The Complete Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge
For Fantasy Role-Playing Games

Psiducer: Psionicist

Description: The Psiducer is a telepath who uses her (or his) psionic ability to for pleasure and power. Like the mage seducer, the Psi-Seducer seeks pleasurable experiences through manipulation of others. Like the rogue seducer, the Psiducer seeks wealth and power.

The Psiducer is always looks wonderful. The mind is great but the body looks the best. The Psiducer dresses quite elegantly favoring silk clothing above all others (some sages say that silk helps channel psionic power).

In addition to the normal requirements for a psionicist, the Psi-Seducer must have a minimum 16 Charisma. The Psiducer can be of any alignment allowed by psionicists. Telepathic is her primary discipline.

Role: The Psiducer is a much desired person. A beautiful person with a good mind; what a combination (and probably dangerous). The Psiducer is concerned with her own needs which mainly revolves around the pleasures of the mind and body and most Psiducers will pursue this avenue to the end. As part of the Psiducer's vanity, she strives for large quantities of material wealth and will use her powers of seduction to get it. Having money brings power which keeps the Psiducer's lifestyle pleasing.

Chosen Disciplines: Required: Telepathic Recommended: Psychometabolic, Clairsentient

Sciences: Required: Split Personality. Recommended: Domination, Mass Domination, Switch Personality, Probe, Aura Sight, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Create Object, Appraise.

Devotions: Required: one Sexual Psionic Devotion, Attraction, Awe, Empathy. RECOMMENDED: Conceal Thoughts, Contact, Daydream, ESP, False Sensory Input, Psychic Impersonation, Repugnance, Post-Hypnotic Suggestion, Telepathic Projection, Inflict Pain.

Weapon Skill: Recommended: Dagger, or some other small weapon easily hidden and carried about.

Nonweapon Skill: Bonus: Etiquette, Artistic Ability, any two sexual NWP. RECOMMENDED: Languages (Modern), Singing (Rogue, no penalty), Gaming.

Equipment: The Psiducer spends a fair amount of money on beautification. The Psiducer doesn't wear armor as it hides her beautiful body.

Special Benefits: The Psiducer is a pleasure to be around and doesn't need any more benefits.

Special Hindrances: Because they use their psionic abilities for earthy reasons, the Psiducer is looked down upon by other psionicists. This results in a reaction penalty (usually 5%) decided by the GM.

Races: Any that may be a psionicist.

Notes: Here are some creative uses for existing powers:

Here are psionic powers that creative psionicist are working on:

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Ch32-Psiducer.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.