First off, all people fit one class or another, just you have to figure out which one your girl is. GM's should allow as many players that want to be whatever OCC they wish. Even if ALL the players want to be the same thing. That's fine, makes the group more of an interest based clique.
Players should feel free to choose whatever OCC they want.
Remeber, these skills are in addition to the basic skills ALL girls recieve. (see the previous page unnder Skills).
The basic junior high student is just what the name implies. This is your average run of the mill junior high girl. This is typically a 7th grader, but may be 8th (if the GM approves). She is nothing special over the other girls (aside from that she is a PC), and has the normal work load of any other junior high school girl.
Skills: Choose 2 Programs (+10%), and 8 secondary skills
Equipment: 5 School Uniforms (all are identical and custom fitting), a few purses (1D6), and a small wardorbe (15-20) outfits, other clothes may include special holiday dresses and "ball dresses", etc. She will have a modest amount of cosmetic equipment (not that her mother lets her wear any of it), and most likely at elast $3.00.
Notes: The basic girl is nothing amazing, but because everyone seems to have an edge on her she ahs +1 P.B. (modesty and shyness are often attractive).
The girl will spend most of her time in school and some at home, and the rest out with her friends. She typically has a 7+1D2 (1D4: 1&2=1, and 3&4=2) o'clock curfew.
The junior high cheerleader is nothing much more than a glorified student. She wears the cheer uniform once or twice a week (if the school is playing that day) and had cheerleading practice every day after school for 1 1/2 hours. All girls who try out for the team make it, so there is nothing overlly special about her (except fo the bonuses from the cheerleading skill).
Skills: Choose 2 Programs (+5%) and 7 secondary skills and the cheerleading skill.
Cheerleading +1 PS, +1 PE, +2 PP, +1 PB. Can do the splits at 98% from any position. Flip/Back Flip 50/40% +5% per level Sense of Balance 35% +5% per level Can leap 15ft. up and 20 ft. across (+5ft per level)
Equipment: All of the above from the Junior High Student, but will also have three different cheer uniforms. (The three are a set with different dominant colors).
Notes: The Cheerleader has a +1 P.P. due to her constant practices and stretching.
The girl will have very little time out with her friends due to the near 2 hour practice that starts 1/2 hour after school ends. They typically have a standard curfew, but have less time due to games and longer drill practices and meets.
The "bookworm" is often the least popular, but she by far has the highest grades. Note: A high I.Q. does NOT garuntee a high GPA!! She will always be the first one to ge home and do her homework. She spends at least 10% (more often 30-40%) of her free time at the library, or at home reading. She has more desire to learn than flirt or get into trouble. So often she misses out, even though she is often the outcast she can be a popular person especially when she bails her friends out of trouble! She is 100% opposed to cheating!!! But is far from being an angel....
Note: Her lowest GPA ever was a 3.799, somewhere in 1D4+1 (nd/th/rd) grade. (She studies her little butt off).
Skills: Choose 4 Programs (+15%) and choose 10 secondary skills.
Equipment: The "bookworm" has all of the typical equipment, but about $10.00 (she saves money often) and she has a more modest wardrobe of longer skirts (past the knees) and more shorts and pants.
Notes: The Bookworm gets +1 I.Q. for her diligent studies.
She also has less free time, as described above (about as much as the Cheerleader).
The mall scout is the type of girl who takes school very lightly. She is seen at the mall more than her house. She even has a payphone she gets calls at regularly! She knows the latest in fashions and is the most streetwise of all the girls. She is "a master" of living trhe good life, but lacks any common sense. She has been busted more time than the girls can count on their hands and feet combined. All of her free time is spent at the mall, or right outside of it.
Skills:Choose 2 Programs (+5%), +10% to Fashion, and 9 Secondary skills.
Equipment: She has more clothes than anyone you've ever seen. Most are a bit too short (even for the cheerleader) and many are seemingly bought in a shallow attempt to make her look older. She has about $15.00 at any one time but she has no control and spends it foolishly, she does not know the word "save."
Notes: Due to her "outgoing nature" and her persuasive attitude she has a +1 M.A.
The mall scout has a late curfew, which is good because she even breaks that one. It typically ranges from 9:00 to 11:30 (up to the GM an dplayer to decide). She skips school at least 5 times a month and spends about 6 hours in detention every month. She has a lot of free time and due to her careless nature has a low GPA.
The snobby rich girl is your average rich girl. She comes across snobby to those who do not know her, but in actuality she is a lonely girl longing for a deep friendship. She has very little free time (her parents expect her to go to Yale or Harvard or something on that caliber) and make her study alot! She would be quick to make friends with a mall scout (due to her "sophistcated" attitude) and/or the bookworm (due to her intellignece). The "snob" is actually quite generous to her friends having sleep overs often and buying them extravagant gifts when she can. She is afraid of losing her friends and feels she has to buy their loyalty.
Skills:Select 3 Programs (+10%), +10% Fashion, and 6 Secondary Skills.
Equipment: The snob has tons of clothes that she often loans out to her friends. She has a huge room, large enough for a sleep-over of 10 to 12 girls. She has a TV and VCR in her room with lots of Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, and other "sexy" guys, movies. She definately knows the "in" things! She typically gets an allowance of $20 each week!
Notes: She has +1 P.B. due to her parents nature of over-dressing her.
The "beggar" is from the poorer neighborhood. She isn't always as polite and refined as the others but she stil lfinds her own ways of fitting in. She knows the greaty abilities of sneaking up on boys (like into the locker room and not being seen) and she can go places alot. Her free time and her dedication to her frineds (out of fear of them ditching her) makes her a favored companion to many, even if she doesn't believe it.
Skills: Select 2 Programs, +10% to Art or Writing are chosen again as a secondary skill, and select 10 Secondary Skills.
Note: The "beggar" must choose Art or Writing as one of thier automatic skills. She can NOT have History (unless taken as a secondary skill).
Equipment: The poor girls has only 4 school uniforms, her parents are often both working and can be out of work at any time, she has been on welfare from time to time, but things are looking better for the time being. Her dad works in other towns from time to time she lies often and says he's a lawyer. She never has friends over, but often "gets" stuff for them. She always walks home alone careful not to be followed. She has a notebook that she writes/draws in alot, she is really talented and could make a really good living off from them when she grows up. She shows this to no one! She has maybe $2.00 at any one time.
Notes: +1 P.S. due to her rough natured up-bringing.
The poor girl is reclusive and shy. She isn't as "refined" as the others, but she has her strengths. She knows her way around things and can get by on her own for a while if need be.
The Dedicated Girls Scout is a girl who has been in Girls Scoute since the "brownie" age (about 6-7). Most likely (01-79%) her mother is the adult troop leader, if not it is definately a close family friend. She was all but forced to stay in Girl Scouts as she hit 5th and 6th grades and is now at the point where she actually enjoys it. She doesn't enjoy a lot of the criticism she gets, but her friends amke a good relief fcrom her parnets and those "immature kids" at school. She does all that she can to help her frineds all of the time!
Skills: Choose 3 Programs (+5%), Wilderness Survival, W.P. Blunt, and +7 Secondary Skills.
Equipment: All of the usual, plus four Girls Scout uniforms (Hat, shirt, vest, socks, skirt.) She also has a basic camping equipment set (Sleeping bag, a fire starting kit, two canteens, and a few (1D4 days worth) of rations). She has 1D4+12 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies (4 Chocolate Chip, 4 Peanut Butter, 4 "Oreo" type, and 4 Oatmeal, the other 1D4 are player's choice (or design new types).) They can be sold for $3.00 a box if she can find a buyer (not liekly in her neighborhood unless a major selling drive is going on).
Notes: Has a +1 PE bonus.
She has a fairly late curfew at about 8:30-9:30 and has a lot of free time except on Modays, Wednesdays, and Sundays (Meeting days). Each weekday meeting starts at 4:30 and ends at 5:30 (she leaves for the meeting at four and gets home about 6:00). The Sunday meeting is once every two weeks and starta at 2:00 (leaves at 1:30) and ends at about 5:00 (gets home at about 5:30). She has about $5.00 at any one time.
You know that girl who lives at the end of the lock in that really odd house, well she isn't quite normal.... No really, the kids at school aren't joking, but they do not know....
The Young Arcanist is a girl who grew up in house of Arcanists. Through her ease dropping and playing around when her parents weren't home she figure out a few tricks. Well, after her parents discovered this they sent her to live with her Great Aunt Bertha. She doesn't nelieve the little girl, and constantly tells her to stop her awful lying! Her aunt has little control and has her run nearly all of her out of house errands. She hates her fat, old, ugly aunt. She hardly lets the girl out, but never enforce minor (within a hour or two) curfew problems. She does enforce a GPA standard of 2.8 that the girl typically makes.
Note to GM's: This is the only T-B OCC to have magic. You do NOT Have to allow this OCC if you feel it will ruin the ideas of your games. I personally would allow it, diversity can be good, this character may also be able to help counter the overpowering effects of many of the monsters.
Skills: Choose 2 programs (+5%), Lore: Magic (30% +5% per lv.) She also get to choose 6 Secondary Skills.
P.P.E.:2D6+5 (+PE). The same rules apply that apply to the Arcanist OCC in the main book (pg. 98-99).
Magic: The girl has an old spell book with a few spells in it, roll the follwoing to see the extent of the book (and the Arcanists' Knowledge).
Of these, she knows 2D6+5 spells in BOTH spell and ritual form.
The other spells must be chosen if they are Spell or Ritual format. This can NOT be changed once decided!
Equipment:The Young Arcanist will have all the usual equipment, plus a spell notebook (with only the known spells in it), and a basic magic set (bare minimum equipment to cast the spells (See Arcanist in the main book)
Notes: +1 PE due to the constant testing and drain from the magical energies, these have made her strong.
She has a little bit of money (about $6.00) and has a lot of free time which she typically spends with her friends. Her aunt lets her have a lot of sleep overs (practically every other weekend). She has only 4 school uniforms, but has all the other equipment.
The young psychic is jsut like the other girls, but recently she's been getting these odd feelings and can do odd things. She often thinks it's a phase, like puberty, and it will pass, but as she grows and these abilities develop she realizes that she will have these for a while. She desperately wants to keep her friends, so only her closest friends know of her abilities. And even they do not know the true extent of it.
The young psychic has only one category (excluding the Psi-mechanic, which can be chosen) which must be chosen before PPE is figured up.
Note to GM's: This is the only T-B OCC to have psychic powers. You do NOT Have to allow this OCC if you feel it will ruin the ideas of your games. I personally would allow it, diversity can be good, this character may also be able to help counter the overpowering effects of many of the monsters.
Skills: Choose 2 Programs (+5%), and 7 Secondary Skills.
P.P.E.: 2D6+5 (+ME)
I.S.P.: ISP is just the PPE doubled before powers are chosen!
Psychic Powers: According the class of Psychic you chose you have to "buy" powers according the normal rulesfound in the main book per psychic class. Phsycial- Pg. 66 (#4); Healer- Pg. 71 (#5); Sensitive- Pg. 73 (#5).
NOTES ABOUT THE PSI-MECHANIC:The Psi-Mechanic has a special set of rules found on Page 68 (on the bottom of the right coumn) to describe them. They also get 10 extra PPE for BUILDING!
Equipment: She has all the usual stuff of the normal junior high student.
Notes: +1 ME due to the mental stress she handles.
She has as much free time as the normal student, and lives a pretty even life compared to the "normal" student.