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Dustin M. Ramsey - DustinM@RIFTS-RPG.com (sometimes known as 'Dustin M.' and 'Kralizec') has been playing Palladium Books' games since the Robotech RPG was released in the middle 1980's. During his freshman year in college he fell in love with RIFTS the very first time he played it, and has been GM'ing various RIFTS campaigns since 1992. During the day he works as a computer network engineer for a diversified financial services holding company, and then spends his nights justifying (to anyone who will listen) how he is not living the life of Dilbert - it just looks that way. Dustin loves sushi and is a devout believer in Darwinism. He currently resides in historic Scotch Ridge, Ohio with his wife, over one hundred tropical fish, several hanging spider plants, and the complete collection of every Star Trek, Star Wars, and Heinlein novel ever published, plus every gaming book printed by Palladium since 1985.
© 1995 - 2003 this page, contents, and accompanying pages, Dustin M. Ramsey, Dustinian Industries, and other authors as specified. Duplication of contents with permission only!
Rifts®, Palladium Books®, and Megaverse® are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books, Inc.