Category: Physical
Range: 1 mile per level of experience
Duration: 20 minutes, plus 30 per level; unless otherwise kept stable.
I.S.P.: 5 per 5 degrees until 30 degree change, then 5 per 2 degrees change.
Time to Activate:1 action up to a 30 degree change. 1 round for anything between 31-60, + 1 round per 10 degrees above 60.
Effect: Tempro-Kenisis is the ability to alter the temperature in the psionic's area. The range can be limited to an area no smaller than a single room (at least 15'X10') and can be extended up to 1 mile per level. NOTE: If the room is LESS THAN the above dimensions the power takes effect to these dimensions, even through walls! There is no limit as to how hot or cold the psionicist can make the temperature go. The only requirement is the ISP and time.
Category: Physical
Range: Line of Sight
Duration: Instant
Time to Use: 1 Action/Attack.Saving Throw: Standard
Effect: This power is a very general charge of psionic energy forced into a focused blast of invisible energy. The power is called Fury Blast because most people only seem to access this ability while angry and it usually is uncontrolled. Only 30% (A roll of 01-30 on the percentage dice) of the people capable of this talent can control it! Those who can not may use it ONLY when their character is in dire situations and/or is antagonized to the point of shouting and pointing (Like John Travolta in Phenomenon- the mirror scene).
Only those with psionic or magical abilities can dodge the attack, standard saving throws still apply, but only reduce the damage by 1/2. The attack does 3D6 + X. X equals the amount of ISP spent in the assault, note there is a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 30. To see if the attack hits, roll 1D20. Any number will hit the target (unless they can dodge it- in which case they roll above your 1D20 roll to do so). If the target is hit, they roll a save vs. psionics, if they succeed they take 1/2 the damage! If they fail they take full damage. Those who can dodge the attack may do so. If they do they take NO damage! This attack can NOT be retaliated with by a simultaneous attack!
Category: Sensitive
b>Range: Line of Sight
Duration: 5 minutes per level of caster to permanent.
Time to Use: 1 Action/Attack.Saving Throw: Special
Effect: This unique ability allows the psionicist to instill a particular emototion on another character. Te emotion must be based on the psionicist or an object they carry and show the person they are using this on.
Each emotion has a seperate saving throw (based on complexity) and a seperate number for a permanent effect.
The MAJOR drawback to this power is that each person's mind is uniquely molded therefore the power has odd effects. When cast the psionicist must choose the effect desired. If teh power suceeds roll % dice. If the number rolled is within 10+level of experince % of the required rolling area (or inside) it the desired effect is what occurs. If not the effect rolled occurs!
Random Table Roll:Emotion, temporary saving throw/permanent saving throw.
01-24:Fear, 13/15
25-49:Hatred, 14/18
50-74:Love, 14/18
75-00:Lust, 16/17
The list above is only a partial list of the emotions, but any others can be done, just base them off from the closest realted emotion above.
If the psionicist tries for the permanent effect and fails, BUT the target fails the temporary saving throw they ARE temporarily instilled with this emotion to the target.
Example: A 3rd level Teeny Bopper Psinonicist is being chased by a thug intent on severly hurting her. She runs down a long alley way to find herself trapped. "My luck." she thinks,"almost home from cheerleading practice." then she realizes the necklace she's wearing.... Thinking quickly over her practices she looks at the thug, who is way to close for comfort, and shouts "You are afraid of whoever wears this cute locket!"
The GM looks at the player, "Is this a temporary or permanent effect attempt?" he asks. Teh player thinks for a second and responds, "what the heck, permanent. Let's get rid of this guy for good." he responds. "ok" the GM replies.
The GM makes a roll for the thug. He fails his saving throw and is under the effects of the power. Fear is the intended effect so the player of the young girl must now roll the % and get with 13% (10+3 for her experience level) of the fear target area (01-24), giving her a 01-37 to instill fear. The player rolls....the die land on a 81!
The GM reads off teh effect that than thug has....LUST! The girl does not know why, but the thug just dropped his knife and is running at her googley-eyed! "Why me?" she says as she prepares to defend herself again. If she had rolled a 37 or lower the thug would've run away in fear of her locket. But she rolled an 81, making him Lust after anyone wearing that locket. Hopefully the effect is only temporary!
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