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By: Joseph Trinchillo (
With tweaks by: Dustin M. Ramsey (
Based on Concepts and Game Design by: Kevin Siembieda and
Palladium Books (
Psi-Waza - New Physical Skill
This martial arts form is exclusive to the Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
(and its variants), and was developed by the Cyber-Knights in their
quest to develop their bodies and minds so that they function as one.
The art form itself resembles a combination of Karate and Jujitsu,
and incorporates meditation and the development of psychic powers.
Psi-Waza helps the knight to develop and integrate great physical and
mental powers, and allows psychic Knights to develop either mystic
martial arts powers or Oni Ninja powers.
Special abilities exclusive to the Psi-Waza style of martial
- The Trigon Touch: Developed by the Cyber-Knight Trigon
(hence the name) this ability allows the character to charge their
fingers with I.S.P. and finger strike atemi (pressure points) to
create effects exactly like those of bio-manipulation. Each of
these "touches" can be very light and require only 2 I.S.P. per
- Mind-Form Technique: This ability is the dream of every
martial artist. The techniques of the style are studied exactly
like any other martial art, but by subconsciously applying psychic
power to the execution of each technique the form of the technique
becomes perfect. This allows a martial artist to perform perfect
kicks, punches, throws, and anti-joint techniques. This results in
the following bonuses: +3 to strike, +3 to parry/dodge, +2 to
initiative, and add two attacks per melee, but reduce the base
I.S.P. by half to reflect the I.S.P. permanently 'burned' in
gaining this ability.
- Power-Wave Palm: This ability allows the character to
channel I.S.P. through the palm and create a wave of physical
energy and force that can cause damage. The wave front is 5ft
(1.52m) wide, thus it is possible to strike a small group of
targets if they are close together.
- Range: 40ft (12.2m) plus 10ft (3m) per level of
Damage: 2D6 +1 M.D. per level
Knock Back: objects weighing less than 300lbs (136kg)
are knocked back 2D6 yards/meters
I.S.P. Cost: 5
Note that this art is learned by all Cyber-Knights, but they
usually only develop one ability. Characters can develop a second
power at level nine. Warrior Knights may have all three powers at
first level.