RIFTS by Dustin M. 
Your Premiere Source for Quality RIFTS Supplements Since 1995

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R.C.C.s and O.C.C.s

This page contains new Racial Character Classes and new Occupational Character Classes.


Character Classes:

The Master O.C.C., P.C.C., R.C.C., & Race List, a list of all the available character classes in RIFTS

New R.C.C.s

Borowitz: a psionically gifted race of giants
Carnja Hunter/Assassin: cruel hunters from another dimension
Horta: a Star Trek conversion for RIFTS
Lishka: a fox-like alien from a different world
Maddalena Demon: another twisted creation from the Gene Splicers
Mogara: a powerful alien race suitable for RIFTS Earth, Phase World, and Aliens Unlimited
Statisti: a mathematically-gifted D-Bee
Takean Warrior: the ancient enemy of the Brodkil
Todakka: a race of giants gifted with mechanical genus
Woowari: a peaceful race indigenous to a different dimension
Yautja Hunter: a conversion of the Predator for RIFTS

New O.C.C.s

Con Artist: the professional con-man
New Cyber-Knight Variants:
Astral Knight: masters of the Astral Plane
Changed Knight: mutant knights
Dream Knight: masters of the Dreamstream
Electric Knight: knights possessing powerful psychic abilities
Energy Knight: the hand-weapon specialist knight
Ley Line Knight: a mystically empowered knight
Psiren Knight: knights with powerful songs
Swordless Knight: the bionic and cybernetically enhanced knight
Tattooed Knight: knights specializing in Atlantean Tattoo Magic
Warrior Knight: the martial artist knight
Xarian Knight: a magic and psionic super-powered knight

CS Battle Angel: the combat medic of the Coalition military
Enchanter: mages that focus on adding enchantment to mundane objects
Medical Examiner: highly trained forensics expert and M.D.
Mer-Juicer: a Juicer variant specially designed for underwater operations
Sniper: a trained military assassin
Soaker: a hydrokinetic Psychic Character Class




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