Triax X-3000 Paladin

The X-3000 Paladin is the newest and most incredible power armor to come out of the Triax R&D labs. This unit is one of, if not the, most powerful and devastating power armors on the planet. It was conceived of by the researchers and engineers to be an experimental test-bed for new technologies. While the Paladin is is an incredible marvel of engineering, whole platoons of normal power armor troops could be outfitted for the cost of producing one of these suits. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that any more than the three existing prototypes will be created.

This power armor incorporates many advanced features. With the trade agreement between the NGR and Free Quebec in place, Triax had access to laser resistant glitter armor technology and could begin to experiment with it. One of the first departures from the glitterboy was the Glitter Wing modification of the Dragon Wing. This worked well, unfortunately though, it was at the cost of the Dragon Wing's stealth systems - primarily a radar reflective paint.

Paladin 1 The scientists decided that the radar reflective paint was not the only answer and set out to find another stealth system. This research resulted in the advanced holographic and wave reduction system used on the Paladin. Though this system is not quite as effective at evading radar (88% chance), it is much more versatile. Not only is it possible to use the system in a stealth mode, but it can holographically mimic something else, such as another power armor, robot, D-bee, etc. The primary reason for the research was so that the suit could incorporate laser resistant glitter armor in addition to the holo system.

The Paladin also has an advanced interface system between the pilot and armor. The interface requires the pilot to have a head-jack cybernetic implant in order to be able to directly link with the computer, targeting system, and weapon systems. This allows a level of control previously unknown with Triax power armors.

The X-3000 includes the latest advances in force field technology made by Triax. Many of the advances came after Triax acquired several Naruni personal force field units. The system used on the Paladin evolved from the Ulti-Max. The new system, however, is stronger and regenerates faster. The field generators themselves are also less susceptible to damage since there are four separate generators.

In addition to the advanced features, the Paladin possesses a devastating arsenal. The armor has several weapon systems ranging from mini-missiles to auto-cannons and plasma ejectors. Combined together these features make this one of the most formidable and advanced power armors in existence.

Model Type: X-3000 Paladin
Class: Heavy Strategic Assault Manned Armor System
Crew: One
M.D.C. by Location:

[1] Head - 200
     Shoulders/Upper Arms (2) - 240 each
     Forearms (2) - 200
[1] Hands (2) - 75 each
     Legs (2) - 350 each
     Main Rear Thrusters (3) - 80 each
     Maneuvering Fins (3) - 75 each
     Auto-Cannons (2) - 100 each
     Pulse-Cannons (2) - 100 each
[2] Chameleon System - 100
[2] Force Field Generators (4) - 50 each
     Force Field - 200
[3] Main Body - 650



Running: 80 mph (128 kph) maximum.
Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap up to 20 feet (6 m) high or across. Add 12 feet (3.65 m) with a running start. Jet thruster assisted leaps can hurl the unit up to 80 feet (24.5 m) high or 120 feet (36.5 m) across without actually attaining flight.
Paladin 2 Flying: The rocket propulsion system enables the unit to hover stationary or fly. Maximum flying speed is 300 mph (480 kph), but cruising speed is considered to be 150 mph (240 kph). Maximum altitude is about 20,000 feet (6061 m).
Flying Range: The nuclear power supply gives the unit decades of life but the jet rockets get hot and need to cool after a maximum of ten hours of flight whenever traveling at speeds above cruising, and after twenty hours at cruising speed; can fly indefinitely with periodic rest stops.

Statistical Data:

Height: 9.5 feet (2.9 m)
Width: 5 feet (1.5 m)
Length: 4 feet (1.2 m)
Weight: 1.4 tons (1270 kg)
Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. of 48s
Cargo: Minimal storage space; storage for a rifle, handgun, survival knife, first-aid kit and standard backpack.
Power System: Nuclear; average energy life is 30 years.
Cost: The X-3000 Paladin is an experimental test-bed power armor. Only three prototype suits have been produced so far. The prohibitive cost of construction will keep the Paladin from ever being produced in any large quantity. If one of the three suits were to somehow find their way to the black market, they would easily go for over 100 million due to the extreme advanced nature of the armor.

Weapons And Systems:

  1. Paladin 3 Plasma Ejectors (2): The palm of each hand conceals a powerful plasma ejector. These weapons can be fired independently or together in a simultaneous attack.
  2. Range: 1500 feet (460 m).
    Damage: 1D6x10 per single or 2D6x10 per dual, simultaneous blast.
    Rate of Fire: Single or simultaneous.
    Payload: Effectively unlimited.

  3. 50mm Auto-Cannons (2): These devastating gatling-style cannons are concealed on the outside of each forearm and pop out when used. They can be fired independently or together in a simultaneous attack.
  4. Range: 1000 feet (305 m).
    Damage: 3D6 for a single round, 2D6x10 for a 20 round burst, 4D6x10 for a dual, simultaneous (total 40 round) burst.
    Rate of Fire: Single shot, burst, or simultaneous.
    Payload: 1500 rounds per cannon, or 75 bursts per cannon.

  5. Pulse Cannons (2): The Particle Beam pulse cannons are set one in each side of the chest. These weapons can be fired independently or together in a simultaneous attack.
  6. Range: 4000 feet (1220 m).
    Damage: 3D6, 6D6 for simultaneous attacks.
    Rate of Fire: Aimed, burst, or wild, also simultaneous.
    Payload: Effectively unlimited.

  7. Mini-Missile Launchers (2): A missile launcher is concealed under each shoulder plate. When fired, the plates rise up slightly, the missiles fire, and the plates lower.
  8. Missile Type: Any mini-missile can be used, but plasma is almost always the standard.
    Range: Varies with type. (Use new missile/bomb tables)
    Damage: Varies with type. (Use new missile/bomb tables)
    Rate of Fire: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8.
    Payload: 32, 16 per launcher.

  9. Paladin 4 Vibro Claws: The fingers of each hand end in deadly vibro-blades. For damage see Hand to Hand Combat.

  10. Energy Rifles or Rail Guns and other hand-held weapons can be used in an emergency or used as a back-up weapon. Note that if a hand-held weapon is used, the palm plasma ejector will not be able to fire.

  11. Hand to Hand Combat:
  12. Restrained Punch: 1D6x10+10 SDC
    Full Strength Punch: 1D6 +3 MD
    Power Punch: 3D6+6 MD (2 attacks)
    Claw Attack: 1D4x10+5 MD
    Crush/Tear/Pry with claws: 5D6 MD
    Flip/Body Block: 2D6 MD
    Tackle: 2D6+3 MD
    Flying Tackle: 6D6+6 MD
    Kick: 2D6+3 MD
    Leap Kick: 3D6+6 MD
    Flying leap kick: 6D6+3 MD (2 attacks)

  13. Paladin 5 Chameleon "Cloaking" System: The chameleon system is an incredible new invention. It has two main purposes: stealth and disguise. Special holographic projectors and sensors built into the armor analyze the surroundings. They then project the surroundings around the armor, so that anyone looking at the armor will effectively see through the armor. In addition, the armor has sophisticated sound, thermal, and radar reduction materials built in. Alternatively, the system can disguise the armor by making it appear to be another type of power armor, robot, person, creature, etc.; the armor is programmed with over 2000 different types.
  14. Stealth Mode:
    This allows the pilot to use a stealth skill at +25%, or gives a default skill of 65%.
    +3 initiative
    -30% for others to detect ambush or concealment.
    -6 for others to strike the armor.

    Chameleon Mode: The unit is able to imitate other known power armors, robots, creatures, etc. of comparable size (plus or minus 2 feet) with 92% effectiveness.
    Penalty: It takes two actions for the system to engage after being initiated. When Stealth Mode is engaged, reduce all combat bonuses of the pilot (except the +3 initiative) by one-half. The force field cannot be engaged while either the Chameleon or Stealth Mode is activated.
  15. Force Field: A heavy-duty force field is integrated into the armor and can be activated on command.
  16. M.D.C.: 200
    Regeneration: The field regenerates 1 M.D.C. per melee.

  17. Bonuses from X-3000 Paladin Combat Training:
  18. +3 to Strike
    +4 to Parry
    +4 to Dodge
    +6 to Flying Dodge
    +4 to Roll with Impact and Pull Punch
    +2 actions (additional +1 action at levels 3, 6, 10, 14)

    Note: The pilot must also possess a head-jack cybernetic implant for a direct link to the computer, targeting system, and weapon systems. This adds the bonuses of:
    +2 initiative
    +1 Roll with Impact and Pull Punch
    +5% on all piloting skills

  19. Sensors: The armor has all standard power armor sensors and optical systems. In addition, it has infrared, ultraviolet, low-light, thermal and ultrasound imagers.

[ TRIAX(TM) is a trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]

Artwork from Image Comics' StormWatch.

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