Description: The Houri is a nymph of paradise. She was born in a seedy section of a city, growing up in a poor and miserable life but dreaming of a better future. Yet, instead of turning to a life of thievery like most, her beauty and intelligence leads her to a life a magic. Once there, she specializes in charming, enchanting, and seducing. Some people look down upon her as a disgusting prostitute and vixen. Others view her as a sensual beauty and the most desirable being on the Prime Material Plane. In addition to normal magic-user requisites, the Houri must have a minimum Charisma of 15 (her voluptuously alluring beauty and charm being evident). Also, a Houri is female (although adjustments can be made for men and thus a Gigolo wizard sub-class is born). Furthermore, she must be of chaotic alignment.
Preferred Schools: The most appropriate school for the Houri is enchantment/charm.
Barred Schools: All other schools are barred.
Role: The Houri is a fun-loving, charming person who can find herself mingling at all the high-class parties with many men-a-calling. She can also be found being a high-class prostitute for the wealthy and well-to-do. Her magic abilities are not always known by the company she keeps, which leads to mystery on why she is so alluring. Having a terrible and trapped childhood, the Houri is glad to adventure, traveling to many cities being the flirt in each. Her abilities of charm and communication make her valuable when in contact with intelligent beings (shes so irresistible). Because of this, she tends to be viewed as the leader of the group, although this probably isn't true (such matters of tactics, marching order, etc. are of little importance to her).
Weapon Skill: Required: dagger or knife. The Houri is often fond of long, thin pins such as hat-pins and hair-pins, which can be easily concealed on the Houri's person and do 1-3 points of damage.
Nonweapon Skill: Bonus: Etiquette, any one of the sexual skills listed in this guide (player's choice).
Recommended: (General) Artistic Ability, Dancing, Languages (Modern), Singing (Rogue, no penalty), Gaming.
Equipment: The Houri can spend her money on anything she likes. Remember, that the Houri should maintain a level of high beauty. Thus, jewelry, fine clothing, and perfumes are a favorite items of purchase for a Houri.
Special Benefits: The Houri has a special power of seduction described in the "Seduction For The Professional" section. The Houri receives a +3 reaction modifier from men.
Special Hindrances: A Houri is not allowed to wear protective armor; indeed, the less clothing she wears, the more effective she is. The Houri receives a -3 reaction modifier from women, for obvious reasons. The Houri refuses to live the terrible poor life she once had. Thus, when making purchase, the Houri accepts nothing but the best, whether it be a meal, a room for the night, a weapon, or even a chest to carry her possessions. Any time she buys any item, the Houri must pay 10 to 100 percent more than the listed price. The GM will decide the price paid by the Houri, which may vary from item to item, depending on the quality of merchandise in a particular locale.
Wealth Options: The Houri receives only (1d4+1) x 5 GP for starting money.
Races: A Houri can only be human, elven, or half-elven.
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Ch29-Houri.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.