[1] Missile Launchers(2) - 110
[1] Weapon Pods(6) - 120
[1] Nose Cannon(1) - 100
[1] Retractable Landing Gear(3) - 80
Wings(2) - 200
Main Thrusters(2) - 175
VTOL Thrusters(4) - 115
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment - 100
[2] Main Body - 375
1. Each of these items is small and/or difficult to strike. Any attacks must be called shots and are -3 to strike.
2. Depleting the MDC of the main body completely destroys the craft.
Flying: Hover stationary up to a maximum speed of Mach 2.5 (roughly
1650mph/ 2655kph)
Flying Range: Effectively unlimited with occasional cooling stops.
The craft will need to rest for 2 hours after traveling at over 50% engine
output for more than 20 hours.
Maximum Altitude: 30,000 feet (9144 m)
Statistical Data
Height: 18 feet (5.5 m) tall
Width: 50 ft (15.2 m)
Length: 85 feet (25.9 m)
Weight: 14 tons fully loaded.
Cargo: A small area that holds 3 suits of armor, 5 Assault Rifles,
5 LALWs, 2 Mini-missile Launchers, and 10 assorted grenades.
Color: Typically light grey, dark grey, dark blue, camouflage, military
green, or Midnight Black.
Power System: Nuclear, average energy life is 20+ years.
Cost: 36 million credits.
Special Systems
Range: 4000 feet (1212 m)
Damage: 3D4x10 MD (burst)
Rate of Fire: Burst
Payload: Unlimited
Range: Varies with type. (Use new missile/bomb tables)
Damage: Varies with type. (Use new missile/bomb tables)
Rate of Fire: 1, 2, 4, 6
Payload: 3 per wing (6 total)
Range: Varies with type. (Use new missile/bomb tables)
Damage: Varies with type. (Use new missile/bomb tables)
Rate of Fire: 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 18, 36
Payload: 24 per launcher (48 total)
Range: 2 miles (3.2 km)
Damage: 2D4x10 MD (single) or 4D4x10 (linked)
Rate of Fire: Singly or linked
Payload: 150 bursts per gun
Note: Unless performing a strafing run, there is a -2 to strike with these weapons.
Range: 6000 feet (1800 m)
Damage: 1D6x10 MD (single) or 2D6x10 (linked)
Rate of Fire: Single or linked
Payload: Unlimited
Note: +2 to strike
Effects: roll percentile dice to determine results.
Percentile Roll Effect 01-50
Enemy missile or missile volley detonates due to the chaff or flare - the threat is over. 51-75
Enemy missile or missile volley loses track of real target and veers away in the wrong direction (may lock onto another nearby aircraft). 76-00
No effect! Missiles still on target!! Payload: 20 chaff, 40 flares
[ TRIAX(TM) is a trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
Artwork by Mike Faller (hell_storm@hotmail.com).
Slightly edited by Chris Curtis.Designed by Chris Curtis (curtis@thepentagon.com) and Brian Melcher (melcher@iname.com).