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Cyber-Knight: Dream
Knight O.C.C.
By: Joseph Trinchillo (
With tweaks by: Dustin M. Ramsey (
The Astral Knights are members of the Cyber-Knight Order of the
Soul. These powerful psychics and masters of the Dreamstream are one
the rarest types of knight.
Alignment: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Attribute Requirements: same as the basic Cyber-Knight
Special Abilities: similar to the Dream Dancer P.C.C. (see
Between the Shadows, pp. 49 - 51 for additional details):
- Dream Travel - able to psychically or physically enter
the Dreamstream at will; no I.S.P. cost
- Dream Manipulation - the limited ability to alter the
"reality" of the Dreamstream
- Reshape Self - the character can change their shape and
form in the Dreamstream
- Increase Attributes - the character can increase their
physical attributes while in the Dreamstream
- Dream Sword - exactly the same as the normal psi-sword
in the physical world, this weapon does 1D4 x 100 S.D.C. in the
- Additional Psionics - select three abilities from the
following list: Empathy, Mind Block, Object Read, See the
Invisible, Sense Evil, Sense Magic, Sixth Sense, Speed Reading,
and Summon Inner Strength
Psionic Abilities: limited to the previously described
abilities only
I.S.P.: M.E. attribute plus 6D6 + 10, and gains 1D6 + 1 I.S.P.
per level of experience. Note that the character is considered to be
a major psionic.
O.C.C. Skills: Same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C., except
the character gains the martial art Psi-Waza
instead of the generic Hand to Hand: Martial Arts skill
O.C.C. Related Skills: Due to the amount of time spent honing
their abilities, the character may only select six other skills from
the same list as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C. One of the skills must
be from Physical and another one must be from W.P.'s. Plus select one
additional skill at level three, two additional W.P.'s at level five,
and one other skill at levels six, nine, and twelve. All skills start
at level one proficiency.
Secondary Skills: Due to the amount of time spent honing their
abilities, the character may only select three secondary skills from
the same list as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Standard Equipment: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Money: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Cybernetics: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Experience Table: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.