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Advanced Gaming Rules

This page details alternate, supplemental, and advanced rules that can be used to make your gaming experience more realistic and/or more straightforward.


Attribute Rules:

Attribute Bonus Dice: how to fairly and realistically use attribute bonus dice

Low Attributes: rules for determining the penalties for low attributes

High Attributes: rules for determining the bonuses gained from high attributes

Burst Rules:

Increased-Damage Bursts: alternate burst rules that base the amount of damage on the number of shots fired

Increased-Shot Bursts: alternate rules where weapon bursts take the same number of shots regardless of the clip size

Kitsune's Modified Burst Rules: advanced burst rules for semiautomatic weapons, automatic weapons, machineguns, and special burst techniques

Supplemental Character Class Rules:

Changing O.C.C.s: clearly explained rules for changing a character's Occupational Character Class

Top notch RIFTS Character Sheets (or Character Record Sheets)!

Credits: what they really are, and how money works on RIFTS earth

Luck: add Luck into your RIFTS game

Pain Rules: great rules for realistically handling pain

Perception Attribute: rules for character's innate Danger Sense and Initiative Modifiers

Advanced Combat System Rules:

Armour Penetration: for use when determining what happens when damage penetrates a characters' armour

Attacks per Melee: the real answer on just how many attack per melee characters get

Damage Soak: rules for determining how much damage armour can negate

Horror Factor Rules: advanced rules for 'learning' from Horror Factor successes and failures

Impact Damage Rules: realistic rules for figuring out how much S.D.C. damage characters take inside armour

Advanced Initiative System: a vastly superior and much faster way of running combat

Advanced Ranged Combat Rules: fantastic new ranged combat rules that make combat much more realistic in RIFTS or any other Palladium game!

Knockdown Rules:

Knockdown: Simple: fast and simple rules for determining knockdown, as based on a character's size

Knockdown: Advanced: highly realistic rules for determining knockdown, as based on the amount and type of damage done, as well as the target's size

Knockdown for Weapons: rules for determining when weapons have been knocked out of a character's hands

Martial Arts Rules:

Expanded Martial Arts Hand Strikes: rules for realistically determining how much damage is done by Normal, Extraordinary, Superhuman, and Supernaturally strong martial artists using hand attacks

Expanded Martial Arts Kick Attacks: rules for realistically determining how much damage is done by Normal, Extraordinary, Superhuman, and Supernaturally strong martial artists using foot attacks

Expanded Martial Arts Miscellaneous Attacks: rules for realistically determining how much damage is done by Normal, Extraordinary, Superhuman, and Supernaturally strong martial artists using miscellaneous attacks

Supernatural P.S. for Martial Arts: advanced rules for determining the amount of damage done by supernaturally strong martial artist

Parry Rules:

Parrying Area-Effect Weapons: rules for parrying rail-guns, missiles, explosions, and other area-effect weapons

Parrying Energy Weapon Bursts: rules for parrying weapon bursts

Physical Strength Rules:

Extraordinary P.S.: rules for determining how much damage is done by Heroes Unlimited characters with the Extraordinary Physical Strength super power

Superhuman P.S.: rules for determining how much damage is done by Heroes Unlimited characters with the Superhuman Strength super power

Supernatural P.S. for Martial Arts: advanced rules for determining the amount of damage done by supernaturally strong martial artist

Vehicle Rules:

Collision, Impact, and Critical Hits: rules for determining collisions, impacts, and critical hits for Power Armour and Robot Vehicles

Critical Hit Rules for Mecha: rules for critical hits on Powered Armour and Robot Vehicles

Starship Rules: a fantastic set of rules for making RIFTS, Phase World, Robotech, and Macross starships consistent and much more realistic

TMF: how to use Transient Movement Factor in RIFTS, Robotech, and Macross II games

Weapon Rules:

Knockdown for Weapons: rules for determining when weapons have been knocked out of a character's hands

Advanced Missile Rules: a fantastic set of rules for making Phase World missiles much more dramatic and realistic

Nuclear Weapon Explosions: in-depth, super-realistic rules for determining the effects of nuclear weapons in a gaming

Sounds Produced by Energy Weapons: the very realistic answer to what sounds do energy weapons make

Modified Triax DU and U-Round Rules: enhanced rules to reflect the truly toxic nature of these weapons




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