By: Luwain "Don't Fuck With Me" The Nightingale
To be sang by the tune of "Everything I do - I do it for you"
The love within your eyes
makes me sure,
I want to give you more...
You ought to know,
I love you so
I will never let you go
Oh, tell me you want my body too
My passion is hardening to you
My body plea
Undress me and you'll see...
Make love to me.
Level: 2
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 2 hours (!!!)
Description: The spell-song insures the
creature touched (usually the bard caster) can engage in continuous intercourse for 2 hours!
Naturally, the partner can't take a whole 2 hours, so here's how it works.
Take the character's Constitution and add the applying bonuses from the wild-thing rules: Strength, Dexterity, partner's Charisma. The lowest bonus may be replaced by the bard's level if desired. The total is how long the first intercourse will take. During each and every intercourse, Four checks are to be done (with 1d20), and when one fails the bard loses 1d6 hit points (instead of stopping). There's a cumulative -1 to the check with every check done.
Example: Starting at 27, Luwain can make love for 27 minutes to start, then start again with a score of 27-4=23, and make love for 23 more minutes with checking only the last check of 23-3=20 (a 20 on the check loses 1d6 hp). Now, Luwain can continue with a score of 19 for 19 minutes, checking against 19, 18, 17 and 16, and so on.
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Ch24-Bards-Spell-Song.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.