The World

My journies have taken me across this globe countless times in my long lifespan. I will tell you some of it now. I visited the Empire of Egypt long before there were Millenium Trees and the supernatural evil that pervades it. I aided in the construction of the great Pyramid, and saw it's decay from the grand symbol of life that it had been at the time of it's construction.

I supped with Plato, debated with Socrates, and agued philosophy with the greats of the ancient world. Those people knew mankind better than any alive today, and I fear their awareness of the goings-on will soon be crushed by those such as Prozak and his cronies.

I recall walking the entirity of the Great Chinese Wall, feeling the power of the contained Ley line within it, and understanding why that power must be controlled, lest the evil awaken once again.

I feasted with the grand Celts of Europe, and wept as they were overrun by the hordes from the south. I raged against the Romans, and fought willingly against their expansion - and rejoiced when their empire decayed from within.

I was around when the American Indians welcomed the European settlers onto their shores, and wept with them as they saw what had happened in such a short span of time - plague, pestilence, famine, murder. All of this was unknown to their tribal lifestyles, until the expansion of European man made it all too real for the spiritual tribes of the Americas.

I watched the conquistadors invade the Mayan and Aztec empires with false promises, and helped thousands escape in the final calamity. Yes, I know where the Inca Gold is, it is under the noses of those who wanted it so badly - deep under.

I was not on this world when the Ley Lines erupted - urgent business elsewhere kept me away for much of that tumultuous time. But I returned as soon as I could after hearing of the dramatic events. I was not surprised to hear the cause was man's own innate violence. But, I was surprised at the quantity of that violence. Billions of your people died needlessly - and look at what you have done to your world! It is changed forever. In the history of my kind, this event has never occured before - we have nothing to guide us to aid your kind to survive and prosper in this time of wild magic and invasion from beyond the blue haze.

The Dragon's World

The Dragon's Dimensional Travels

The Dragon's Journies through the World

The Dragon's Understanding of Magic

The Dragon's History

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