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Answers to Common Questions, Official Erratas, & Press Releases

This page has press releases, official erratas to the various Palladium role- playing games, and answers to common questions.


Press Releases:

Palladium Books' Current Press Release

Past Press Releases from Palladium Books

Official Erratas:

Beyond the Supernatural RPG:
The Beyond the Supernatural rulebook

Heroes Unlimited RPG:

The Heroes Unlimited, 2nd Edition rulebook

Nightbane RPG:

The Nightbane rulebook
World Book Two: Nightlands

Palladium Fantasy Role Playing Game:

The Palladium Fantasy RPG, 2nd Edition rulebook
Book Three: Adventures on the High Seas 2nd Edition
Book Seven: Yin-Sloth Jungles

The Rifter:

Rifter #3


The Main RIFTS Book
The first Conversion Book
Conversion Book Two: Pantheons of the Megaverse
Sourcebook Four: Coalition Navy
Dimension Book Two: Phase World
Dimension Book Three: Phase World Sourcebook
World Book Three: England
World Book Four: Africa
World Book Six: South America 1
World Book Nine: South America 2
World Book Seven: Underseas
World Book Eight: Japan
World Book Eleven: Coalition War Campaign
World Book Twelve: Psyscape
World Book Seventeen: Warlords of Russia

Answers to Common Questions:

Can Amplified Hearing be Used with Vehicles?

How does the Apok's Healing and M.D.C. work in relation to the Demon Mask?

What are the Auto-G's mentioned in the Main RIFTS Book?

What are a Borg's Attributes?

Is the carpet in Carpet of Adhesion Indestructible?

What is the Chi Attribute on the Rifts Sourcebook 1 character sheets?

How do Dodge and Automatic Dodge work?

Do Dodge and Automatic Dodge use the Same Bonuses?

What penalties are there for Dodging Ranged Weapons?

Are there Levels Advancements for Dragons?

What are the rules for Dual O.C.C.'s?

How much time is required to Recharge E-Clips?

Are E-Clip Sizes Standardized?

How Loud are Energy Weapons?

Can mages/psychics Shoot Through Energy Fields?

Can Faerie's Gain Levels of experience?

How do magic and psionic Healing Powers Work on M.D.C. Beings?

How does Invisibility work?

How far can characters Leap?

Do Ley Lines have a Physical Component?

How quickly do M.D.C. Creatures Heal?

What happens to a Nightbane's Bonus S.D.C./H.P. when they switch from morphus to facade?

How much P.P.E. can be Absorbed from Ley Lines?

How do Magic Scrolls work?

What happens when Phase Weapons are used on Borgs?

What does Rate of Fire: Standard mean?

Who can Resist Soul Drinking?

What does Supernatural Endurance mean?

Are Supernatural Creatures' Physical Attacks Magical Damage?

Are Vampires Damaged by Thermonuclear Weapons?


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Rifts®, Palladium Books®, and Megaverse® are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books, Inc.