The Complete Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge
For Fantasy Role-Playing Games

Cupid's Chaotic Arrows

These arrows are the work of 'Irnar the chaotic mage (protege Morgan Blackheart of the Chaotic Realm). Sometimes while trying to enchant an arrow his mind wanders to perverse or romantic thoughts and the actual enchantment isn't quite what he wants. He sells such "rejects" to the local weapons store at discount prices (which are still quite high due to the power of most of them). The weapons dealers then sell the arrows to foolish adventurers. They advertise the arrows as "Gifts from the Love Gods", "Missile Weapons for the Mature", and "If You Like Chaos...". Then, the dealers inflate the price and make a bundle. The arrows are available infrequently and at high cost. (One of the most popular dealers is Secondhand Stan the Pawn and Porno Man). These arrows are never predictable in their effects. Roll percentile dice and divide by three (round fractions consistently).

Arrows may be used only once, at which time they disintegrate into a worthless pile of dust unless stated otherwise. A successful hit from an attack roll must be made to initiate an effect unless stated otherwise. They do not do damage unless stated otherwise. Mainly chaotic characters use the arrows. Also, characters with a low wisdom tend to use them a lot more that others.


  1. The arrow is reflected back at the archer. Roll again to see the effects on the archer ignoring this result.
  2. The victim's Charisma is increased by 1d6 to a max. of 18 for 1d4 days.
  3. The victim's Comeliness is increased by 1d10 to a max. of 30 for 1d4 days.
  4. The victim's Dexterity with respect to sexual ability increases 1d6 to a max. of 18 for 1d4 day.
  5. The victim's Constitution with respect to sexual ability increases 1d6 to a max. of 18 for 1d4 day.
  6. All clothing, armor, and personal belongings carried on the victim fall to ground leaving the victim naked.
  7. The victim will fall in love with the first living creature of the opposite sex to meet his/her gaze and feel compelled to follow the creature for 1d4 days in hope to win her/his love.
  8. The victim will fall in love with the first living creature of the opposite sex of the same race to meet his/her gaze and feel compelled to follow the creature for 1d4 days in hope to win her/his love.
  9. The victim goes into a melancholy depression for 1d4 days during which he/she feels compelled to recite and attempt to write love poetry.
  10. The victim becomes infatuated with himself/herself for 1d4. He/She spends a lot of his/her money on mirrors, fine clothing, perfumes, cosmetics, etc..
  11. The victim feels the urge to kiss a living creature of the opposite sex and same race, and will make every attempt to do so.
  12. The victim feels the "urge to merge" a living creature of the opposite sex and same race, and will make every attempt to do so.
  13. "Love is blind" so victim becomes blind for 1d4 days.
  14. The victim becomes "drunk on love". Therefore, he/she is affected as if intoxicated for 1d4 days.
  15. The victim becomes "crazed with love" for 1d4 hours. Thus, he/she is confused. Roll 1d10 for the results:
    1 Wander away (unless prevented)
    2-6 Stand confused one turn (then roll again)
    7-9 Attack nearest creature for 1 turn (then roll again)
    10 Act normally for 1 turn (then roll again)
  16. The victim becomes "love struck" for 1d4 days. Thus, he/she goes into a state of suspended animation. This cessation of time means that the victim does not grow older. His/her body functions virtually cease.
  17. "Nothin' says lovin' like a bun in the oven", so female victims become impregnated. Roll 1d10 to find out what the child is:
    1-5 same race as parent
    6-9 other common race (elf, human, dwarf, halfling, etc.)
    10 Demon

    Male victims suffer 4d6 points of damage as punishment for going around and getting innocent females pregnant.
  18. "Say love with the gift that lasts: a diamond". The tip of the arrow turns into a diamond during its flight. The recipient's Armor Class becomes 10 due to the piercing of the diamond (dexterity bonuses still apply). The diamond-tipped arrow inflicts 1d10 points of damage. The diamond is worth roughly 1d4 X 1000 silver pieces.
  19. "Love is in the eyes of the beholder". During the flight of the arrow, it becomes a 70 hp beholder (Monstrous Compendium Vol. 1) and attacks the intended recipient of the arrow. Upon the victim's destruction, the beholder will attack randomly.
  20. The victim begins dancing for 1d4+1 rounds, complete with feet shuffling and tapping. This dance makes it impossible for the victim to do anything other than caper and prance; this cavorting worsens the Armor Class of the victim by -4, makes saves impossible except on a roll of 20, and negates any consideration of a shield.
  21. The victim has the urge to become a prostitute and will attempt to fulfill this urge for 1d4 days.
  22. The victim contracts a random normal sexual disease.
  23. The victim contracts a random magical sexual disease.
  24. The victim contracts a random sexual insanity.
  25. The victim attracts frogs for 1d4 days. The frogs are plain, ordinary frogs whether you kiss them or not.
  26. If the victim is male, he develops large breasts for 1d4 days. If the victim is female, she develops an enormous amount of body hair and will prefer to urinate standing up.
  27. The arrow is a Heartbreaker. The arrow turns into a lightning bolt that inflicts 10d6 points of damage upon contact. A successful save vs. spell reduces the damage to half (round fractions down).
  28. The arrow is a Screamer. The whistling sound is like the sound of a bomb falling, but without any effect whatsoever. Normal damage.
  29. The arrow becomes semi-intelligent with a great knowledge of poetry equal to a bard's. It will constantly follow the victim around receipting all forms of love poetry.
  30. The arrow turns into a rose upon contact.
  31. -33) REROLL

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Ch27-Cupids-Chaotic-Arrows.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.