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This is not a survey; this is not a quiz; this is a bit of fun.
Rate yourself. Rate your players. Pass it around. There are one
hundred questions: score one point for every 'yes' answer.
Do you:
- Own more than 20 dice?
- Own more than 100 dice?
- Have dice that are so used their corners are completely worn
- Remember when there were no D10s, only D20s?
- Remember when the only D20s you could get were numbered 0-9
- Know what 'THAC0' stands for, without checking?
- Know what 'GURPS' stands for, without checking?
- Know what 'TSR' stands for, without checking?
- Know what 'FUDGE' stands for, without checking?
- Know what 'EPT' stands for, without checking?
- Know where you'd find the starship 'Beowolf'?
- Know where you'd find the starship 'Warden'?
- Know what 'The Owl and Weasel' was?
- Own more than 5 RPG rulebooks
- Own more than 20 RPG rulebooks
- Have no idea how many RPG rulebooks you own, but it's still
not enough?
- Know the Gazebo story?
- Had the Gazebo story happen to someone in your group?
- What's the actual printing date on the oldest RPG book or
boxed set you own? 1990 or before?
- 1984 or before?
- 1980 or before?
- 1976 or before?
- Did you buy it the year it was published?
- Is it signed by the designer?
- Are you now or have you ever been a member of the RPGA?
- Have you ever: Played a live-action ('freeform') game out of
- Played a live-action game in costume, with padded weapons for
- Played a MUD?
- Played a solo adventure?
- Been in more than two on-going campaigns at the same
- Been in more than five on-going campaigns at the same
- Used a rulebook so much that its pages fell out (no points for
'Feng Shui', 'SLA Industries', 'Mercenaries, Spies and Private
Eyes' or first-edition 'Vampire: the Masquerade')
- Totalled a character sheet by spilling a drink or dropping
fast food on it?
- Stood on a D4 while wearing no shoes?
- Swallowed a dice?
- Been physically injured or scarred by something that happened
during a gaming (not live-action) session?
- Been in a campaign that has been running more than two
- Been in a campaign that has been running more than five
- Been in a campaign that has been running more than ten
- Been in a campaign which has been running more than twenty
years, has some of its original players and some of its original
characters, and is still going? 41. Attended a games
- Worked on a booth at a games convention?
- Gophered for or organized a games convention?
- Attended a games convention in another country?
- Gone to another country just to attend a games
- Spoken to a 'name' games designer or artist?
- Shaken hands with or kissed a 'name' games designer or
- Had sex with a 'name' games designer or artist? (Note to games
designers and artists: this has to be someone else, not
- Role-played past midnight?
- Role-played past dawn?
- Role-played solidly for more than 24 hours?
- Role-played solidly for more than 48 hours?
- Missed your favourite TV programme because you were
- Missed an important deadline because you were
- Missed a date because you were role-playing?
- Missed a guaranteed 100% dead-cert opportunity for sex because
you were role-playing?
- Been on first-name terms with the person who owns your local
RPG store?
- Worked for a RPG store?
- Owned or managed an RPG store?
- Created a worldwide web site which featured role-playing?
- Written your own RPG system?
- Edited a fanzine or APA?
- Been paid for writing or drawing RPG stuff?
- Written an RPG book and had it published?
- Run an RPG company?
- Run an RPG company that didn't go bankrupt?
- Role-played in a moving vehicle?
- Role-played while at work/in class?
- Fallen asleep while role-playing?
- Got drunk while role-playing?
- Got stoned while role-playing?
- Got laid while role-playing?
- Been stopped by the police while in character?
- Been arrested while in character?
- Been arrested while in costume?
- Had a relative think you're into amateur dramatics because you
couldn't explain role-playing to them properly?
- Heard, 'My kid brother used to do that D&D stuff till he
grew out of it.'?
- Heard, 'Isn't that the game that the kid in Michigan died
playing in those steam tunnels?'
- Watched the movie 'Mazes and Monsters'?
- Read the book 'Mazes and Monsters'?
- Read the book 'Shared Fantasy'?
- Been told that you'll go to hell because you play RPGs?
- Dissed a game you've never read or played?
- Got into an argument about a game you don't know anything
- Won an argument about a game you don't know anything
- Cried when your character died?
- Attempted suicide when your character died?
- Argued so much with a GM that they brought your dead character
back to life?
- Argued so much with a GM that they killed your character out
of spite?
- Actually thought that you could do something because one of
your characters had done it in a game?
- Had a girl/boy-friend who was a gamer?
- Met a girl/boy-friend at a gaming session?
- Met a person you married at a gaming session?
- Lost a girl/boy-friend because you role-played too much?
- Lost your job/been suspended from school or college because
you role-played too much?
- Has a character you were playing or a group you were GMing
ever: Accidentally killed the guy who was going to give them the
information they needed?
- Really, really needed to roll one particular number on
percentile dice, and hit that number exactly?
- Met a god?
- Become a god?
- Met Cthulhu?
- Beaten Cthulhu?