight, water, wood, silver, electricty, and the touch of the cross will kill a vampire. Jon Newlove, slumlord, was killed by a demon days after he refused to sell out to the Guild. Sir Lazarious, Cyber-Knight and general of Reid's Rangers, captured three rare, intelligent vampires that had been behind the unintelligent masses of vampires that had been slaughtering the people of the village of Danax. The Guard is desperately searching for a dozen children that have disappeared over the past two weeks from the Slums. Yet another foolhearty band of two score mercenaries have disappeared into the desert of the vampire infested lands of northern Mexico. Last week, the great Doc Reid and his fearless vampire hunters saved six hundred people in the village of Dazatc from an attacking plague of insane, marauding vampires. A big rumble is brewing between the racist Hammer Gang (of El Paso) and the Subs. Garlic, parsley, fresh rhubarb, and fresh spinach will hold the undead at bay. Intelligent vampires are a rarity; the majority (80%) are little more than insane animals dedicated to the destruction of all other life. A rival gang (probably the Hammer) had Vlad the Inincible, the gang leader of the Subs, rubbed out. Avrax the Stupendious is favoured over Kang the Conquerer in the upcoming Arena fight. A score bodies, drained of blood and torn to shreads, were found in the old cemetary outside of town. Erin Tarn, the famous historian and explorer, has become the victim of a vampire's bite and is now condemned to an eternity of preying on the living for their blood. Raw eggs can be used as grenades against vampires (do to their high water content). You can make yourself impervious to a vampire's bite (your blood burns them like acid if they bite you!) if you eat at least a half dozen garlic burritos and drink a liter of your own urine every day. Big shipments of cocain and monst-hash (a potent smokable drug preferred by many D-Bees) just came in through the Blackmarket last week. El Paso police destroyed thirty of the crazy vampires that had been terrorizing a suburb. |
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