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This page is dedicated to the many pursuits of magic. It contains detailed new rules, several rune weapons, powerful new spells, Techno-Wizardry/magic equipment, new types of Techno-Wizard weapons, and revised rules for creating many different kinds of Techno-Wizardry weapons.


New Magic Rules

Enchantment: a rediscovered form of magic that specializes in enchanting mundane objects

Magic Disruption Rules: advanced rules for determining the chance of a magic spell being interrupted when the casting mage is attacked

Curt's Diabolist/Ward Magic Rules

Magic Weapons

Arafel the Pure, a cursed Greater Holy weapon.

Dastari the Withering, a really cursed Greatest Rune Mace

Edwina the Slayer, a Rune Sword/Knife

Enrither the Fury, a Greatest Rune Sword, and the original Sword of Atlantis

Hephaestus the Honourable, a cursed Greater Rune Katana

Nemish, a Greatest Rune Bow

Odrade the Goodslayer, a Greater Dark Holy weapon

Rashedi the Vile, a cursed Greater Rune Sword

Scepter of the Necromancer, a corrupted Millennium Tree staff of great power

T'Chakta the Dragon Slayer, a Pogtal Giant Holy weapon

Tractator the Terrible, a slightly cursed Rune Scimitar

Vargus the Assassin, a cursed Rune Assassin's Blade

New Magic Spells

Create Golem Armor, a level 15 ritual

Create Life Form, a ritual Spell of Legend

Curse of the Untimely Demise, a level 14 ritual

Fire Fly, a level 4 spell

Machinebane, a level 9 spell

Maelstrom, a ritual Spell of Legend

Mystic Zanshin, a level 5 spell and ritual

Restore Limb, a level 14 ritual

New Magic Tattoos

Magic Weapon Tattoos
Weapon Covered in Blue Flame (double damage to supernatural creatures)

Weapon in a Pentagram (speed weapon)

Weapon Radiating Black Lightning (assassin's weapon)

Weapon with a Halo of Darkness (double damage to good alignments)

Weapon with a Halo of Light (double damage to evil alignments)

Power Tattoos

Brain with a Blue Aura (kinetic powers)

Brain with Lightning Bolts (telekinetic powers)

Broken Sine Wave (communication and sensor jamming)

Small Circle with Mystic Symbols (simple circle of protection)

Large Circle with Many Mystic Symbols (greater circle of protection)

Cloud with a Lightning Bolt (lightning and thunder strike)

Concentric Rings (sonic boom)

Fire Dragon with Flame Breath (mega-damage breath attack)

Heart in a Pentagram (superhuman strength, endurance, and speed)

Ice Dragon with Frost Breath (mega-damage cold breath attack)

Intertwined Snakes (protection from disease)

Person in a Bubble (protection from environment)

Snail on a Spider's Web (speed of the snail)

Specter with a Yellow Aura (influence and walk with spirits)

Whirlpool of Darkness (whirlpool of chaos)

Wolf with Glowing Eyes (eyes of the wolf)

New Techno-Wizardry/Magic Items

TW Boots of Levitation

TW Concealed Weapon Holster

New Hand-to-Hand Techno-Wizardry Weapons

TW Fire Whip

TW Frost Blade

New Ranged Techno-Wizardry Weapons

Enhanced Creation Rules for Techno-Wizardry Energy Weapons
Enhanced TW Laser Weapons

Enhanced TW Ion Weapons

Enhanced TW Plasma Weapons

Enhanced TW Lightning Blasters

Enhanced Creation Rules for Techno-Wizardry Telekinetic Weapons

Enhanced TK Revolvers

Enhanced TK Pistols

Enhanced TK Submachineguns

Enhanced TK Shotguns

Enhanced TK Automatic Rifles

Enhanced TK Machineguns

New Techno-Wizardry Weapons

TK Rail Gun

TW Electric Field Gun

TW Entity Launcher, for firing supernatural entities

TW Fire Ball Blunderbuss

TW Particle Beam Weapons

TW Wind Bazooka




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