RIFTS by Dustin M. 
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This page is dedicated to a wide variety of new ranged weapons manufactured by the Kittani, Naruni Enterprises, Northern Gun, and others.


Complete List of Official Weapons

Covering part or all of the following books: Atlantis, Coalition Navy, Coalition War Campaign, Free Quebec, Juicer Uprising, The Mechanoids, Mercenaries, Mindwerks, New West, Phase World, Phase World Sourcebook, Rifter #4, RIFTS, Sourcebook One, South America, Triax & The NGR, and Underseas (with more on the way)
Black Market Weapons
Cyberworks Network (Archie) Weapons
Coalition States Pistols
Coalition States Rifles
Coalition States Heavy Weapons
Free Quebec Pistols
Free Quebec Rifles
Free Quebec Heavy Weapons
Juicer Assassin Weapons
Kittani Energy Weapons
Kittani Heavy Weapons
Mechanoid Weapons
Mindwerks Weapons
Naruni Rifles
Naruni Heavy Weapons
Naruni Plasma Cartridge Pistols
Naruni Plasma Cartridge Rifles
Naruni Plasma Cartridge Heavy Weapons
Naut'Yll Weapons
New Navy Energy Weapons
New Navy Heavy Weapons
Northern Gun Pistols
Northern Gun Rifles
Northern Gun Heavy Weapons
Republic of Columbia Energy Weapons
Republic of Columbia Heavy Weapons
Triax Industries Pistols
Triax Industries Rifles
Triax Industries Heavy Weapons
Triax Industries Giant Sized Weapons
Tritonia Weapons
Wellington Industries Energy Weapons
Wellington Industries Heavy Weapons
Wilk's Pistols
Wilk's Rifles
Wilk's Heavy Weapons

New Mega-Damage Weapons

Kittani Weapons:
K-3 Light Assault Laser Rifle
K-5 Heavy Assault Laser Rifle
K-14 Particle Beam Pistol
K-16 Particle Beam Rifle
K-23 Light Assault Ion Rifle
K-26 Heavy Assault Ion Rifle
K-63 Particle Wave Pistol
K-65 Particle Wave Carbine
K-67 Particle Wave Rifle
K-74 Energy Pulse Pistol
K-76 Energy Pulse Rifle

Naruni Enterprises:

Naruni NE-2100R Missile Assault Cannon

Northern Gun:

NG-I3 Northern Gun Light Ion Rifle
NG-I6 Northern Gun Heavy Ion Rifle
NG-P4 Northern Gun Particle Beam Pistol
NG-P8 Northern Gun Particle Beam Rifle


I-14 Ion Pulse Rifle, a popular black market ion rifle
Weapon Scopes
Yautja Weapons, the Predator's arsenal of weapons

Wellington Industries:

WI-15 Laser Pistol
WI-20 Laser Rifle

S.D.C. Weapons

Weapon Lists:
Advanced & Prototype Weapons
Assault Rifles
Squad Support Weapons




Site Index


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