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Purity Test for Gamers

By: splat1@pdq.ne

This is not a survey; this is not a quiz; this is a bit of fun. Rate yourself. Rate your players. Pass it around. There are one hundred questions: score one point for every 'yes' answer.

Do you:

  1. Own more than 20 dice?
  2. Own more than 100 dice?
  3. Have dice that are so used their corners are completely worn away?
  4. Remember when there were no D10s, only D20s?
  5. Remember when the only D20s you could get were numbered 0-9 twice?
  6. Know what 'THAC0' stands for, without checking?
  7. Know what 'GURPS' stands for, without checking?
  8. Know what 'TSR' stands for, without checking?
  9. Know what 'FUDGE' stands for, without checking?
  10. Know what 'EPT' stands for, without checking?
  11. Know where you'd find the starship 'Beowolf'?
  12. Know where you'd find the starship 'Warden'?
  13. Know what 'The Owl and Weasel' was?
  14. Own more than 5 RPG rulebooks
  15. Own more than 20 RPG rulebooks
  16. Have no idea how many RPG rulebooks you own, but it's still not enough?
  17. Know the Gazebo story?
  18. Had the Gazebo story happen to someone in your group?
  19. What's the actual printing date on the oldest RPG book or boxed set you own? 1990 or before?
  20. 1984 or before?
  21. 1980 or before?
  22. 1976 or before?
  23. Did you buy it the year it was published?
  24. Is it signed by the designer?
  25. Are you now or have you ever been a member of the RPGA?
  26. Have you ever: Played a live-action ('freeform') game out of costume
  27. Played a live-action game in costume, with padded weapons for ncombat?
  28. Played a MUD?
  29. Played a solo adventure?
  30. Been in more than two on-going campaigns at the same time?
  31. Been in more than five on-going campaigns at the same time?
  32. Used a rulebook so much that its pages fell out (no points for 'Feng Shui', 'SLA Industries', 'Mercenaries, Spies and Private Eyes' or first-edition 'Vampire: the Masquerade')
  33. Totalled a character sheet by spilling a drink or dropping fast food on it?
  34. Stood on a D4 while wearing no shoes?
  35. Swallowed a dice?
  36. Been physically injured or scarred by something that happened during a gaming (not live-action) session?
  37. Been in a campaign that has been running more than two years?
  38. Been in a campaign that has been running more than five years?
  39. Been in a campaign that has been running more than ten years?
  40. Been in a campaign which has been running more than twenty years, has some of its original players and some of its original characters, and is still going? 41. Attended a games convention?
  41. Worked on a booth at a games convention?
  42. Gophered for or organized a games convention?
  43. Attended a games convention in another country?
  44. Gone to another country just to attend a games convention?
  45. Spoken to a 'name' games designer or artist?
  46. Shaken hands with or kissed a 'name' games designer or artist?
  47. Had sex with a 'name' games designer or artist? (Note to games designers and artists: this has to be someone else, not yourself).
  48. Role-played past midnight?
  49. Role-played past dawn?
  50. Role-played solidly for more than 24 hours?
  51. Role-played solidly for more than 48 hours?
  52. Missed your favourite TV programme because you were role-playing?
  53. Missed an important deadline because you were role-playing?
  54. Missed a date because you were role-playing?
  55. Missed a guaranteed 100% dead-cert opportunity for sex because you were role-playing?
  56. Been on first-name terms with the person who owns your local RPG store?
  57. Worked for a RPG store?
  58. Owned or managed an RPG store?
  59. Created a worldwide web site which featured role-playing?
  60. Written your own RPG system?
  61. Edited a fanzine or APA?
  62. Been paid for writing or drawing RPG stuff?
  63. Written an RPG book and had it published?
  64. Run an RPG company?
  65. Run an RPG company that didn't go bankrupt?
  66. Role-played in a moving vehicle?
  67. Role-played while at work/in class?
  68. Fallen asleep while role-playing?
  69. Got drunk while role-playing?
  70. Got stoned while role-playing?
  71. Got laid while role-playing?
  72. Been stopped by the police while in character?
  73. Been arrested while in character?
  74. Been arrested while in costume?
  75. Had a relative think you're into amateur dramatics because you couldn't explain role-playing to them properly?
  76. Heard, 'My kid brother used to do that D&D stuff till he grew out of it.'?
  77. Heard, 'Isn't that the game that the kid in Michigan died playing in those steam tunnels?'
  78. Watched the movie 'Mazes and Monsters'?
  79. Read the book 'Mazes and Monsters'?
  80. Read the book 'Shared Fantasy'?
  81. Been told that you'll go to hell because you play RPGs?
  82. Dissed a game you've never read or played?
  83. Got into an argument about a game you don't know anything about?
  84. Won an argument about a game you don't know anything about?
  85. Cried when your character died?
  86. Attempted suicide when your character died?
  87. Argued so much with a GM that they brought your dead character back to life?
  88. Argued so much with a GM that they killed your character out of spite?
  89. Actually thought that you could do something because one of your characters had done it in a game?
  90. Had a girl/boy-friend who was a gamer?
  91. Met a girl/boy-friend at a gaming session?
  92. Met a person you married at a gaming session?
  93. Lost a girl/boy-friend because you role-played too much?
  94. Lost your job/been suspended from school or college because you role-played too much?
  95. Has a character you were playing or a group you were GMing ever: Accidentally killed the guy who was going to give them the information they needed?
  96. Really, really needed to roll one particular number on percentile dice, and hit that number exactly?
  97. Met a god?
  98. Become a god?
  99. Met Cthulhu?
  100. Beaten Cthulhu?



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