The FULL Teeny-Bopper Campaign Web Page

Based on ideas from Eric Wujcik's

"Teeny-Bopper Terror
The Tomb of The Perpetually cool Adolescants"


This adventure in the BTS main book is designed as a one shot kinda quickie. But, as some of us are, the characters are kinda cool; even if they are only 13 year old girls...

Well, For those of you who wanted more, now you've got it! This section of this page is dedicated to your cute (hopefully) little girls. (no offense intended)

First off, many of you are probably thinking, "What the @$#@ ?!" Well, when I first saw this adventure in the book so did I. Ithought, hey cool idea, but poor application. So I decided to "play-test" a new approach to the horror game genre. Let's take this general idea and push it to the limits of my GM talent (which I tend to think is pretty good since I've GM'd over 12 games in the last 3 years and people still have not booted me out).

Well for those of you who wanted to see a FULL campaign centered around your cute little girls, here you go. Before you get seriously intent here just relax and look at the basic rules adaptions below. These are very important to the integrity of the game, and the sanity of everyone playing (not to mention the GM).

Reminders and Pointers

One: Remember the time of year. If it's during the summer it'll probably be hot, or at least warm enough that the girls will be wearing dresses, skirts, and shorts, etc.
You may say who cares, the clothes that girls wear is not without thought (no matter how much they deny it) they do think about how they look; yes even at 13.

Two: The characters are still little girls in Junior High. A school uniform is optional (like those seen in Sailor Moon, Project A-ko, etc.) but add a touch of reality to the game. Especially if your players have smart characters.
Second, being young girls/ladies they still are easily frightened (for the most part). You as GM can decide how "girlish" you want the characters to act, but all girls, even "Tomboys" are easily frightened! (Even boys this age are)

Three: Girls will be girls, this means spending every minute not at the mall, at home on the phone. Also this means they may have a boyfriend (which should be an NPC), and they may babysit often. Keep in mind they are your stereotypical junior high girl. Still young and playful but often try to act "sophisticated" to show they are grown up.

Four: Typically girls this age are very attuned to the "in" thing. If necessary, check up on some of the local fashions (to an extent- Do NOT stalk anyone, or pester your sisters and friend s with silly questions ), or some of the "hottest" music with girls this age. Remember how big Boyz II Men were with young girls particularly?

Five: Convey most of this inforamtion to the players. Work with them to define how you want the game run. But above all else everyone MUST keep in mind that these are only young girls, stereotypically easily scared and not too strong; they definately are not superheroes and/or ghostbusters!

The list of Teeny-Bopper Rules:

  • Modified Optional Tables and Set Information
  • O.C.C.'s
  • Skills Available
  • Money and Equipment
  • Other Tables & Notes

  • Back to the Main Page!
  • The Information Center for the Teeny Bopper Campaign
  • The Teeny-Bopper Skills Program and Secondary Skills List

    Modified Tables and Set Information

    All of this can be found with the Technical Stuff.

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    Since the character class is pretty well defined as just palin little girls there is very little to actually decide. But to make this a more "complete" campaign I have created a few new O.C.C.'s just for this campaign. They can be found at the school.

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    Being young girls (as if I didn't stress that enough) and only in Junior high there is not a whole lot that your girls can "legally" have. But we'll say that due to the superior schools systems man has developed they can learn a lot more than expected.

    All girls get the following skills:

  • Mathematics: Basic
  • Read/Write Native Language
  • Speak Native Language
  • Computer Operations
  • Cook
  • Dance
  • Fashion (NEW)(See Skills List)
  • Athletics (general)
  • One Physical Skill (See the Available Skills List)
  • Pilot Automobile at 40% +4% per level
  • Art, History, OR Writing.

  • They also get to choose skills according to their O.C.C. To see the available skills go to the Skills List.

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    Money and Equipment

    MOST of this is reprinted from the O.C.C. Section.

    First off it's safe to say that ALL girls have the following:

  • 3-5 School Uniforms(GM can decide the style- something like in Tenchi Muyo or Project A-ko, Slaior Moon, etc.)
  • 5-6 Shirts
  • 4-5 Skirts
  • 3-4-Pairs of pants and/or shorts
  • 1-2 Swim suits
  • About 4-5 pairs of shoes
  • and about 1D4+2 purses (some are probably those "back-pack" style)
  • A small set of make-up (real make-up) Note: Most parents do NOT like thier "little girls" wearing make-up and may try to prevent it's use.
  • Money- depending on the O.C.C. the typical 13 year old girl will have about $3.00 - $10.00 (but this varies, see the O.C.C.'s).

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    Other Tables and Notes

    See the Special Teen Info. Area

    Step One-Attributes

    See the Special Teen Info. Area

    Step Two-Alignment

    NEW Alignments created by:Matthew Bartlett and Eric Bye

    These are a bit different than those for the standard gaem or the plain Victim Campaign. They are a bit similar, but have a few subtle differences. Select one from the list below. (Mostly they have title differences)

    Nice Characters


    The Angelic id the "goody-two shoes" of the planet. She never lies and is a polite, refined, young lady. She dresses moderately and is a "lady" at all times (when in public anyhow). She best reminds people of the little sister that never does anything worng. If something happens she will definately be the LAST person suspected!

  • 1.) Will NEVER lie if she can help it.
  • 2.) Will ALWAYS keep her word.
  • 3.) Will NEVER cheat.
  • 4.) Will ALWAYS tell the truth.
  • 5.) Will Help others often (without cheating)
  • 6.) Will Never break the rules unless absolutely necessary.

    Teacher's Pet

    The Teacher's Pet is the little kid that is always hanging out with the grow-ups. Most of them trust her, bit they still know she gets in just as much trouble as the rest of the kids. But she still finds some way to charm them into telling her stuff and gets less severe punishments.

  • 1.) Will avoid lies.
  • 2.) Will keep her word to friends or grown-ups.
  • 3.) Will typically tell on people if they are doing something terribly wrong. (especially if she gets out of trouble or in less trouble) This may or may not include friends.
  • 4.) Will help others, especially if it makes her look "nicer."
  • 5.) Only break rules that seem stupid and that she feels she can get away with.
  • 6.) Will avoid cheating.

    Typical Teeny-Bopper Adolescent

    This is an optional Alignment the GM may have ALL players use. Since this is only a basic run down of how the typical 13 year old girl will act it is fairly open in their attitude. I suggest this one for first time Teeny-Bopper Campaigns.

    The Typical Teeny-Bopper Adolescent is your average girl. She is not overlly girlish, but is not a rough tom-boy either. They are what most people tend to think of when the think of the stereotypical 13 year old girl.

  • 1.) Will lie or cheat only if necessary, and hardly ever agianst friends.
  • 2.) Will like to show-off and be the center of attention.
  • 3.) Will typically act according to rules, but only because they know they can't break them without getting into trouble.
  • 4.) Choose two other qualities (that do bot conflict) from any of the other alignments.

    Selfish Characters


    The snob is your typical "I'm better than all of you" minded person. She is often trying to get others (especially those she doesn't like) in trouble to make herself look better. She typically is fairly popular. Despite her apparent popularity she often feels lonely and tries desperately to keep what real friends she has.

  • 1.) Will only lie to those she doesn't like.
  • 2.) Will keep her word to friends, unless the "backstab" her.
  • 3.) Will cheat if she wants (or needs).
  • 4.) Will flaunt her possesions if she feels it will show off how much "better" she is. A major show-off!
  • 5.) Is quick to judge others.
  • 6.) Will avoid people with "bad reputations" if she feels they will ruin her reputation (often these people will have a bad rep. anyhow).


    The Spoiled-Brat is just what the name implies. This child was the result of parents that did not know how to say "no". So now she expects everyone to get what she wants when she wants it. She is often quite pushy and comes across rude, but deep down she often means well.

  • 1.) Will lie and cheat if she will beneift from it.
  • 2.) Will keep her word only to her friends.
  • 3.) Will brag as often as possible!
  • 4.) Often is pushy and comes across as rude, with the "I want" and "right now" kind of remarks.
  • 5.) Will judge others often.
  • 6.) Easily tempted, especially when it comes to LARGE rewards.

    Not so Nice Characters


    The Tom-Boy is your typical run of the mill girl who acts like a boy. She is rough, tough, (or acts it at least) and often crude and nasty. She is a lot like a bully to the "girlish" girls, and is a general pest.

  • 1.) Will act tough and mean.
  • 2.) Will typically like to lie and cheat (to short others)
  • 3.) Will like to pick on others, typically this is nothing overlly harmful (not meant to be anyhow), but enough to appear as a bully and to keep up her rep.
  • 4.) Will keep her word only to friends that don't cross her.
  • 5.) Will often feel sorry for those girls that she feels are "trapped" in the feminine stereotype, and usually try to be nicest to them IF they "work" with her.
  • 6.) Typically distrusts cry-babbies and complainers.


    The Bully is just as it sounds. This girl is out to torture others. Ususally she is ok with her friends, but if they make her mad they are just as likely to be a target as anyone else is. The Bully typically has few really close friends and thus protects them from other bullies often.

  • 1.) Is mean and vicious to those she doesn't like.
  • 2.) Will only keep her word to her closest friends
  • 3.) Likes to put others down and make them look bad to make her look better.
  • 4.) Will lie and cheat if she will benefit.
  • 5.) Will typically dislike teachers and grown-ups (authority in general).
  • 6.) Will have little regard for rules in general.

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  • Back to the Main Page!
  • The Information Center for the Teeny Bopper Campaign
  • The Teeny-Bopper Skills Program and Secondary Skills List 1