Kuber Hasbin: Note that the information for this section is taken from The Free City Of Haven (Copyrighted 1981 Gamelords Ltd.) page L-2.
Kuber lives and works in the deepest wilds of the city. His house includes a clinic in which he treats anyone who walks in the door (he has even been known to make house calls!), regardless of financial status (there ain't none in his part of town). Kuber doesn't practice healing for the love of mankind (or any other race, for that matter).
He is totally interested in the spectrum of disease available in the area. At times he has been heard to comment that he has "seen diseases I would not have believed it possible for a person to contract. With what this one man had, he should have been dead 5 years ago!" Kuber's house is given an unobtrusive guard by the Thieves' Guild, who appreciate the work he is doing, whatever his motivation. Anyone in the quarter can give directions to Kuber's House.
Cindy Wind Rider
Elf Female 5th Level Priest of the elven goddess of love and beauty.
Homeworld: Any but she was created for Planes
Faction: The Society of Sensation
S: 10, I: 10, W: 16, C: 14, D: 16, Ch: 18, L: 9; AL: CN (she follows the bitch rule); htk: 26; To Hit: 18; #AT: 1; Dmg: Weapon
Age: 26 Height: 1.63m (62 in) Weight: 56Kg (114 lb)
Hair: Black with a silver strip Eyes: Light Blue
Granted Powers:
level 1 - friends
level 2 - Charm person (only on males)
level 7 - +1 on Charisma
level 10 - Can make philter of love 1/week.
Requirements of Priesthood:
- Weapon skill in bow, net, staff, mace, sling, mancatcher
- Armor of leather or chain-mail
- Spheres: all, charm, creation, guardian, healing, necromantic,
plant, protection, sun, wards*, weather*; (* minor access)
Psionic Wild Talent: Sexual Pheromones Secretion (Con-4, 9, 6/round)
PSP: 48
Weapon Skills: Long Bow, Staff
Nonweapon Skills: Singing, Dancing, Religion, Healing, Seduction,
Sexual Knowledge, Massage, Fast Talking, Fortune Telling, Herbalism, Riding.
Preferred Spells: Cure Light Wounds (1), Bless (1), Cause Fear (1), Camouflage (2), Music of Spheres (2), Hold Person (2), Charm Person or Mammal (2), Bestow Curse (3), Magical Vestment (3).
Role-playing notes: The priest must always give shelter and succor to young lovers.
Cindy Wind Rider (version 2)
Elf Female 5th Level Battle Dancer (Fighter / Water Cleric)
Homeworld: Any but she was created for the Sun World
Tribe: Wind Dancer
S: 11, I: 10, W: 16, C: 15, D: 18, Ch: 19, L: 9; AL: CN (she follows the bitch rule); htk: 38; To Hit: 16; #AT: 2 (two elven bone long swords); Dmg: 1d8 (+1 when dancing)
Age: 18 Height: 2.00m (75 in) Weight: 70Kg (138 lb)
Hair: Black with a silver strip Eyes: Light Blue
Special Benefits: Battle Dancers can attack with two weapons without penalties. With a successful use of dancing skill she receives a additional +1 attack/damage/armor class bonus.
Special Hindrances: If she fails her dancing skill roll she receives a -1 penalty for 1d8 rounds.
Granted Powers: Ignore Water, Water Breathing, Healing Draft, Body of Water, Turn Undead
Psionic Wild Talent: Sexual Pheromones Secretion (Con-4, 9, 6/round)
Weapon Skills: Long Sword, Long Bow
Nonweapon Skills: Blind Fighting, Dancing, Religion, Healing, Seduction, Singing, Sexual Knowledge, Massage, Fast Talking, Fortune Telling, Spellcraft.
Preferred Spells: Cure Light Wounds (1), Create Water (1), Cause Fear (1), Speak With Water (2), Crystallize (2), Hold Person (2), Charm
Person or Mammal (2), Bestow Curse (3), Magical Vestment (3).
Role-Playing Notes: No one impersonate the elven independent spirit as perfectly as Cindy Wind Rider. As many Sun elves she is always in a rush, figuratively and literally racing to stay in the now. She rarely makes plans or thinks about the future. She wants to live every moment in an expressive joy. She will love, play, sing, dance and tries to enjoy herself in every moment. She will love with no obligations or promises, just an intense, unrestrained and overflowing love. She will refuse to think or plane beyond the now. She is very moody and normally surprises everybody with her actions.
She is very inconsequent, but without any malice or evil
intentions. In a certain point of view she is very innocent. She is very beautiful and she knows how to use her beauty. She is a great dancer and singer and she will prefer tunes of sadness and love. Her dances are extremely seductive and no male will forget after catching even a brief glimpse of her captivating moves.
She normally dresses few clothes and tries to enhance her seductiveness and she is particular vulnerable to beautiful gems.
Anytime a male gives her a jewel she must roll in Moods & Attitudes table with a +2 bonus (see Cindy's table bellow).
Roll Moods & Attitudes
1 furious, hate or extremely depressed or stressed
2 pissed off, vengeful, cruel
3 self-pity, unhelpful, brooding, pessimistic
4 depressed, sullen, feeling inadequate, pessimistic
5 vain, proud, lazy, bored, omnipotent feeling
6 restless, impatient, takes control, urge to get on with
6 playful, energetic, daring, foolhardy, practical joker
7 happy, cheerful, optimistic, helpful, friendly
8 desperate lover, in love, passionate, fiery, enthusiastic,
She is a very funny character to play and sometime she will create very interesting and funny situations. One of the best stories was when she was in a city with a party. She went out with one of the party members (another female) and decide to go to the elven market at night.
It is obvious that two beautiful women walking alone at night in a poor district, cannot pass without problems. When a thief gets her in the neck and starts threaten her, She chose to start her wild talent "trying to attract some help" in her words. Imagine her face when she rolls a power score (look the power below). Her friend could run away when everybody on street starts fighting for her. And this was not the end, three guys could run out with her. They carry her to a poor house and you can imagine what would happen. Her luck was that her friend could call the entirely party and they run to try to save her.
The party's ranger uses his wild talent (animal affinity) to get the olfactory abilities of a tigone, trying to improve his tracking skills. (He doesn't know about her wild talent and the player didn't realize what will happen.) Thus, he suffers the same effects of the burglars but he was able to find her quickly. Then a furious half- tigone jump over the three thieves before they could do any damage. And again, this was not the end, when the party arrives she is still maintaining her psionic power. I (the DM) try to minimize the problem allowing everybody to roll a save against the power. My remedy doesn't help, because everybody fails the save (6 members). So, the party members start to fight each other.
The end was not less fun, the party's preserver cast hypnotic pattern and again everybody fails the save, so, he get her, cast an invisibility spell on her, and run back to the inn. At this time she went out of PSP and the power stops but the preserver doesn't. They had an affair (and, one week after, the players became boy and girlfriend). In the next day she rolls and 8 on attitude and fall in love to him.
Some days later, she lost her interest on him and starts looking for another one, saying "Why couldn't I love two guys at the same time?
Or maybe three ..." (no problems with the players, they are going well and she will not try this argument in real life). The affair stops there, the preserver is lawful good and didn't like the idea. We really enjoy the mess, nobody could stop laughing, but she is afraid of using the power again.
Midwife: This encounter is with a solitary female, whose job it is to
deliver babies. The midwife will be returning from a delivery or going
to one (in which case she will be in a hurry).
She will only react in a friendly manner if she is approached with
great caution. She will flee on an adjusted reaction score of 55 or
less, and on a score of 25 or less she seek the help of a patrol to
apprehend the offenders who "scared" her (whether they actually did or
There is a 20% chance that the midwife will possess useful
information, which she will freely divulge to party members if she is
befriended first. She will be offended by an offer to pay her for what
she knows.
Prostitute: NOTE that this encounter was taking from an old adventure
and contradicts other prostitute information that is found in this
This encounter is a one or more women (can be men for women
adventurers). The GM must decide the number relative to population,
law, underworld activity, etc..
A prostitute will be somewhat annoying trying to convince her prey
that she is desirable. If she succeeds, her fee is usually between 20
and 100 SP.
There is a 75% chance that a prostitute will possess valuable
information. Such information requires a fee of course. There is also a
25% chance that the prostitute has a disease (natural or magical).
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Ch37-NPC-Encounter.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.