GV-27 Scorpion Personal Mini-Tank

The Scorpion mini-tank is one of the most interesting offerings from Archangel Heavy Industries (AHI). It is basically a cross between a power armor and a vehicle. This combination offers many advantages. Chief among these are versatility and lower cost. Since it doesn't incorporate all of the advanced (and expensive) systems of power armors and robots, it is much easier and less expensive to produce.

Scorpion Mini-Tank One of the most unusual things about the GV-27 is its shape. The first sight of the vehicle usually reminds people of a bug. It has four legs and two arms, which are near the front of the vehicle. The enlarged rear section is where the pilot rests. Another unique feature is that it can both walk and drive. At the foot of each leg is a retractable wheel. When in driving mode, the Scorpion can reach speeds of up to 120 mph (192 kph)! It can also change from driving to walking and back in only a few seconds (1 action).

The designers of the GV-27 Scorpion did not intend for it to be a front-line combat unit. Therefore, its armament is not particularly heavy. However, it is more than adequate and is actually at least as good as most power armors. The two built-in weapon systems consist of a mini-missile launcher on each side and auto-cannons mounted in the arms. There is also a dedicated mount for an external particle beam weapon, though it must be purchased separately with a legitimate permit or license.

Another feature of the Scorpion are the built-in "grappling hooks". The hand/claw of each arm can be launched from the body. The claws trail a super-strong braided diamond-steel line less than a quarter of an inch in diameter behind them. In the rear of the vehicle is situated a similar pair of launchers. The rear pair is located in such a way that the vehicle can "repel" down a near-vertical surface head first. The front pair can reach about 100 ft (30 m) while the rear set has a range of about 300 ft (90 m). Each line is capable of supporting up to one ton (907 kg). Theoretically, the vehicle could be anchored in place by firing both pairs into the ground.

In military applications, the Scorpion is normally issued to lone operatives or scouts. It is quite suited to these situations with its mix of maneuverability, speed, armor, and firepower.

It is also quite popular with independent adventurers. It offers similar capabilities to a power armor but at a significantly reduced price. The design is also offered with an internal combustion engine in place of the nuclear power source. This helps further reduce the cost, but at the expense of operational duration. Many of the nuclear powered export models replace the auto-cannons with lasers (5D6 MD / 1D4x10 MD combined, 2000 ft/610 m range, effectively unlimited payload). This helps make it a much more "self-sufficient" design.

Model Type: GV-27 Scorpion Personal Mini-Tank
Class: Personal Transport and Scout Vehicle
Crew: One
MDC By Location:

     Legs (4) - 200
     Arms (2) - 130
[1] Hand/Claw (2) - 60
     Side Missile Launchers (2) - 100
[1] Forward Sensor Array - 50
[2] Searchlight - 15
     (Optional) Particle Beam Weapon - 100
     Main Hatch (1, top) - 100
     Escape Hatch (1, bottom) - 50
     Reinforced Pilot's Compartment - 100
[3] Main Body - 275



Flying: Not possible.
Driving: 120 mph (192 kph), cruising is considered about 60 mph (96 kph).
Running: 60 mph (96 kph), cruising is considered about 30 mph (48 kph). Note that this does not tire out the operator.
Leaping: 30 ft (9 m) high or lengthwise from a stationary position; 40 ft (12 m) high or 55 ft (16.7 m) lengthwise from a running start.

Statistical Data

Height: 5 feet (1.5 m); with legs extended, 7 ft (2.1 m)
Width: 5 ft (1.5 m)
Length: 7 feet (2.1 m)
Weight: 1 ton (907 kg) fully loaded.
Cargo: A small area large enough to hold a suit of light to medium body armor, small rifle, handgun, survival kit, and personal items.
Color: Any, military models are typically light grey, dark grey, dark blue, camouflage, or Midnight Black.
Power System:

Nuclear: Average energy life is 5+ years.
Internal Combustion: 300 mile range, reduce speeds by 30%.


Nuclear: 500,000 credits for a new, fully equipped vehicle with nuclear power plant.
Internal Combustion: 200,000 credits for a new, fully equipped vehicle with internal combustion engine.
Particle Beam Cannon: 70,000 credits for this optional weapon.

Special Systems

  1. Side Mini-Missile Launchers: On each side of the vehicle is a pop-out mini-missile launcher. The launcher is normally retracted until the signal is given to fire, whereupon it opens, launches, and retracts again.
  2. Missile Type: Varies. (Use new missile/bomb tables).
    Mega-Damage: Varies with type. (Use new missile/bomb tables).
    Range: Varies with type. (Use new missile/bomb tables).
    ROF: 1, 2, 3, or 4
    Payload: 8 total; 4 per side.

  3. Particle Beam Cannon (optional): A particle beam cannon can be mounted on either the left or right side (not both) of the vehicle over the missile launcher. It is primarily intended as a backup or secondary weapon and must be purchased separately.
  4. Mega-Damage: 7D6
    Range: 1000 ft (300 m)
    ROF: Single shot
    Payload: Effectively Unlimited

  5. Auto-Cannons: Each arm houses a separate auto-cannon. These cannons can be fired separately or linked together.
  6. Mega-Damage: 6D6 separately or 1D6x10 fired together
    Range: 1000 ft (300 m)
    ROF: single or linked
    Payload: 100 per cannon. (Note: firing linked does deplete both ammos)

  7. Sensors of Note: Long-range communication, radar, and radar tracking same as power armors.

This vehicle was inspired by, and the picture is from, the manga Ghost in the Shell (which I highly recommend).

Rifts statistics were designed by Chris Curtis (curtis@thepentagon.com).

Copyright © 1997 Chris Curtis. All Rights Reserved.