By: Brice Daury
Created on: August 23, 1998
Throughout the realm of comics you have seen them- young heroes who have aligned themselves with established heroes to help them in their war on crime. But why, why do these heroes, who are sometimes obsessed with the protection of all innocents, do it? Why do they put children in the line of fire, trusting in the kindness of fate to protect these child avengers from harm. The number of sidekicks who have died defending or fighting alongside their hero is by no means small either- off the top of the head, I can name the first Bucky, partner to Captain America, who took one heck of a solo flight on a missle loaded with explosives; the second Robin, Jason Todd, who was beat near to death by the Joker and then blown up for good measure; Erik Larson's character Mace, who was originally known as Young Tough and who had half his face burnt near off and was abandoned by his hero, SuperTough, and the list goes on, a litany of young people who for one reason or another, put their trust in their hero to train and protect them.
The young and excited sidekicks cannot be blamed for wanting to be heroes, they are full of the youthful belief that they are indestructible (unless of course they really are Indestructible!) and that the good guys always win, and therefore do not realize the danger they place themselves in. However, their hero mentor knows, and should know better- so what compels them to take on sidekicks? In some cases, the hero sees a kindred desire to uphold a value or belief (such as with Bucky's patriotism or Robin's need for revenge) that touches them and they decide to train the youngster to uphold that belief, while in many cases there are ties that go deeper than that- Rick Jones was the Hulk's friend and sidekick for one reason, pure and simple, he was responsible for the Hulk's creation and felt guilt for his actions, while there are others who just share powers similar to the hero and decide to join them or are recruited into the hero's war by proxy. Anyways, once it is decided the reason for the sidekick's participation in the hero's adventures, the next step is to determine if the sidekick is a NPC, a second character for that player, or the character of a different player altogether. I personally would be unlikely to let the player control both hero and sidekick, since the tendency to use sidekick as a human shield is apt to crop up, so that the player can Œprotect‚ their Œmore valuable‚ main character. I would personally suggest a second player play the sidekick, and if this cannot be done, make him a cooperative and helpful/useful NPC.
Finally, it's time to create the sidekick- there are a few guidelines:
TheCaseForSidekicks.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.