The Complete Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge
For Fantasy Role-Playing Games

Sexual Psionic Powers

Telepathic Devotions

Induced Pleasure

Power Score: Con - 2
Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 2/round
Range: touch
Prep Time: 1
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: mindlink, contact

This is the opposite power of Inflict Pain. While no good comes from it (no healing or curative effects), it makes the subject individual shudder and twist in ecstasy. If used in combat, the victim must save vs. paralyzation in order to keep functioning and fighting. Failure to save indicates a penalty of -4 on all attack rolls that round, and any spells being cast are disrupted.

The insidious effects of this power occur when it is used in conjunction with Inflict Pain. By using the two powers interchangeably, dependent upon the victim's actions, the victim can be conditioned to perform certain acts instead of other acts they would normally perform.

For each week of being subjected to this treatment, they must make a wisdom check, with a penalty equal to the number of weeks of "treatment" (i.e., 3 weeks of treatment = penalty of -3) or have their actions in particular scenarios predetermined by their conditioning. Only one area of behavior may be affected per victim. Depending upon the behavior modification, there is a chance (GM's discretion) for an alignment change by the victim.

Power Score: The pleasure is so overwhelming that the victim passes out for 1d10 rounds.

20: The contact is broken.

Clairsentient Devotions

Know Sexual Preference

Power Score: Int
Initial Cost: 8
Maintenance Cost: n/a
Range: 20 yards
Prep Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: none

This power enables the psionicist to read the sexual preference in the aura of a creature. Aura Sight reads sexual preference and experience. Aura Alteration can fool both reads.

Power Score: Psionicist know sexual preference and experience.

20: Wrong read, the opposite.

Psychometabolic Devotions

Sexual Pheromones Secretion

Power Score: Con - 4
Initial Cost: 9
Maintenance Cost: 6/round
Range: smell
Prep Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: none

With this devotion the psionicist can make his body smell like exciting perfume. When a psionicist starts this power he secretes sexual pheromones all over his body. The attractive and exciting perfume of these pheromones can attract attention, change reactions or help to seduce someone.

Power Score: The perfume is so exciting that every opposite sex creature in the area must save vs. petrifaction or desperately try to engage in sexual intercourse with the psionicist (evil creatures may use violent methods).

20: The psionicist steams a disgusting odor for 2d4 rounds.

Mind Over Sexual Endurance

Power Score: Wis - 3
Initial Cost: 6
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: 0
Prep Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: Mind Over Body

With this devotion the psionicist can prolong his pleasure. Spending PSP, the psionicist can maintain intercourse without Constitution checks. The prolonged uses of this power has some dangers. If the psionicist prolongs the intercourse (in rounds) more than two times his Constitution score, then when he stops paying the maintenance cost he will collapses from exhaustion. If he goes for more than four times his Constitution score he must save vs. Death (with a penalty equal to the number of extra rounds) or die (but a good way to die).

Power Score: Half cost.

20: The psionicist loses interest prematurely.


Power Score: Con - 3
Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: n/a
Range: touch
Prep Time: 0
Area of Effect: 0
Prerequisite: none

With this devotion a psionicist can prevent pregnancy in any female (including herself). This power should be used after sexual activity. In some cases this may not be lawful, and in some it may not be considered good. This devotion offers only 95% certainty according to the following table:

Roll Result
0 - 95 no fertilization
96 one zygote
97 two zygotes
98 very ugly mutant child
99 incredible ugly mutant child
00 a beautiful, powerful mutant (get out Gamma World rules)

Power Score: 100% certainty.

20: Use 94 + 1d6 as % roll.

Enhance Fertility

Power Score: Con - 3
Initial Cost: 10/10% increase
Maintenance Cost: 1/10% increase
Range: touch
Prep Time: 0
Area of Effect: 0
Prerequisite: none

With this devotion a psionicist can enhance the chance of pregnancy in any female (include herself). This power should be used before the sexual activity. The maximum chance is 90%. The psionicist must maintenance this power during all the intercourse time.

Power Score: 10% bonus in fertility (up to 100%).

20: Fertility reduced 50% for a week.

Export Disease

Power Score: Con - 3
Initial Cost: 12
Maintenance Cost: n/a
Range: touch
Prep Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: none

This power is the reverse of Absorb Disease and lets evil psionicists to transfer one of his diseases to another character's body. After that, the psionicist is free of the disease. (Other psionicist can use this power, too, but their alignment would begin to twist toward evil.) This power can transfer magical diseases, but not curses, such as lycanthropy.

Power Score: The psionicist transfer all his diseases and the target will have the psionicist's curses and insanities, too, but the psionicist is not free of them.

20: The psionicist transfer 20% of his own hit points.

Willy's Expansion

Power Score: Con - 2
Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: 1/round
Range: 0
Prep Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: Expansion

This specialized form of Expansion was created by Willy Kawallo to increase the size of his preferred body part. The rules for size increase are the same as in Expansion. Using this power the psionicist must make a constitution check before starting sexual intercourse and will have a -1 penalty in each subsequent check because it is more difficult to use a big one. Females can increase any of their sexual proportions with the normal Expansion power.

Power Score: Same as Expansion power.

20: The psionicist sexual organ shrinks 50% until arrested by this power.

Metapsionic Devotions

Conductive Kiss

Power Score: Con - 2
Initial Cost: 20 or 10 x magnification
Maintenance Cost: 2 or magnification/round
Range: touch
Prep Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: 5th level

With this devotion the psionicist can magnify the effects of another power that has touch as range (double damage, no save, etc.). The psionicist uses the kiss as a conductor and the victim will be more vulnerable. The GM must rule which and how aspects of the psionic power can be magnified or changed.

Power Score: Half cost.

20: A kiss with a terrible taste.

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Ch25-Sexual-Psionic.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.