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Modified Triax DU and U-Round Rules


By: Dustin M. Ramsey (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)

Research into the aftereffects of NATO's use of depleted uranium (DU) rounds in both the Gulf War and the Balkans has shown that the radioactive content in these weapons is much more dangerous than first anticipated. To reflect the serious medical complications caused by exposure to these weapons, I have made the following modifications to DU and U-Rounds in my campaign:


  • like normal projectile rounds, the DU-Rounds do not have to be surgically removed; a supernatural creature's body will eventually dissolve or eject the rounds
  • however, as long as the DU-Rounds remain in the body, the rounds' low level of radioactivity will slow the healing of their damage by a factor (so damage normally regenerated in melees take minutes, minutes take hours, hours take days, and days take weeks)
  • removing the DU-Rounds will enable their damage to be regenerated normally


  • while the rounds are still in the creature's body, none of the rounds' damage can be regenerated
  • even after the rounds are removed, the healing of their damage is slowed by a factor of two (damage normally regenerated in melees take hours, minutes take days, hours take weeks, and days take months)
  • the U-Rounds can cause permanent scarring! For every 1% of a creature's total M.D.C. depleted with U-Round damage, there is a cumulative 1% chance that when the wounds heal, they will be permanently scarred: subtract 1 from the creatures P.B. attribute.

    Example 1: a Gargoyle with 400 M.D.C. takes 250 points of damage in battle, 200 of which from U-Rounds. If the Gargoyle manages to survive long enough to have the U-Rounds removed, there is a 50% chance that when the wounds finally heal, they will scar and decrease the creature's P.B. by one.
    Example 2: a dragon with 1000 M.D.C. takes 800 points of damage in battle, with 700 M.D.C. being done by U-Rounds. Once its wounds have healed, there is a 70% chance that the dragon will suffer scarring that will reduce its P.B. attribute by one.
  • the U-Rounds can cause permanent tissue damage! For every 5% of a creature's total M.D.C. depleted by U-Round damage, there is a cumulative 1% chance that the creature will suffer permanent tissue damage. Roll percentile dice on the following table to determine the tissue damage suffered:
    • 01 - 05

      -3 to P.S., -2 to P.E., and -1 to P.P

      06 - 19

      -2 to P.S. and -1 to P.E.

      20 - 39

      -1 to P.S.

      40 - 59

      -1 to P.E.

      60 - 79

      -2 to SPD

      80 - 95

      -5 to SPD and -1 to P.E.

      96 - 100

      -10 to SPD, -2 to P.E., and -1 to P.P.

    Example 1: a Gargoyle with 400 M.D.C. takes 200 points of U-Round damage. There is a 10% chance it will suffer tissue damage.
    Example 2: a 1000 M.D.C. dragon suffers 700 M.D.C from U-Rounds. There is a 14% chance it will suffer tissue damage




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