The Complete Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge
For Fantasy Role-Playing Games

"e;I'm just a Gigolo..."e;
Gigolo: Bard sub-class

Specialty: Entertainer/Lover/Romantic.

Qualifications: Standard ability scores (Dexterity of 12, Intelligence of 13, Charisma of 15). Gigolos must have a Constitution of 16 or more. Humans, Half-elfs, Elves may become Gigolos but they must be male. Although it is not required, the recommended alignments for Gigolos are Neutral Good, Neutral, and Neutral Evil. These alignments seem most appropriate. Lawful characters would steer clear of situations that Gigolos often find themselves in. Also, chaotic characters couldn't remain with just one person long enough which is what the Gigolo sub-class is all about.

Introduction: I'm Just A Gigolo (Sad and Lonely)

--- by Roth Van Clevens

I'm just a Gigolo and everywhere I go,
people know the part I'm playin',

Pay for every dance, selling each romance,
ohhh, what they're sayin',

There will come a day, when youth will pass away,
what will they say about me,

Well the in crowd will know, I am just a Gigolo,
LIFE goes on without me,


I, ain't got nobody,
nobody cares for me, nobody, nobody,

I'm so sad and lonely,
sad and lonely, sad and lonely,

Won't some sweet mama come with me,
I ain't so bad,

Booza Booza Bop Tity Bop.

Description: Sages refer to gigolos as men paid to be women's escorts or lovers. Some view gigolos as sad versions of Gallants, but gigolos are more. Sure Gallants are pure and romantic, but their only concern is their own personal passions. They charm and steal the hearts of women and then wisk away. The only time Gallants are concerned for others is when they can obtain glory and prestige. On the other hand Gigolos make their living entertaining women. Their whole purpose is to please and satisfy women.

Role: A gigolo travels the lands looking for a beautiful woman (usually wealthy and single and probably being a widow) to satisfy. He will stay with one woman until the situation becomes unrewarding. When a gigolo goes adventuring, it is likely the result of a request from a fair maiden, to retrieve an item of beauty and love, or for some other romantic cause. Unless a woman is present, the gigolo will probably stand clear of danger. But if a woman is looking on, then the gigolo will be quite the hero.

Secondary Skills: Merchant, Domestic Servant.

Weapon Skill: Gigolos must use gentleman weapons such as the rapier, epee, foil, sabre, and dagger. They may not use missile weapons such as long bow, short bow, crossbow, darts, etc..

NonWeapon Skill: Bonus: Etiquette, Sexual Endurance, Sexual Knowledge, Massage, Poetry. Recommended: (General) Artistic Ability, Dancing, Languages (Modern), Singing (Rogue, no penalty).

Armor/Equipment: A Gigolo is not allowed to wear protective armor; indeed, the less clothing he wears, the more effective he is.

Special Benefits:

The Gigolo gains a +05% adjustment to the Detect Noise thief skill, because listening is very important to him (especially for the approaching footsteps of husbands, boyfriends, etc). Also, a Gigolo gains a +10% adjustment to the Read Languages thief skill, because most of Gigolo's customers are going to be fairly educated and most of them are likely to have a substantial library.

Poetic Charm: A Gigolo who directs his attention to one person of the opposite sex can attempt to win that person's heart. This requires the Gigolo to perform many subtle acts of wit and charm. Among these acts must be the recital of at least one poem concerning the person. The entire effort takes a minimum of 10 minus the bard's level turns (not less then one turn), after which the person rolls a saving throw vs. Paralyzation with a -1 penalty per four levels of the Gigolo. Failure means that the person is affected as if the Gigolo cast a Charm spell on him or her.

The effect is not magical and doesn't wear off over time, unless the Gigolo treats the person badly or exploits them. Each abuse results in another saving throw being rolled to break the Gigolo's charm. The Dungeon Master may apply adjustments based on the situation.

Personalize: This Benefit allows the Gigolo to personalize any song, poem, or story for 1 person. This makes the person targeted feel as if the poem, song, or story is about them. Once a piece has been personalized the target will perform any suggestion the Bard makes as long as it is not contrary to their nature for 2d10 rounds. If a Bard personalizes a bit for someone else within 5 turns of the previous target, the first target will fly into a rage from jealousy. Although the first target may not act right away, he or she will attempt some form of revenge. It is up to the Dungeon Master to determine the quantity and method of revenge.

Domestic Skill: A Gigolo will excel at any one domestic skill. The Bard will be able to succeed in all but the most extreme attempts at his or her particular skill. The domestic skills include but are not limited to: cooking, cleaning, shopping, butler, fashion consultant, etiquette, diplomacy, wine connoisseur. The Bard should pick one of these to excel in, but may take any of the others as a skill. These skills are used by the Bard to impress any customer and can become an asset when payment is considered.

Conceal Activities: The Gigolo may have more than one customer. This ability allows the Bard to Conceal his activities with one customer from his other customers. It comes into effect when a customer asks the Bard about his "off-time". The Bard is able to skillfully fend off any inquiries by redirecting them onto other subjects. Only under a spell or spell-like effect will the Bard reveal his other activities (unless he wants them revealed, of course).

Special Hindrances:

The Gigolo receives a -3 reaction modifier from men, for obvious reasons. Also, the Gigolo will not gain any followers and will in most cases not have a strong hold. The Gigolo suffers a -10% adjustment to the Pick Pockets thief skill, because he doesn't practice this skill much since it has little value for him.

The Gigolo refuses to live the terrible poor life. Thus, when making purchase, the Gigolo accepts nothing but the best, whether it be a meal, a room for the night, a weapon, or even a chest to carry his possessions. Any time he buys any item, the Gigolo must pay 10 to 100 percent more than the listed price. The GM will decide the price paid by the Gigolo, which may vary from item to item, depending on the quality of merchandise in a particular locale.

The Gigolo contacts many females in an intimate way. If he contacts any sexual disease and passes it on to a client, he will not be contacted by any new clients, and as word gets around he will lose all his clients. Eventually he will not be able to support himself in his current place of residence and will be forced to move to another locale.

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Ch33-Bard.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.