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By: Dustin M. Ramsey (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)
Create PorridgeRange: 3ft (.9m) Casting this spell causes a swirl of mystic ectoplasm to form. After a few seconds, the ectoplasm solidifies into a bowl full of porridge complete with spoon. Up to 4oz (113g) of porridge per level of experience can be created. The porridge is tasty, if a bit bland, but very nutritious. Many adventurer mages use this spell in place of the rations eaten by mundanes. Once the last of the porridge is eaten or removed from the bowl, both the spoon and the bowl turn back into ectoplasm and evaporate. Note: Practitioners of Conjuring, Earth Elemental Magic, and Nature Magic can create 50% more porridge for the same P.P.E. cost.
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