Technology is an integral part of any character or team. Vehicles for touring the countryside, armor to protect you against the elements, or weapons and robots for raining destruction upon the enemy - all of these are useful.Whatever the purpose, having a larger selection can help make any game more interesting.
The following abbreviations are used for classification:
[ BA ] Body Armor
[ CV ] Conventional Vehicle
[ M ] Miscellaneous
[ PA ] Power Armor
[ PG ] Personal Gear
[ PW ] Personal Weapon
[ RV ] Robot Vehicle
- AC-57 Dreadnought Assault Craft [ CV ]: - By Chris and Brian. [ Rifts | 11/30/97 ].
The Dreadnought is an assault platform based off of the same chassis as the Monitor. Enhanced engines and a multitude of extra weapons make the Dreadnought a feared menace.
- AF-17 Diamond Back Interceptor [ CV ]: [ Rifts | 11/30/97 ].
A high supersonic fighter/interceptor. The Diamond Back incorporates a variety of new advanced features. This is one of the highest performance aircraft on the planet.
- AH-42 Comanchero Assault Gunship [ CV ]: - By Chris and Brian. [ Rifts | 11/30/97 ].
An assault gunship built off of the same chassis as the Comanche. The aircraft fulfills the same role as modern-day helicopter gunships.
- C-57 Monitor Transport Craft [ CV ]: - By Chris and Brian. [ Rifts | 11/30/97 ].
This is the flagship product of AHI's vehicle line. The Monitor is a supersonic transport designed to deliver a variety of cargo to the battlefield and provide effective fire-support.
- Genevec Armor [ BA ]: - By Chris and Brian. [ Rifts | 11/30/97 ].
A new line of civilian armor; tougher but less flexible than the Triax version. Also includes the SIEDS personal stealth armor.
- Genevec Cyberware [ PG ]: - By Chris and Brian. [ Rifts | 05/01/98 ].
New cyberware offered by Genevec. These systems are oriented toward combat augmentation.
- Genevec Equipment [ PG ]: - By Chris and Brian. [ Rifts | 11/30/97 ].
New equipment put out by Genevec Enterprises.
- Genevec Railguns [ PW ]: [ Rifts | 05/01/98 ].
A look at more realistic railguns. Includes theories behind real-life railgun operation as well as several weapon statistics.
- Genevec Weapons [ PW ]: - By Chris and Brian. [ Rifts | 11/30/97 ].
- GV-03e Emergency Response Suit [ PA ]: [ Rifts | 11/30/97 ].
A non-combat powered armor suit. This PA is modified from a pre-rifts space suit and is intended to be used for emergency rescues, fire fighting, and other special uses.
- GV-27 Scorpion Mini-Tank [ CV / PA ]: [ Rifts | 05/01/98 ].
A ground assault vehicle and personal transport. The Scorpion is intended for both the military and licensed civilian market.
- Missile & Bomb Tables [ M ]: - By Chris and Mad Dog. [ Rifts | 11/30/97 ].
This is a completely revised and expanded table designed to replace that found in the Rifts Main Book. It includes not only conventional warheads, but also specialty ones such as air-to-air and deployable minefields as well as stats for true thermonuclear weapons.
- M-36A2 Jaguar Light Tank [ CV ]: [Rifts | 05/01/98 ]
A light, fast and maneuverable tank. This vehicle is small and fast enough to perform a limited scouting role, but has enough firepower to be able to hold its own in a fight.
- M-61A3 Panther Main Battle Tank [ CV ]: [Rifts | 05/01/98 ]
This was the main-line battle tank for the old American Empire before the Cataclysm. It now fills the same role on Rifts Earth. It is a well-armored, well-armed tank capable of taking on a variety of threats. It can be considered a "general purpose" tank.
M-90A1 Grand Tiger Heavy Assault Tank: [ Rifts | 02/06/99 ]
Before the Cataclysm, this was the heaviest tank ever fielded in combat by the old American Empire. It was one of the most powerful forces on the battlefield, capable of literally ripping through almost any opposition.
- MH-42 Comanche Troop Transport [ CV ]: - By Chris and Brian. [ Rifts | 11/30/97 ].
A transport created to quickly and efficiently deliver two squads of combat equipped infantry where needed.
- Nano-tech Breaching System [ M ]: - By Parker and Chris. [ Rifts | 11/30/97 ].
A specialized application of the nano-tech repulsor technology. Used to breach enemy fortifications.
- Nano-tech Disassembler Weapons (NDWs) [ PG / M ]: [ Rifts | 11/30/97 ].
These are NRAD's greatest, and most deadly, breakthrough. Nanites that destroy anything and everything in their path.
- Nano-tech Medical Emergency Surgery System (NMESS) [ PG ]: [ Rifts | 11/30/97 ].
An improved version of the ever-popular IRMSS. Thsi version offers enhanced wound recovery.
- Nano-Tech Repulsors [ M ]: [ Rifts | 11/30/97 ].
Caged electrons that act as a magnetic monopole.
- NDW Neutralizers [ PG / M ]: [ Rifts | 11/30/97 ].
The only easy way to protect from the devestation of the Nano-tech Disassembler Weapons (NDWs).
- New weapons [PW ]: - By Silverwing and Chris. [ Rifts | 05/01/98 ]
A variety of new weapons by several companies. All weapons are unique and have visual renderings to go with them.- Triax T-50 Commando [ PA ]: [ Rifts | 05/01/98 ]
Triax's attempt to produce an inexpensive infantry power armor. While being tough enough to stand up to opposition, it is also cheap enough that whole squads can be equipped with the suits, forming a powerful unit.
- Triax X-110 Executioner [ PA ]: [ Rifts | 05/01/98 ]
While the X-10 Predator does an adequate job as an air-superiority/assault suit, it is lagging somewhat behind in technology. The Executioner was built by Triax to be a possible replacement and is superior in virtually every way - except cost.
- Triax X-3000 Paladin [ PA ]: [ Rifts | 05/01/98 ]
The Paladin was designed by Triax to essentially be a test bed for new technologies. The prototype suits incorporate a devastating arsenal, defensive forcefield, and a holographic chameleon/stealth system. Were these suits to be put into production, they would be among the most powerful armors on the planet.If you notice any mistakes on this page or on any other pages on this site, please do not hesitate to let me know. You can send mail to Chris Curtis any time at (
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